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  1. Like
    terrortomb got a reaction from Matt 236 in TPM Guildford Meet 21st January 2017   
    I'm looking forward to this! Count me in for airhop, ice skating, bowling and meal 
    What's more, I haven't been ice skating since last year's TPM meet.  I remember it was insanely busy but then again it was Sat 2nd Jan, so this one may be a little quieter.
    Whether Dancing on Ice or You've Been Framed on Ice, I'm sure it will be highly acceptable ?
  2. Like
    terrortomb reacted to JoshC. in The Gruffalo River Ride Adventure   
    The Gruffalo begrudgingly heads over to Chessington, to see what his fate is...

  3. Like
    terrortomb reacted to Ryan in TPM Guildford Meet 21st January 2017   
    Voting has now closed and the date has been confirmed as Saturday 21st January, the restaurant of choice is TGI Friday's!
    Please let me know asap if you're able to attend the meet, and what parts you will be attending. A further post with more specific details will be up later.
    Happy new year all!  
  4. Like
    terrortomb reacted to pluk in TPM Awards 2016 - The Results   
    Paultons had my vote and I don't care who knows it.
  5. Like
    terrortomb reacted to Matt 236 in Looking For: Meet Organiser x 2   
    Thanks to all those who voted for me as one of two potential meet organisers and Thorpe Park Mania for accepting my candidacy.
      With regret I have been unsuccessful in this process and won't be one of those to host and organise the meets of the future in this wonderful forum.   I would like to congratulate Paige and Ryan on winning their roles as meet organisers. Together I'm sure they will do a fantastic job with the skills and dedication they have proved amongst organising many fantastic meets in the near future.   Further thanks goes to Peaj, who's dedication to running the meets in the last four years has been phenomenal. Organising meets in a small team may be tricky enough, but doing them solo must've been very hard work. Peaj has done a fantastic job and provided many fantastic trips and memories which without, many regulars may not be on TPM today. Myself included.   I may have lost the election, but I won't be disappearing anytime soon. As I'll remain attending regular meets with my usual antics. Whether that be my random shenanigans, one liners or vlogging (towards the meet videos).    I will support Paige and Ryan all the way in their new roles and be happy to help them should they require.    Don't mourn my failure, embrace Paige and Ryan's success, they deserve it.
  6. Like
    terrortomb reacted to JoshC. in TPM Awards 2016 - The Results   
    People of TPM, the time has come!  The votes have been counted and verified, after some delay.  And so the time has come to reveal the winners...
    Best UK Park
    1)  Alton Towers (22)
    2)  Thorpe Park (14)
    3)  Paulton's Park (5)
    Best UK Coaster
    1)  Nemesis (8)
    2)  The Smiler (7)
    3)  The Swarm (6)
    Best UK Flat
    1)  Slammer (16)
    2)  Rush (12)
    3)  Samurai (8)
    Best UK Water
    1)  Valhalla (20)
    2)  Tidal Wave (13)
    3)  Congo River Rapids (4)
    Best UK Dark
    1)  Derren Brown's Ghost Train (13)
    2)  Valhalla (8)
    3)  Duel (7)
    Best Themed UK Experience
    1)  Derren Brown's Ghost Train (14)
    2)  London Dungeons (4)
    3=)  Valhalla (3)
    3=)  Lost Kingdom (3)
    Worst UK Ride
    1)  Storm Surge (16)
    2)  Derren Brown's Ghost Train (11)
    3)  Colossus (3)
    Best International Park
    1)  Europa Park (16)
    2)  Phantasialand (8)
    3)  Islands of Adventure (5)
    Best International Coaster
    1)  Helix, Liseberg (8)
    2)  Shambhala, Port Aventura (6)
    3)  Taron, Phantasialand (5)
    Best New-For-2016 Attraction
    1)  Taron / Klugheim (16)
    2)  DBGT (6)
    3)  Lost Kingdom (5)
    Best International Themed Experience
    1)  Tower of Terror (7)
    2)  Klugheim (3)
    3)  Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey (2)
    Most Uncomfortable Ride
    1)  Colossus (8)
    2)  Furius Baco (6)
    3)  Saw - The Ride (3)
    Most Disappointing Merlin Moment 2016
    1)  Derren Brown's Ghost Train - various reasons, from late opening, 12p ticket issues, general ride experience / availability... (26)
    2)  Loggers Leap closure (5)
    3)  Multiple ride closures (4)
    Best-Looking New-for-2017 Attraction
    1)  Symbolica (7)
    2=)  Ferrari Land, PA (4)
    2=)  Gruffalo attraction at Chessington (4)
    2=)  Volcano Bay (4)
    2=)  Mystic Timbers (4)
    2=)  "There's actually new stuff for 2017?" (4)
    Best Manufacturer
    1)  B&M (22)
    2)  Mack (21)
    3)  Intamin (6)
    Best Member
    1)  @BaronC. 
