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Everything posted by Benin

  1. They make full use of their charitable status... I'd like to see a breakdown of what they spend money on and how much on each aspect... This is still not to say that in order to keep things at a high quality, you need to spend lots... You need a team fully behind providing the highest quality product as possible...
  2. Do you have a sense of irony Jamie? You're certainly one to talk about people being defensive of specific parks, you have a sixth sense when people moan about Blackpool...
  3. What's REALLY unacceptable is that the correct spelling is idle for this context...
  4. I can honestly say I've never dived to the depths of stealing children just to get a cred... Yet......
  5. It's a poor show, after apparently planning this thing for 3 years if I recall? Perhaps Merlin need to revisit their cycles of investment at the rate of delays/close calls to their additions... A case of too many eggs in one basket perhaps? This has got a lot of new tech inside it, so perhaps they sold themselves short on the 'perfection' stage... Though of course this idea of "we are perfecting the ride" is marketing speak for "things went wrong and it'll be late"... Shame I've missed the OUTRAGE due to work really...
  6. I like how suddenly there's new rumours of it being delayed, and now loads of people are coming out saying "I've heard things suggesting this"... I do look forward to the mass OUTRAGE if it is delayed...
  7. Because there's a new cred and slides...
  8. Neither of those options should occur, it needs redoing, but going back to Prof Burp would never recapture the same imagination and humour of the original... And I doubt Merlin's fresh take for a modern audience would improve it... So complete retheme to something new and original or just bin it... Those are the right options...
  9. Benin


    Wembley was great yesterday, the final will hopefully be even better...
  10. Good, the graffiti really ruined the entire subtlety of the play on words...
  11. Benin

    Wicker Man

    Haha, that wooden coaster plan was the cross valley and was rumoured years ago... As for the lines, I doubt it's duelling, suggestion of the side lines being the reach point of riders and such... Since there's only a singular line in the station and other indoor section... For now, little to go on... So I'll just watch the insanity for now...
  12. Wouldn't say it's anything to do with taste for thrills, just technology has allowed companies to do such bigger things than the days of Vekoma Corkscrews and Arrow Suspendeds, which were also the pinnacle of design at their time...
  13. Gonna go on wild assumption here, but there was probably some form of system in place, but there wasn't enough training done on what to do in such a situation... Or perhaps the instructions weren't clear enough... Either way, those images show how lucky only lost two limbs...
  14. Let's be honest, most people on here will go mental, not just Jamie...
  15. The sense of theatre that Vampire has/had was always the best part... The second half especially with diving towards and over the main pathway is such a simple piece of ride theatre but is one of the most iconic Chessington images... Certainly in the grand scheme of things, it's been evolved past, but comparing to other Arrow suspendeds, it's probably the best that still exists after the closure of Big Bad Wolf (which was Vamps on a larger scale essentially, but that finale was insane), and Eagle Fortress... Vampire was also my first coaster, so it does hold some nostalgia there as well... Yeah it's been butchered a bit, and unlikely to go back to the original days, but it still has the same sense of theatre and adventure for the target audience... Kids love the thing, and that's the important part...
  16. Asterix is also an utterly fab park to boot... You can balance out trips abroad and real life when you have money... It's easy... Even in US you can do a few trips for a surprisingly low cost (£1000) for most things (not Orlando though, that's ridiculously priced)...
  17. It kills our system at work whenever we do bulk emails, even when it's only to 1'000 odd people... But I look forward to the impatient ones...
  18. Personally I hope Thorpe gives everyone on here a 12p ticket apart from anyone constantly asking about others receiving emails...
  19. Don't really remember you being so sympathetic to Towers when Smiler got delayed Marc... I'm gonna guess that this will have a fair amount of teething problems, purely down to the amount of new technology involved...
  20. Cos it's a Ghost Train and demons are spoopy is my guess... Like the dolls, any direct link would appear rather tenuous beyond it being creepy and what not... Looks like a walkthrough portion there, presumbly part of the VR element... Maybe into a mirror naze...
  21. The beach should go, but be turned into a massive open plaza affair... Maybe a permanent stage, some planters/rockwork, a shop or restaurants or similar... It would certainly improve initial impressions more than an usually closed beach, and not having it filled with a ride would actually allow some breathing space...
  22. Shame we can't trust people to ruin things thematically...
  23. Why does something have to be better or worse than another? Just judge it based on it's own aspects first, rather than with any expectations of comparison... That's for the post ride...
  24. Until the actor budget disappears eh?
  25. Coaster-Count knocked my count down by one cos of #DuaneGate deciding completely replaced creds don't count as separate ones... I blame Hulk for this...
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