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Everything posted by JackR

  1. Right outside, being turned over the top of the dive loop, having my seat pulled away from under neath me on the zero G and being so close to the ground on the helicopter turn around. Alongside some interaction on the inline twist, for me the, right will be the best. Hopefully I will get to go on the outside most times though. Last time I went on Air, my mate made me take his bag so he could steal the end seat whilst I wasn't looking...
  2. JackR

    This Or That

    The question above me was deleted so and answer do Sidders' question instead, no body hair all the way ;)Cheeky rollercoaster related one now Montu or Alpengeist?
  3. People who can't keep plans...
  4. Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Ranger's Carousel (5)Colossus (6)Depth Charge (5)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (7)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Samurai (5)Saw – The Ride (5)Saw Alive (5)Slammer (5)Stealth (6)Storm in a Teacup (5)Storm Surge (3)Tidal Wave (5)Time Voyagers (5)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (5)Zodiac (3)Nemesis Inferno +Zodiac -
  5. Would beg to differ with your points by stating Sidders can come across as very thoughtful and analytical which works very well on these forums... And you avatar is pretty cool
  6. Sitting on a bench in school today minding my own business when a boy lights a fire work and puts it under the bench where me and my mates were sitting! To say there was a loud bang is an understatement and there was bits of cinder and ash all over. Just makes you realise how stupid people can be, if one of us was to get hurt then that boy could have got into some deep ****...
  7. Quite strange that they haven't installed the inline twist track yet. There's obviously some logic behind the reason as to why, but judging from the views of the picture, that is going to be a very tight squeeze by the looks of things... Should be interesting to see that track piece be installed. I think they will put the helicopter in before they finish that final curve and a lot of the plane won't be constructed until they have got the cranes and other machinery out.
  8. Well old or new, this was on Merlin Mania last night and I thought it would be worth sharing. Hopefully we actually will see a hotel being built, but for now we may be best off just keeping this topic for speculation
  9. I remember hearing when Thorpe done the: 'BUY A DAY TICKET AND COME BACK TOMORROW FOR £1' deal it was only to show they were a good enough attraction to be worth revisiting. This would help argue their case in planning a hotel as people would actually stay in it. Could be some competition for Alton if Thorpe were to improve park wide theming massively, sort out zoning issues and make the surrounding area more aesthetically pleasing like Alton's hotel...
  10. Just as I was getting really excited for The Swarm... From Merlin ManiaLooks good to me
  11. JackR


    Liam: Have you ever tried 'Bánh hỏI'?Lauren: No... that sounds like a hooker-incorporated strange foreign meal...Liam: Bánh hỏI is a Vietnamese dish consisting of rice vermicelli woven into intricate bundles and often topped with chopped scallions or garlic chives sauteed in oil, served with a complementary meat dish. If you are ever asked to try 'Gò DuốI' don't accept it....
  12. In a strange way, I'm kind of hoping for there to be about 3 Dev Diary updates at the maximum now. That way we can see what is going on but there will also be a massive surprise when it opens in March...
  13. The fire engine is in the plan. Plus they didn't fully blow it up, it was only fire bursting out of the windows after all... The vehicle is, after all, behind a fence and it's not exactly a significant change. I think by blowing the Fire Engine up and using it for theming, Thorpe are killing to birds with one stone. Clever move in my opinion which benefits the park before and after The Swarm opens.EDIT: It's under the Zero-G rolls if anybody is interested. You can see the Fire Engine is slightly submerged in the pond so the fact that the vehicle is slightly tilted in the plans also makes sense. I originally thought it was a Police car so wrote a long post about why they may/ may not use the Fire Engine only to find out I was mistaken
  14. I was told by someone in my year, Sunday's ride count was really good and they only stuck around to see the fire works after re-riding everything...
  15. After looking at this picture, I've realised how intense this loop is going to be... I knew roughly what to expect but I didn't realise it would be exactly like this. This is definatly going to be a very short sharp ride that packs a massive punch even though it has a fairly simple layout. Along side some great theming, this is my most anticipated ride for next year
  16. I've always found the trough of the first drop and in between the loop and Zero-G quite forceful, and the turn after the Zero-G. A pretty average ride after that though.
  17. I'd like to see any Sound/ FX being repaired (excluding Tidal Wave's fireball) so the rides are enjoyable off or on ride.A touch of paint is defiantly something I would like to see, Colossus just looks so run down and worn out. That and most of the rides fencing need to be repainted.A new entrance is something I would definatly like to see, but not necessarily too soon... Anything up to 3 or 4 years is worth waiting I think. So yeah, pretty much what Ryan said. But most importantly, The Time Voyagers cinema needs to be re themed because walking in to see pirates on the walls really kills the atmosphere. o.O
  18. Payed £18 for me and my mum to see some fireworks, queued 20 mins to get a burger and they finished before we even got served... My dad and sister were quite lucky to miss it I guess
  19. I remember seeing a fireworks outside of the good entrance in the Summer Holidays! I just thought it would be a piece of theming for either The Swarm or FN but I just forgot about it.... Does anybody have any videos of it?
  20. I thought they would have had the plane in very large parts as a pose to smaller bits? I thought they would transport either whole wings or parts of wings/ body then put them in to save them piecing it all together in small parts?Oh well if that is the plane then I pardon my self for being wrong
  21. 1. Would you ever consider adapting your Wing-rider concept so it has 'spinning seats'?2. Would you ever consider designing and building your own launch mechanism?3. What non' B&M design are you inspired by? (Fred and Josh's question I know, but a very good one indeed)
  22. Makes perfect sense to be honest. The last day of Thorpe Blast is the last day of the season so by the time we get back next year The Swarm will be open. They have nothing to lose by it unless they have rented the tank, which doesn't seem likely as the top was fake... It would be a very good publicity stunt and really start speculation amongst everyone, they would only be able to do it on the second day of Thorpe Blast though as I'm pretty sure they don't have two tanks to blow up :PEDIT: Thorpe may also have to move it because it wouldn't be sensible blowing up something of that size so close to the bridge...
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