    2)  @Matt Creek
    3=)  @Phill Pritchard
    3=)  @Wumbamillio
    Best Team Member
    1)  @Marc
    2)  @Peaj
    3=) @Mark9
    3=)  @pluk
    Best New Member
    1)  @Josh3103
    2)  @Stuntman707
    3)  @Roodie
    Best Quality Posts
    1)  @BaronC.
    2)  @Wumbamillio
    3)  @Ian-S
    Best TPM Meet
    1)  Blackpool
    2)  Europa Park
    3)  Fright Nights

    Most Knowledgeable Member
    1)  @Wumbamillio
    2=)  @Marc
    2=)  @BaronC.
    3)  @Benin
    Most Dedicated
    1)  @Marc
    2=)  @Matt Creek
    2=)  @BaronC.
    3)  @Benin
    Most Sarcastic (aka 'Benin's Sarcasm Award')
    1)  @Benin
    2)  @Matt Creek
    3)  @wegloo
    Most Likely to be Banned in 2017
    1)  @Cornflakes
    2)  @Coaster Jamie
    3)  @ChessingtonSam
    Funniest Member
    1)  @pluk
    2)  @wegloo
    3)  @Matt Creek
    Biggest Fanboy/girl
    1)  @BaronC.
    2)  @Matt Creek
    3=)  @ChessingtonSam
    3=)  @Coaster Jamie
    Sexiest Male
    1)  @Matt Creek
    2)  @alexander
    3)  @Peaj
    Sexiest Female
    1)  @Amarghh
    2=)  @terrortomb
    2=)  @Matt Creek
    3)  @Mer
    Storm Surge Award
    1)  @Coaster Jamie
    2)  @ChessingtonSam
    3)  @Matt Creek
    Cutest Couple
    1)  @Ryan and @Amarghh
    2)  @Mitchada04 and @J.S217
    3)  @Marc and @Mr. Fish
    Member You'd Like to See More Of
    1)  @Jart
    2)  @Han30
    3=)  @Coaster Jamie
    3=)  @Phill Pritchard
    3=)  @David B
  7. Like
    terrortomb reacted to Mer in Jingle Bell Fall TPM Meet   
    Anyone travelling with Southern:
    Basically the whole of December is screwed. It mentions the 17th but there's no more info for that date yet. 
    It's not to say you won't be able to get into London, or that you shouldn't attempt to travel, but I'd suggest having the National Rail app and having alerts service up for the morning and the evening  
  8. Like
    terrortomb reacted to AJ in Looking For: Meet Organiser x 2   
    Good Day Everyone,
    I have 6 applications for everyone who is interested in continuing coming to meets/ wants to attend their first meet (In order to vote though you must of been a member on here for 6 months)
    There are two positions going and the members of this forum will be choosing the first one. The second position will then be filled by the choice of our current team who help run the site.
    After reading the below applications, to cast your vote please either PM me on this site or contact me another way no later than Midnight just before the Xmas meet takes place on Saturday 17th December.
    For the votes to be valid you will need to rank the applicants in order for who you think will be best for the job as at he end of the day you are the ones who will be attending the meets.
    Your first choice will then receive 5 points, 2nd choice 4 points etc down to your last choice that will receive 0 points. The applicant with the most points by the cut off date will then become one of the meet organisers.
