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  1. Like
    Benin got a reaction from JamesB in Dragon Falls   
    You're a bit loopy aren't you?
  2. Like
    Benin got a reaction from deleted in Dragon Falls   
    You're a bit loopy aren't you?
  3. Like
    Benin reacted to Fred in Random   
    Who gave Garry Williams reputation? Honestly?!
  4. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Luke_A in Dragon Falls   
    You're a bit loopy aren't you?
  5. Like
    Benin reacted to Fred in The Future Of Vampire   
    I remember being told in 07 that it'd be gone by 09. What happened to that?!Oh yeah, sorry.. person who spoke to me spoke bollocks
  6. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Fred in Dragon Falls   
    You're a bit loopy aren't you?
  7. Like
    Benin reacted to Kevin in Chessington General Discussion   
    Hey everyone, go to Chessington! WHERE YOU CAN USE YOUR MERLIN ANNUAL PASS TO PARK!
  8. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Suggestions   
    Might be the 13 year old kids drinking fosters, 9 o clock in the morning on the Alton Towers bus that done it for me...
  9. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Best Water Ride - Thorpe Park   
    you know, I don't actually think that will be necessary
  10. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Rich in TPM awardssss   
    PAULTONS WORST UK THEME PARK?!!!Seriously guys, I thought better of you all... I'm actually upset... Paultons is amazing and tons better than some of the other offerings... But yay Best Newbie... Woot...
  11. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Dan9 in TPM awardssss   
    PAULTONS WORST UK THEME PARK?!!!Seriously guys, I thought better of you all... I'm actually upset... Paultons is amazing and tons better than some of the other offerings... But yay Best Newbie... Woot...
  12. Like
    Benin reacted to Fred in Vampire   
    Mmmm the magical word of maybe.However, maybe in a chessie case.. has always meant.. no
  13. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Andrew H in Random   
  14. Like
    Benin reacted to Fred in Chessington General Discussion   
    Like the maintenance team then
  15. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Jobs..   
    Anyway... I'm starting to feel a bit weird at my job. I've got to the point where I have become one of the most respected and liked partners (as well as one of the hardest workers) and I sort of feel that if I don't get any further very soon, my interest may start to wane. I've been recommended by a few colleagues for the management scheme so I'm hoping that may go somewhere.
  16. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Random   
  17. Like
    Benin reacted to Fred in Random   
    Casually browsing and this just appeared and got me into hysterics. Epic.
  18. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Rant   
    I second this notion. As was said in a great film once..God creates Dinosaurs, God destroys Dinosaurs, God creates Men, Men creates Dinosaurs.Dinosaurs eat men... women inherit the earth.I for one, bow down to our new Women overlords.
  19. Like
    Benin got a reaction from JamesB in I Remember When...   
    I remember when life was simple and life was fun with now worries...How times change...
  20. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in The Parks Are Closed....   
  21. Like
    Benin got a reaction from electricBlll in Rant   
    ^For me, working at Chessie for 3 years helped improve a lot of stuff about my life, and also improved my money situation...Some people do really want to work at theme parks and their industry, mainly because of an interest in it... Working at Chessie has certainly... opened my eyes towards the industry in general and how it's run... There's certainly something to be learned there...And of course applying for jobs atm is a bloody nightmare... I doubt I could get a part-time job right now if I ran around Stafford with CVs... Why not plump for somewhere that will take people on willingly without that much... Not sure on the word really, but hey, long story short Josh, lay off him and let him apply if he bloody well wants to...
  22. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Mer in Social Networking   
    Only if you use it in a certain fashion... It's extremely easy to help organise things between many people quickly who may not be as easy to get into touch with for various reasons...The people who spend their lives playing Farmville however... Urgh...
  23. Like
    Benin got a reaction from mbizzle in Which Ride Do You Most Want To Go On?   
    There's only one place really I want to go these days without any shadow of a doubt...Tokyo DisneySEA...That IS beautiful...
  24. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Slammer   
    Now now, not everyone is so innocent. I accidently broke the petrol pump at Stealth once and many a fanboy has run round Thorpe stealing illaminated signs. He broke it out of nerves, not out of spite..
  25. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Sharkbait Reef - AT Sealife   
    It must have been god awful for Dreamworks to be embarressed. The film content of Shrek 2 and 3 was the film equivalent of going on a luxury cruise and finding out the ship is called the Titanic..
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