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Everything posted by stretchy

  1. I am 50/50 with this. It totally depends if I can find someone else who wants to be on call.
  2. stretchy

    Clash Of Clans

    There are hundreds of groups called 'The Rising' also hundreds called 'TPM' I have loads of coins so if you want me to create a clan I can do. I get about 400,000 per login. How about "ThorpeParkMania" ?
  3. stretchy

    Clash Of Clans

    Do we have a clan name? I havent played for ages but I seem to be level 82
  4. I think it looks fun too. I do love spinning coasters but hate the fact that they are all... meh.
  5. ok assuming Thorpe could grow 2 new islands. 1) Hawaii island - a new themed area around hawaii with grass skirts and wooden buildings with worshippers of the neaby volcano. 2) Easter Island - stone head statues everywhere.
  6. I am not sure Thorpe has the land mass to have diferent themes and have them work well. I would like the whole place to get one single retrofuturistic bioshock kind of theme with areas based on futuristic sects based on mythology... So just picking 2 - X and Colossus become a retrofuturistic egyptiontheme. Swarm island stay as a distroyed english village theme.
  7. You said it was a scratch card Nick, what was under the scratch part?
  8. We asked earlier in the year and were told that the lodges are pre-booked as part of packages for company christmas parties.
  9. Ok reality check time. What is the biggest killer in France this year? A ) terrorists B ) transport. Give you a clue.. It's B by a long stretch. (3250 reported deaths in 2013 last public data available https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate)If we were logical we would stop panicking about terrorists and ban cars! (By being scared you are also justifying the attack!) Edit. I realised that the above sounded like I wasn't horrified by the attack. I was, but I was equally horrified that the press of the world have given the terrorists exactly what they wanted. Terror.
  10. stretchy

    Cats or Dogs?

    When I was 6 my cat attacked an Alsation that jumped the wall into our yard. The cat was protecting me from the dog. This was observed by the attendances of my 6th birthday party (basically all my parents wierd friends) and became a standard joke amongst them that the milkman wasnt my father, the cat was. I should point out that when I was 6 I never fed this cat but it always came to sit next to or on me. So that one anecdote discounts the 'Nothing more.' part from your hypothesis Pluk. Dont confuse loyalty and worship. Cats know they are the boss and you are just thier ward/minion/toy but they still love you as you love your iPhone or other play things.. Dogs are your minion and they worship your every move, however stupid. Cats are devious though and they do lie. They will lie and manipluate you to give them what they want.
  11. I think they thought that they were spending thier way out of it with scarefest and fireworks and, from a purely numbers basis, they haven't returned back so in the eyes of an accountant that method didn't work. It is a shame as I am sure they will have good numbers next year for scarefest just because they have good word of mouth. So where will the cuts come? Well it will be mostly "food and bev" and non ride based staff that will be missing I would think. BUT I think that this is more to please the shareholders than a figure of that many actual staffing levels. I think it works like this: Air shop had 10 staff, there will be no air shop next year so yearly staff numbers -20 Air will need less people to opperate next year (guess) so yearly staff numbers -10 Ride XXX is not going to be opening next year so that ride uses 40 staff over the year, so staff numbers -40 At the start of the season you only need to run these rides on half load, so that is staff numbers -50 and so on. (by the way I am not speculating which ride it will be that iwll be closing, I am just using the above as an example of how they do these.) The one place that I can see them reducing numbers though is things like car parking staff etc. I would also put money on it that mid next year there will be an anouncement around May time saying that they are making X number of new jobs available for the summer period. I also think that they will announce a new SW some time next year and that will have a thing saying 'and we will employ 40 new people'.
  12. Sorry David. We started it and then were getting hit by over 100 spam posts per day. After a few weeks we just gave up on it.
  13. stretchy

    Cats or Dogs?

    Dogs love you whoever you are. You have to earn a cats love. I'd prefer to be loved because I deserve to be loved over loved because I am the one that is supposed to be loved so I prefer cats but like all aminals.
  14. I also really enjoyed this years show. But agree that 2013 seemed better. Even though the finali this year was really well done. The music was wonderful. I have a vid of the finali that I will upload later.
  15. I see some yellow legoland wuss capes.
  16. A couple of 2015 firework construction geek pics below. (Proof it wont spin) (Whats that on the pink bit? Fairy Lights?) And finally, just to prove that I didn't take that from inside the fence, this is the non zoomed in pic.
  17. Fireworks from Saturday. It was a brilliant show but the park was also packed. Busiest I have ever seen it. Shame my camera work wasn't too good. Not sure if it was because I love War Of The Worlds (we had and sang along to the full album there and back) but I genuinely thought that the whole show was comparable to Towers on choreography and so well worth the Trip. Well done Drayton 9.5/10. https://youtu.be/FFbEAVmDViU
  18. stretchy


    Below is a link to a couple of pictures from last nights scare fest. There are a couple of quite moody smiler pics in there. https://goo.gl/photos/xBoroE7FAq1gVtK9A
  19. stretchy


    To be honest it works quite well. The problem with the zombie scare zone which is what these are replacing is that poeple see it once. This, even though much cheeper, seems to get more squeels and screams and giggles than zombie did. We stood at the dark forrest one watching the zone for about 30 minutes and the reactions were good. The main problem was asian teenage lads 'bullying' the actors. Whilst we stood there we saw 4 different groups of lads, all about 12-14 and all Asian pushing and poking and kicking the actors. There was a non character based actor in the area and we saw her tell all 4 groups off and threaten to have them thrown out of the park. Security was called on one of the groups. I would prefer this than nothing at alll and that is all they could afford.
  20. What I would like Thematic areas/scare areas. These are areas of the park such as swarm island, which are thematically lit and have relevant scare actors within them At least 1 maze which takes more than 10 minutes to go through. (Cabin took us the longest and that was just under 3 minutes, Just for comparison, the towers mazes were 11 minutes (TOTT) 12.5 minutes (Sub Species) and 13 minutes (Molly). Chainsaw endings are boring. Shake it up a little, How about one where you have to crawl through a wood cutter to exit and as your foot goes through it starts up. Every maze should have a reason why you are there (thorpe forget this), a reason for you to have to go through the maze (They miss this too), an engrosing posably real story (http://www.paranormaldatabase.com/surrey/surrdata.php loads of local ghost stories here, pick one) , atmosphere a climactic end. A better thought out version of containment. This was the only maze this year at Thorpe that had all 5 of my demands and unfortunately the problems were a bit hit and miss,
  21. Sorry for being late to this but yes. Look around you. 90% of people wear sweatshirts with slogans they know nothing about.Examples: Jw Tokyo Laundry SuperDry Corrected! I have t shirts with all of those slogans on. Haven't a clue what JW is. I have never been to Tokyo and definitely never needed my clothes cleaned there. My SuperDry jacket isn't even waterproof. And what is corrected about the smiler, all it does is hurt my back not correct it Regarding the clown. Containment clue
  22. stretchy


    For anyone who cant make it tomorrow and wants spoilers, there are at least two live feeds happening The nerds and myself will be doing live.towersnerd.com (shameless plug) also the themeparkguide.biz guys (Joss & James) will be trying to out-live us at live.themeparkguide.biz and I am sure the Towers Street guys will also be facebooking at (www.facebook.com/TowersStreet and Dean.. you will wet yourself, but that is no reason why not to go.
  23. Nope you all have it wrong, the ride will be themed around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and this is obviously the entrance for the Oompah-Loompahs. Its going to be called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Inferno
  24. Yes agreed, first Sunday of Scarefest is a definate "Avoid at all costs unless you like watching people big it up'".
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