    The applications are in no particular order and are anonymous as you are voting for what they can offer - However within the line up you will find Amaaargh, KingNemesis, Matt Creek, Myk, Paige & Ryan who are our secret six ;-)
    The applications are as follows
    Application 1
    So, I have put my name forward for meet organiser. Am I serious? Yes. Am I crazy? Definitely. Why on Earth would I even be a reasonable candidate for such a role that Peaj has managed and set the bar for the past five years? That's an excellent question, that I'm not even sure I could answer myself, but I'll give it a go...
    First off, I can be organised, and I can organise other people (just don't ask me how exactly). I would always do my best to ensure that everyone who wanted to go to a meet would be able to get there, whether that would involve personally adding up the costs, providing help with arranging and finding a means of getting there, or simply reassuring that we aren't all absolute maniacs, I would want everyone to feel as though they are more than welcome (because they are, duh) and able to get to a meet where possible! If it was for a weekend meet for instance, I would get things arranged as far in advance as it's reasonable, and should you need a lift or even an idea of how to commute there- I would help with that. Secondly, I love the idea of setting up some social media accounts for tpm meets- although it would have a relatively small following, I think things such as Facebook/Twitter pages would be a great way to keep everyone in the loop, as it can be easy to lose track of what's going on sometimes, I have also noticed a few people have suggested there being a Snapchat account that could be updated throughout the meet itself, an idea which I would love to bring about!
    I am not the best with words at times, but I am alright with organising *wink*
    Applicant 2 
    "Change. Some are intimidated by it, some embrace it, but change is coming and shouldn't be feared. Peaj has done a tremendous job as organiser, and someone replicating him instead of bringing something new to the table would just end up dead in the water as there's only one Peaj.
    So what would I bring to the party? Clear concise planning. Along with a can-do team ethic with whoever else is voted in to run the meets with myself. The idea is to have fun and enjoy the parks, whether it be an annual meet at Alton Towers or a small meet for the die hard TPM'ers in Margate you'll feel like it was a trip worth making. We shall be on the hunt for perks again and voting whether in this cut throat world of other sites vying for them if members would sometimes be willing to pay a small charge for them. Big lunches for those that don't want to go off and do their own thing and after meet drinks and meals are definitely not going anywhere if I am voted in so they'll be safe I promise you, so you'll still be leaving with that prize my friends.
    4 words TPM have been waiting for... West Midland Safari Park. Is a must for next year with their ghost train entitled (and in some cases asking for a lawsuit) "Mumbo Jumbo". Or was that the name of the shop next door to it? All these questions and mysteries are awaiting to be discovered if I am voted in. So take your time, shoot the breeze with your fellow TPM'ers and think about who you want to vote in, because a vote for me isn't just a vote for fun, it's a vote for enjoyment and happy memories to come. Peaj has done a great job, but now he's hanging up his cape and Bat mask and someone else needs to helps fight the battles of boredom in TPM in their own way. 
    Thank you."
    Applicant 3
    I feel like I could really enhance the social element of TPM if I had the chance to be a meet organiser. Community is very important within this circle and inviting new people in is something I aim to do, be the welcoming smile for the team. I know from personal expirience that meeting up with people you may not know can be a daunting expirience, but once you’re settled in it is one of the best things you can do. I aim to encourage people to attend meet-ups and even bring friends so that the community as a whole can expand whilst everyone is still being involved. 
    I’d set up group chats well in advance and make sure dates were set at an appropriate time to suit everyone alongside talking to members separately if they have any worries or queries. I’d also make a super cool fun itinerary with my great literacy skills so that the day can be set out in an organised way. Making sure tables are booked at restaurants, transport and hotels are sorted and any other jobs are what I’m great at, as I love to over organise even the smallest of tasks!! (In a non-bad way, just keen)
    I’d love to be involved with the TPM team and I’m sure I can bring more than I can type to the metaphorical table. All jokes aside, I’d definitely take any feedback and make sure it was used to make the meets even better for everyone, and I’d be honoured to grow this community. 
    #MTPMMG (Make Thorpe Park Mania Meets Great. China.)
    Application 4
    I believe I should be one of the next meet organisers as I am highly motivated and passionate about providing an enjoyable day out for all members new and old. I have been to a large number of meets for many years and have seen what works and what doesn’t in arranging these trips. As well as attending many meets previously, I have experience in organising trips as this was part of a course I took at college. 
