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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Matt 236


    David Bowie was an amazing musician and amongst creating some top hits such as Life On Mars, had a fantastic character and charisma to go with it. He will be greatly missed. R.I.P Ziggy is now in the sky
  2. Looks like Efteling will be on the cards again in 2017. Exciting news of course. If any of Efteling's other dark rides & Baron are to go by, this addition should be absolutely fantastic. I'm curious on the location as I'm not too sure where in the park it's going.
  3. Ride: Rita New Name: demolished It's a very simple retheme. Just remove the queue, the signs, trains and the ride and remove it! Then add a mack launch coaster instead like Blue Fire. Sorted.
  4. Adam didn't even like even like Baron and that's a ride that's received mostly positive feedback (including myself). I'm still get to do a B&M (PMBO being the only one I've done yet), but should hopefully be getting Silver Star later which would be. Y first. One day I'll do Mako (it's all in the CTDP).
  5. Hmmm, interesting they've gone down the Hansa method of building, where they build the ride one year and do the theming the following year. Guess this means it's worth waiting until the start of 2017 to ride this.
  6. Matt 236


    Every Merlin park is losing something this season. It's a shame Dino is going as it was a charming little relaxing ride. That being said, the ride was more of a filler these days to Atlantis & Squidy, not to mention probably only had a throughput of around 300 pph. Hopefully Ghost will make up for this and have a better throughput.
  7. Matt 236


    In other news, the plans for the park's 2nd hotel (housing 59 rooms) has been approved. This is good news for the resort, but does sadly mean the loss of Dino Safari meaning every park has lost at least one ride in 2016. The park & council will also be having talks together about a development plan too, which hopefully means the park can continue to develop. Source- Theme Park Guide & Southparks
  8. Not bad hours for a seaside park really, those summer hours look reasonable and better than Towers & Chessie's no doubt. Doubt they'll be any new rides this year with the ones they had last year but anything could happen. As a park it's alright, but aside from the main coaster, Snail ride & fun house most of the rides there are average really.
  9. Some good music tastes there Amy. Especially like the last two, that Imperial March remix was mind blowingly good!
  10. I can't wait to visit Chessington and go on the bench ride!

  11. As ancient as the ride was (and the fact it felt like it was falling apart), this will be a great loss to the park, not to mention one that was very coherent to it's market. I'm just hoping an updated replacement will appear in the future 2017)? But then again. Updated enclosures, puppet shows & even new paint can't heal a crippled park.
  12. I fear this is the beginning of the end for Ramesis the way this seems to be going. I'm assuming Peak days will refer to all weekends & school holidays. Sounds the like it needs an extensive upgrade soon. Oh wait,this is Merlin.
  13. I should be going I look forward to seeing that fresh paint, feasting away in that new BBQ place and riding what survived this season .
  14. Octonaut wins! Only kidding, it's Nemesis. I haven't even ridden Octonauts either , anyways. 1/ Nemesis (my fav coaster (for now)) 2/ Thirteen (first ride I did at towers) 3/ Oblivion 4/ Air 5/ Smiler 6/ RMT 7/ Spinball 8/ Rita, it's awful I haven't rated Octonauts as I've now been on it yet.
  15. I'm really excited for the concept however13 tables isn't much and is a bit concerning especially when somewhere like woodcutters probably has at least three times that and still gets busy. I've heard there will be a lunch & dinner menu and reservations will be available for the latter.
  16. Definitely want to play music on a Rollercoaster if I get famous, except with the breakdown part. Looks pretty cool though.
  17. Matt 236

    This Or That

    ITV Netflix or Amazon Prime?
  18. I may be no Benin by any means, but 2016 will hopefully be one of my most exciting yet for trips. MC16 Confirmed Liseberg (all booked) Europa Park (won tickets last year) Phantasialand (Taron calls) Thorpe Park Alton Towers Paultons Park (hopefully) Blackpool Legoland Chessington (somewhat) Extra (may or may not happen) Legoland Billund Dreamland Drayton Lightwater/Flamingo DLRP Plops a (I want to try that new woodie). Am in no financial state to do the states right now but may try for 2017.
  19. Wow what a mighty beast they're building there! Universal are real roaring out exciting attractions lately.
  20. Maybe the ride will be called Air Galactica. Then it references the ride in it's new state plus referencing when it was just Air.
  21. Matt 236

    This Or That

    Swimming pools, it's cleaner and no sharks either. Fifth Dimension or Terror Tomb?
  22. Matt 236

    This Or That

    Socks Tea or Coffee?
  23. Or maybe just replace the whole ride completely with an updated and more efficient version (Mack after all do great monorails), plus it would appeal to the park's zoo market they seem to be going for now. I do wonder whether the ride will reopen next year with some TLC or be SBNO with the intention of removing or replacing the ride eventually. Could this area becoming home to that panda show as a new stage area as I don't know where else they would put this addition?
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