I hope the fish will get more attention by the park as it is gong to be very busy from The Swarm next year! Hopefully some trees to bring back the old atmosphere!
USHHN made all the movies that they advertise as their mazes. Thorpe did none of this. It doesnt matter with the tents anyway when you enter its sch a suprise to see how detailed it is.
Aww, it makes me all happy when I see the ride has a new home, shame the home has that logo :DDoes the ride have the same name as when it was at Thorpe?
I dont really hate any tv programmes. But it annoysme on Dancing On Ice when they have to do a big move and its like the worlds ending! You know they will always do it correctly!
Thats such a cute story! My stepdad wants my mum to move so shes closer to his work, I dont want to leave my school and friends as we just got settled, and my brother just got a once in a lifetime job here. Argghh.
They wouldnt replace a ride with the same ride. They would just retheme it. As everyone is saying I think they will retheme it and place SW7 next to it. The poster does indicate the Flume is leaving, but knowing Merlin they will probably just retheme it and its a completley new ride. I do hope the Flume isnt removed but if it does go then I can just imagine a floorless coaster flying over the lake where the Flume ends now! It gives me shives already.
I saw the advert for that, gutted I missed out. Not to dampen your mood about it or anything but wont it be quite busy if alot of people have got the same date as you?