    My plans for the meets would be to provide a well structured and entertaining day for members, catering for regulars as well as any new people wishing to attend their first. With myself as one of the meet organisers, there will be regular updates well in advance of the meet date meaning that everyone knows all the details of the day ahead. I will be in contact with members on a regular basis, using my experience of attending meets to answer any questions anyone may have. I would like to bring back the post meet trip reports as well as hopefully starting up a “social” section on the forum for members to submit vlogs, blogs and photos from each meet.
     ’d like to ensure that any post meet activities (evening meal) are planned in advance with tables at restaurants booked and a vote to see where everyone would like to go. This would prevent any potential hiccups of not being able to accommodate everyone on the day. I feel like on the day I will be able to work well with the team to ensure the smooth running of the trip and to make everyone feel welcomed and involved.
    I have been attending meets for many years now and they have given me some of the best days out with some fantastic people. I would absolutely love to be able to give back to this community and provide others with their first meet experience.
    Application 5
    Dear Thorpe Park Mania,
    As one of the next meet organisers, I intend to not only continue the succession of trips of recent years, in addition also improve and compliment these further. 
    One of the core fundamentals at organising is not only planning and organising trips, but the people that attend them. Undergoing this role, I don't see myself as doing this for a Thorpe Park Mania, but the people of Thorpe Park Mania and will ensure members get to express plenty of suggestions and criticism to ensure meets can be to the highest level. 
    I consider myself applicable to this role due to my experiences of working with different people
    of different ages and background through my jobs, community projects and work experiences. These may sometimes involve difficult situations of having to prioritise important issues to additional ones. These include last minute changes to schedule and items not being of acceptable quality whilst sticking to schedules.
    My enthusiasm and park knowledge are another asset I could bring to my role, through my liking of theme parks and having been a regular member here for a number of years. I have been a regular visitor to Thorpe Park for many years and haven't missed a year since 2006 and consider myself knowledgable of the park's past and present. 
    I am also used to travelling to international parks, having visited the likes of Efteling, Liseberg and Phantasialand all on a shoestring budget.
    Thank you for reading and hope you consider my application.
    Application 6
    Why hello there! My name’s [REDACTED] and here is why I should become one of the new meet organisers for TPM. First of all I have a lot of experience organising meets within the theme park community, I have a very positive attitude to events organising and always strive to provide the best experience for everyone involved, from running a meet so it runs seamlessly to adding something unusual into the mix that you may not expect from a theme park meet.
    I must be honest with you though, I live up in the midlands so getting down to every meet down south is going to be pretty difficult although I will try my very best to attend as many as possible, however if chosen to be one of the Meet organisers you can expect some more regular midlands / northern meet ups that have a lot of variety (Including out of park activities!).
    Back to Peaj
    Thank you everyone, for taking your time reading this. Meets have been a great success over the last few years and I hope these stars in the making will ensure the enjoyment will continue for years to come
    I look forward to receiving your Votes - remember to Rank them from your first choice to last. See you at the Xmas meet!
  9. Like
    terrortomb reacted to David B in Looking For: Meet Organiser x 2   
    Hi Guys, I shall be voting in due course. I would like to wish everybody good luck in this.
  10. Like
    terrortomb reacted to SmilerGeorge in Jingle Bell Fall TPM Meet   
    I'll be there  
  11. Like
    terrortomb reacted to paige in Jingle Bell Fall TPM Meet   
  12. Like
    terrortomb reacted to Han30 in Jingle Bell Fall TPM Meet   
    Shove me down as a yes - but I ain't going on The London Eye 
  13. Like
    terrortomb got a reaction from pluk in Thorpe Park Trip Reports   
    I don't normally post trip reports, in fact I feel this may even be the first. However, I feel my experience yesterday at Fright Nights was one to talk about.
    I have not had the best experience at Fright Nights due to extreme business in the park and long queues. However, last night I gave Thorpe another chance to provide an exciting, memorable experience that one might expect from walking into a major theme park. Long queues are expected, but so are at least 2 mazes and a couple of rides? I mean it cost £10 to just pre-book entry for the day.
