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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Their little coaster looks very unique, and judging by this park, they'll probably really decorate it to a great level as they seem a bit like a cross between Efteling & Europa in terms of style. I presume the Schwartkopf being removed is Nessie (the one with the bizarre end) which is a shame as it looked quite an interesting ride even if it looked a bit dated compared to newer additions. Surprised they couldn't get someone like Gerst along to refurbish it (since there's a lot of similarities between the two). Anyone know what the ride was like (who was lucky enough to get the cred)? Can't wait to see the finished result of Karnah though, if Fluch is anything to go by it'll look fab.
  2. So this is going to be a year round attraction then? I'm sorry, I can't contain my opinions on this.
  3. I don't have a problem with the name. At first glance it sounds very simple and basic. However when you think about Derren's Other work such as Derren Brown's Apicalypse (simulation of the end of the world or Derren Brown's Push to the edge (getting someone to think they've pushed someone to their end) the name starts to make perfect sense.
  4. Feels empty for some reason, but not sure why. I'll think about it when I'm riding Safari Skyway.
  5. Though the line up will be very sparse this year, this does not surprise me at all. Especially considering Thorpe have dropped their event alongside Towers's one. Aside from picking up the pieces of what happened last summer, if the lack of line up is for the continuation of the ride and parkwide improvements, then I'm all for this.
  6. Certainly looks better, aside from the naked back drop. As long as the ride is open its a step forward.
  7. Describing that facade as stunning is an understatement. Universal is on a roll lately (not a sandwich).
  8. I am strongly in favour of listing the month of each trip with a provisional date setup. The flexibility one is a sound argument, considering no matter what the date is, there will be several members wanting to go but cannot due to other commitments. I am all for the provisional dates from the start of each year as it enables people able to get time off work and work around other things happening in their schedules. Perhaps a compromise system would work, where the more further distance meets involving accommodation and flights/long travel are given more permanent dates and notice, whilst the more local meets can be more flexible and may not need as much notice.
  9. Whoever renamed this thread gets my vote for best mod/admin.
  10. To a large extent it is (bar the name change), but there was speculation for many years that it wouldn't and it seems to be the case here too.Regardless of the Hartenhoff thing, I'm unsure of this happening. Maybe this new theme park opening nearby to Oakwood will finally wake to park from its sleep.
  11. I'm not even sure they're getting anything. 2017 could just be a continuation of improved TLC like what we're seeing on Vampire & Tombs for this season. I can't even see what they could build anyway, unless something finally replaces Skyway.
  12. I doubt it. Sleepy Hollow is essentially the new Hartenhoff. AKA it's probably not going to happen.
  13. The chances of there being a 'no cameras or recording equipment' rule on this attraction are equivalent to this ride having fastrack. AKA it's going to happen. On the positive side, it'll mean the ride's experience shall be in tact.
  14. TBH I can't see the lasers disappearing from this ride, as long as it's known as Tomb Blaster. Chances are when that day comes, it'll probably mark the end of not just ride, but the whole system too (including the ride building too perhaps). This year will be an interesting year for dark rides (at least in the uk) with Thorpe's next investment which could really change the UK industrie's attitude to dark rides if the ride is both a success in marketing and experience. This could result in other parks investing in their own new dark rides to try and reflect similar success and this isn't completely fenced off to Merlin parks either.
  15. Also think it's safe to say, with the 800k budget, new laser, audio and ride system (amongst visual improvements) Tomb most likely has at least 5 years now. I'm interested to see what the next moves at the park will be after this, considering the zoo will be all updated then and what's happening on the ride front as well.
  16. Looks fairly promising stuff that a lot of work seems to be happening on their (original) tired dark ride. Depending on the work level. It hopefully looks to be in the best state it's been in for at least 10 years. Good to see the park give some love to their old (main attractions) like this Vampire and to a lesser extent Bubbleworks & Fury. At the cost of skyway, there seems to be some hope left.
  17. Literally buzzing for this! Definitely count me in. might do another day at the park (date pending) if anyone's interested.
  18. I like it, looks very different from what we've seen so far (yay for no OTSR's). Anyone know when this one is expected to open yet?
  19. In all fairness, it is quite close to the nearby town and in order to try and keep relations with local residents sound [which I'm sure is the case with the vast majority]. Whilst there may be a light noticeable increase to other rides, the good thing about Europa is, the place is regarded as the best park for throughputs in not just Europe, but the whole world. A queue equivalent to 90 minutes on Saw, would be around 30 minutes at Europa.
  20. I was referring to most Intamin restraints in general, as they aren't as comftable as restraints on coasters by the likes of B&M, Mack or even Vekoma [on their newer designs at least]. Hopefully Taron will have a restraint system that makes for a comftable ride and won't detract the experience. The factor Indy & Colossus use the same restraint type is probably a coincidence. Rita's restraints aren't all that great either and I expect it's the same for the likes of Baco & Tornado as well. The restraints on the 10 looper at Cinecitta are an improvement to say the least, but I'm sure there is still room for improvement.
  21. Dark ride systems potentially Dynamic Attractions = B&M Mack = Mack Sally Corp = Intamin Simworks= Gerstlsuer Vekoma = Vekoma I've probably missed at least one major dark ride builder here.
  22. As long as they are not like the restraints on Colossus,Indy and most Intamins we should be okay. Mack style restraints would be nice though.
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