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Everything posted by Smidget

  1. Not saying Mer hasn't been through bad stuff and what not, but I'd like to point out that some people may have gone through just as much, if not more, and just haven't publicised it. It's good that someone can be open like that but not everyone is. Some people have problems and you just don't realise...
  2. Smidget


    I honestly have no idea :|
  3. Yeah, Josh's go got skipped!
  4. Correct! I only have two tattoos.
  5. Wrong! I do actually live in Hampshire now - Portsmouth is in Hampshire.
  6. 19! That's insane :| Ermmm... 1) I live in Hampshire 2) I am a massive fan of Family Guy and The Big Bang Theory 3) I have 3 tattoos
  7. I think Lionel Messi is the most over-rated football player in the world? Either way we have the answer regardless of whether this is right
  8. Air (6) Battle Galleons (4) Congo River Rapids (6) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (-) Enterprise (5) Haunted Hollow (5) Heave Ho! (5) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Ice Age The 4D Experience (5) Marauders Mayhem (5) Nemesis (5) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (5) Oblivion (5) Old MacDonald's Singing Barn (5) Ripsaw (5) Rita (5) Riverbank Eye Spy (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) Sonic Spinball (5) Sharkbait Reef by SEA LIFE (5) Skyride (5) Squirrel Nutty Ride (5) The Flume (5) The Gardens (5) The Towers (5) Th13teen (5) Air + Duel -
  9. Smidget


    The only thing I can think of to do with that at all is "two wrongs don't make a right" but that doesn't fit your answer bit :/
  10. "Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!" - Mike Wazowski, Monsters Inc. I have no idea why I like this one so much, I just do.
  11. It's okay Pluk, I know not everyone is like that! I just really don't appreciate signing into Skype and finding a transcript full of bitchy comments about myself/people I care about, especially from those who badmouth TPM for bitchiness between its members. I realise that bitching on Skype is different to outright bitching on the forums as it's an external place, but it's still members bitching about other members (and the mod/admin team), which is something that is frequently complained about.
  12. People/members on here bitching about you/people you care about, especially when what they are saying is completely untrue. If you're going to talk about me behind my back at least get your facts right. More so, I'm sick of people complaining about the apparent 'bitchiness' of TPM and how 'it's corrupt' and they 'hate it'. If it's THAT bad, just leave and don't bother coming back. If people are as bitchy as you make them out to be, they're not gonna give a flying monkey about you leaving as they all 'hate you anyway'. Also, if you hate the bitchiness, why the hell do you contribute to it?! Bit hypocritical isn't it... I'm not gonna name any names but you know fully well who you are. I don't really care if this post comes across as a bit bitchy, I will happily say that yes I can be a bitch, but I don't go around bad mouthing TPM for it when I myself can be part of the problem. I also don't try to pass the blame onto someone else in order to make myself look better.
  13. Smidget

    News Desk

    Ahh yeah he did good! Even made it onto TV the cheeky thing.
  14. Smidget


    Maxy, that dreams sounds like a breath of fresh air compared to the dreams I have. For example, I had one the other night where a guy was made a human sacrifice, and he was hung, drawn and quartered by giant elephants (who were in costume!). Then the elephants went crazy and ate his remains. Try and make something outta that!
  15. They do? If that's the case then there are a load of members on here that would require a name change
  16. How about we cut people who run these sites some slack? I'm sure a lot of them are young and very enthusiastic. Let them have their fun. No one is forcing you to go to their sites after all...
  17. Smidget


    Unintentional. I'm sure it's being played elsewhere too seeing as it has charted...
  18. Smidget


    So, Gangnam Style is totally being played in clubs and bars now. Well, at least in Portsmouth it is!
  19. Ahh right. That sounds much better. The debit card could very easily be designed to look exactly as a normal debit card would, with perhaps a very slight difference that wouldn't really be noticed at a quick glance. At least that way people won't have to go round displaying that they are on benefits
  20. I agree. But not everyone does that, so why discriminate and segregate those who do actually use the benefits system correctly? Not everyone is on benefits because they are lazy. Many have very legitimate reasons for not working. Yes, there are those who do scrounge off of the government, but that doesn't give people the right to assume everyone on benefits is like that. Embarrassing someone/discriminating against them is not necessarily going to drive people to get jobs, especially if they DO try but aren't getting anywhere. Yes, it can be done electronically so others do not need to know your financial situation, but that doesn't mean people on benefits will be happy with that system. If they're not abusing it, why should they have to use a different system to everyone else? I agree that something needs to be done to stop the abuse of the benefits system, I just don't believe that introducing vouchers is necessarily the right way to do it.
  21. Trouble with using vouchers is that people may start discriminating against those using them. Plus people with them may feel embarrassed by it. I doubt the government will implement a voucher system as it will segregate those on benefits from others, which isn't necessarily fair.
  22. Smidget


    A friend of mine sent me this song the other day... my brain feels somewhat violated.
  23. I voted comedy, but for me it tends to be comedy AND another genre. For example, Friends With Benefits. Nearly wet myself laughing at that film.
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