    So we arrived just before 5pm with 5 hours to see where the adventure could take us. X (one of my favourite rides at TP) had a 50 minute queue so we skipped that. Beginning with Big Top, the queue stated 120 which is acceptable considering it opened at 3pm and most of the park was busy anyway. The queue line was tolerable with sufficient plastic bag bins along the fences, though I nearly tripped on some uneven ground that looked like there was an earthquake. The music was a little repetitive, but circusy enough that it made me want to get out my juggling balls. Thankfully, the queue moved gradually so the time passed as expected. The maze itself was about 7 minutes long with a good variety of different rooms, and the music was enjoyable enough to have a bit of a dance to but I wouldn't say the experience was particularly scary. As we swiftly made our way to the exit, it dawned that the queues would be getting larger and perhaps it's best to do the other maze, Platform 15.
    Platform 15's queue uses the old Logger's Leap queue, not the best queue line in the world as I always found it felt a bit isolated, but fair enough. The cattlepen split sharply into row after row after row in the cold darkness. It was a heaving queue tucked away in a little land of its own, surrounded by tall fences that hid the defunct body of Logger's Leap behind. The queue moved gradually, another 120 minutes queue was fine though as we would still have time to fit X and another rollercoaster in, it was only 6:20pm. However, this was no ordinary 120 minute queue. Not only was the queue long, bland, tedious and slow, it was getting slower. We were still in the cattlepen section after one hour and a half and people were beginning to moan. It was getting colder but there was nowhere to sit and no food to eat. I saw the end of the huge cattlepen... a bridge... of hope!! As we drew nearer, so did the 120 minute mark. In fact it may have even passed. Other rides raced and twinkled in the darkness but the dark queue of bodies around only rocked a few inches every 10 minutes. Finally we reached the top of the bridge, only to be gobsmacked to see yet even more queue. My feet ached and people moaned some more, which had now become a source of entertainment. After another 20 minutes we had passed only a few more feet, and I realised the ground below us was the only thing keeping me standing. I said I'd give this queue 0.5 out of 10 due to the ground below my feet. Another 20 minutes passed, we were still standing on the same bit of ground... the queue had stopped entirely!! After a long wait people were now sitting on the ground moaning and nobody knew what was going on. The timer for how long we'd been queuing read 2 and a half hours and the entrance was only just in sight in the distance. So we stood some more. The timer soon read 3 hours, the entrance was still only just ahead but my frozen feet could not longer feel the 0.5 out of 10 ground anymore, I guess that would make it a rating of 0.0?? I mean by that point, one could have learnt 7% of a foreign language in the time we'd been waiting, and my boyfriend remarked he felt he'd been born in this queue. Finally, after more queuing and more standing, we reached the beginning of the maze at a hefty 3 hours and 25 minutes!!! I have never been in such a long queue in my entire life, Thorpe Park. Then, Platform 15 itself consisted of walking along pebbles and through a long narrow, pitch-black tunnel, which I honestly believed would lead us straight into the lake. Either that or we were walking home!! To be fair, the maze itself was fun in the end, probably one of my favourites. But the queue was utterly abysmal.
    With the remaining few minutes of the park, we only just managed to get a backseat ride on Inferno, which was actually surreally smooth. Either that or I was dreaming by that point. Then, the car park. Oh that was an experience in itself! From the moment we left the park it took over 40 minutes to get out the car park due to more queues, during which we had created our own form of entertainment... a noteworthy chorus of car honking which was rather amusing.
    So that is my Halloween experience of the final few hours of 2016 Thorpe Park, and how Howlaweeningly horrifying they were. I do love Thorpe, but I feel their love for guests' sanity is questionable. Take the VR headsets from Galactica and use them for a queue line, perhaps. Even a few episodes of the Gruffalow on TV screens would not go as a miss. Or, if a queue is going to be almost twice as long as the time stated, at least inform guests so they can make informed decisions to plan their day. In any case, next time - if there will be a next time - a picnic, a hot water bottle, and a language book would be the minimum requirement to take on this island Halloween adventure... exciting? No. Memorable? It was record-breaking.
  14. Like
    terrortomb got a reaction from Mer in Jingle Bell Fall TPM Meet   
    This sounds great, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to go and especially since it's Peaj's last meet. It's only one week away from Christmas too!
    Bring on the crimbo fun!!
  15. Like
    terrortomb reacted to StevenVig in TPM Official Fright Nights Meet 15th October 2016   
    Courtesy of Peaj.

  16. Like
    terrortomb got a reaction from Matt 236 in Jingle Bell Fall TPM Meet   
    This sounds great, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to go and especially since it's Peaj's last meet. It's only one week away from Christmas too!
    Bring on the crimbo fun!!
  17. Like
    terrortomb reacted to Matt 236 in Thorpe Park Trip Reports   
    Well said.
    Certainly enjoyed Big Top and compared to last year it feels much better and the flow feels more consistent, not to mention the Ranger figure that appears within.
    Platform 15 has set me a new personal record, but sadly not an acceptable one.
    Nearly Three and a half hours of queuing. The longest queue I've ever queued in my life. May have well travelled to Universal Halloween Horror Nights in the time it took to get in. 
    Platform 15 in extreme contradictory was actually surprisingly good. The buildup from scene to scene and the conductor story line was done rather well. Still not worth the queue though and really needs it's batching sorted.
    Inferno in the dark is bliss, that is all.
    Not the best end of season to Thorpe though, 2013's and 2014's were more acceptable in comparison.

  18. Like
    terrortomb got a reaction from Matt 236 in Thorpe Park Trip Reports   
    I don't normally post trip reports, in fact I feel this may even be the first. However, I feel my experience yesterday at Fright Nights was one to talk about.
    I have not had the best experience at Fright Nights due to extreme business in the park and long queues. However, last night I gave Thorpe another chance to provide an exciting, memorable experience that one might expect from walking into a major theme park. Long queues are expected, but so are at least 2 mazes and a couple of rides? I mean it cost £10 to just pre-book entry for the day.
    So we arrived just before 5pm with 5 hours to see where the adventure could take us. X (one of my favourite rides at TP) had a 50 minute queue so we skipped that. Beginning with Big Top, the queue stated 120 which is acceptable considering it opened at 3pm and most of the park was busy anyway. The queue line was tolerable with sufficient plastic bag bins along the fences, though I nearly tripped on some uneven ground that looked like there was an earthquake. The music was a little repetitive, but circusy enough that it made me want to get out my juggling balls. Thankfully, the queue moved gradually so the time passed as expected. The maze itself was about 7 minutes long with a good variety of different rooms, and the music was enjoyable enough to have a bit of a dance to but I wouldn't say the experience was particularly scary. As we swiftly made our way to the exit, it dawned that the queues would be getting larger and perhaps it's best to do the other maze, Platform 15.
    Platform 15's queue uses the old Logger's Leap queue, not the best queue line in the world as I always found it felt a bit isolated, but fair enough. The cattlepen split sharply into row after row after row in the cold darkness. It was a heaving queue tucked away in a little land of its own, surrounded by tall fences that hid the defunct body of Logger's Leap behind. The queue moved gradually, another 120 minutes queue was fine though as we would still have time to fit X and another rollercoaster in, it was only 6:20pm. However, this was no ordinary 120 minute queue. Not only was the queue long, bland, tedious and slow, it was getting slower. We were still in the cattlepen section after one hour and a half and people were beginning to moan. It was getting colder but there was nowhere to sit and no food to eat. I saw the end of the huge cattlepen... a bridge... of hope!! As we drew nearer, so did the 120 minute mark. In fact it may have even passed. Other rides raced and twinkled in the darkness but the dark queue of bodies around only rocked a few inches every 10 minutes. Finally we reached the top of the bridge, only to be gobsmacked to see yet even more queue. My feet ached and people moaned some more, which had now become a source of entertainment. After another 20 minutes we had passed only a few more feet, and I realised the ground below us was the only thing keeping me standing. I said I'd give this queue 0.5 out of 10 due to the ground below my feet. Another 20 minutes passed, we were still standing on the same bit of ground... the queue had stopped entirely!! After a long wait people were now sitting on the ground moaning and nobody knew what was going on. The timer for how long we'd been queuing read 2 and a half hours and the entrance was only just in sight in the distance. So we stood some more. The timer soon read 3 hours, the entrance was still only just ahead but my frozen feet could not longer feel the 0.5 out of 10 ground anymore, I guess that would make it a rating of 0.0?? I mean by that point, one could have learnt 7% of a foreign language in the time we'd been waiting, and my boyfriend remarked he felt he'd been born in this queue. Finally, after more queuing and more standing, we reached the beginning of the maze at a hefty 3 hours and 25 minutes!!! I have never been in such a long queue in my entire life, Thorpe Park. Then, Platform 15 itself consisted of walking along pebbles and through a long narrow, pitch-black tunnel, which I honestly believed would lead us straight into the lake. Either that or we were walking home!! To be fair, the maze itself was fun in the end, probably one of my favourites. But the queue was utterly abysmal.
    With the remaining few minutes of the park, we only just managed to get a backseat ride on Inferno, which was actually surreally smooth. Either that or I was dreaming by that point. Then, the car park. Oh that was an experience in itself! From the moment we left the park it took over 40 minutes to get out the car park due to more queues, during which we had created our own form of entertainment... a noteworthy chorus of car honking which was rather amusing.
    So that is my Halloween experience of the final few hours of 2016 Thorpe Park, and how Howlaweeningly horrifying they were. I do love Thorpe, but I feel their love for guests' sanity is questionable. Take the VR headsets from Galactica and use them for a queue line, perhaps. Even a few episodes of the Gruffalow on TV screens would not go as a miss. Or, if a queue is going to be almost twice as long as the time stated, at least inform guests so they can make informed decisions to plan their day. In any case, next time - if there will be a next time - a picnic, a hot water bottle, and a language book would be the minimum requirement to take on this island Halloween adventure... exciting? No. Memorable? It was record-breaking.
  19. Like
    terrortomb reacted to HermanTheGerman in Safari Skyway   
    Bye Dieway. Farewell. :*
  20. Like
    terrortomb reacted to SteveJ in Terror (Forbidden) Tomb   
    The one placed near the start of the queue in 2010 was from the finale with Abdab locked in the iron maiden. That was the first one to go if I remember, although it was just his torso and head.
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    terrortomb got a reaction from SteveJ in Terror (Forbidden) Tomb   
    I've been watching the Dark Rides videos, and the terror tomb episode was by far the one I was looking forward to the most, I love this ride.
    Absolutely wonderful video, thank you so much for creating it as it is still special to me and to see and hear the ride again is just like releasing the roots of my childhood that have been buried for many many years. The music is magical, and I know we can blow things right out of proportion sometimes but I genuinely believe this ride and everything about it was a masterpiece. I was 7 when I first ride it in 1995 and it was like taking a magical trip into a tomb that was cut off from the world, so real and so believable that it still amazes me to this day just thinking about it. Since it was changed to Tomb Blaster, the charm is not as strong as it used to be and it's not scary anymore, I mostly ride it to pick out the pieces of terror tomb that were left behind. For me, something I would like to keep the most would be a piece of the dancer mummies in the rock scene, as they always stood out to me and were so freaky yet so amazing. Thank you so much for making terror tomb come back to life for even just a short while, it was definately worth it and I will enjoy listening to the audio as well
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    terrortomb reacted to SteveJ in Bubbleworks   
    They do say smell is the sense most associated with memory. I do remember when I was a bit younger I'd put theme parks to the back of my mind, but one day I found a (probably grape) candle in my house and smelt it, it WAS the Bubble Works, right there embodied in wax. All my dreams came rushing back in a split second. And so started years of obsession with dark rides
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    terrortomb reacted to Adam P in Vampire   
    Again, not sure how many of you have seen Vampire construction pictures, but we have been able to share some (I have seen one floating around before) but never these, sorry if you have! http://themeuk.net/Chessington_Site/?page_id=1298
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    terrortomb reacted to Mattgwise in Alton Towers - How Busy Will It Be?   
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    terrortomb reacted to JoshC. in Alton Towers - How Busy Will It Be?   
    'Th13teen - don't go alone'
    Single Ride Queue available.
    Always makes me chuckle...
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