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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. That picture makes my heart feel heavy, they could've sold or auctioned off the old trains instead of wasting them. On the positive note, at least they're going full out on this upgrade and judging from the fact pieces of track have been replaced, it well almost be like a new ride when it's finished.
  2. The wheel of Misfortune is an interesting concept meaning you will probably be choosing your maze by chance, though I do miss individually selecting mazes you wish to do. Hopefully I'll either get Big Top or MBV as I've not done either of those, however wouldn't complain if I end up in Saw Alive again. Apparently, now you just turn up to your designated maze at 10pm instead of going to Bush BBQ. Hopefully there's still free Champers available as it would be a big shame if there wasn't. [Yes TPM is slowly turning me in to an alcoholic].
  3. Sounds complete rubbish to me, I can't see four rides closing down completely next year and whilst that's not to say we 'might' lose a ride, I'm 105% certain Thorpe wouldn't close all those rides unless there's a serious fault.
  4. I'm interested to where this large swath of land the HRC will be going on is located. Anyone able to doodle a google maps sketch?
  5. 1/ Nemesis 2/ Swarm (go ahead and shoot!) 3/ Oblivion 4/ Inferno 5/ Air More B&M's creds on the way soon hopefully (one of which will be November) #MC16
  6. Face It Alone is booked, Can't Wait! I see you shiver in antici-
  7. Now why doesn't this surprise me Should get most ones done by 2017 hopefully
  8. Whilst considering a main ride at the centre of the park closed for the rest of the season , on what is supposed to be the 2nd best park in the UK is disappointing, it wouldn't put me off visiting regardless of living 5 minutes or 5 hours away from the park as there's the night rides and scare mazes etc. a major closure would but hopefully merlin aren't that foolish. Considering the smiler accident this year which has also had a small impact on Thorpe & chessie in addition to the massive one at Towers, it is quite understandable of closing a ride that doesn't receive too many guests usually yet costs a lot to run. As long as this does not become an annual affair the park is forgiven as the park's will sadly face operational cut backs as a result of the Smiler. One must remember flying fish was closed last year though that was a slightly smaller lost cause. Whilst the park has faced a fair few pot holes lately, I don't thinks in a situation as bad as towers or chessie, one that's had a terrible accident on a big ride and the others a mess. Hopefully 2016 will be a successful year for the park having received the lions share investment amongst a likely shake up for fright nights again.
  9. OH MY GOD! Swarm is my third favourite coaster, MY ENTHUSIAST VIEWS ARE SUPPOSEDLY INFERIOR! OH MY GOD, I HAVENT DONE A B&M OUTSIDE THE UK! (yet) OH MY GOD! I'm a Failure! something needs to happen, #MC16
  10. Oh dear, so it seems this place has similar planning problems to Legoland uk & Chessington by the sounds. Have apparently heard they did similar plans like this before or something, possibly even with a park expansion, but that was dropped because the locals weren't happy about it, so lets hope they can get around it. Hopefully this won't restrict exciting future investments amongst the likes of Chiapas and what we've seen from Taron so far, but this could well become a major factor in the future. I hear their Splash Battle ride often receives noise complaints and like apparently.
  11. Love B&M coasters, they're my favourite ride manufacturer [for now]. Favourite one so far has to be Nemesis [closely followed by The Swarm]. Haven't done outside the uk yet but that will hopefully change in November when I visit Efteling to hopefully ride Baron 1898.
  12. I just think the UK park industry as a whole needs a shake up! It feels two steps behind what we've seen in Europe lately (Ratatouille, Helix, Chiapas,Baron etc.) and three steps bebind Orlando. WC16 could help slowly take us closer to these standards, but the ride needs to be done right and seeing how the likes of IAC, Zufari & others turned out, it leaves my optimism low (hence why Taron is currently the 2016 ride I'm excited about so far). I really want this ride to be a massive success (if it is we could hopefully see more investments in dark rides), but this needs to be done right so that it can be achieved. If WC16 turns out to be a great ride, I'd strongly consider visiting monthly.
  13. I think some people are overreacting a little, after all this is Chessington.
  14. That attention to detail just gets better and better. Judging from the look of the Hollywood & Night Hawk, they do look quite dated, Hollywood looks old,dated and a strange cross between the great movie ride and River Caves at Blackpool (amongst using the same system as POTC) although looks to hold some charm to it, whilst Night a Hawk looks dull (unlike space mountain or Vogel Rock). Whilst both are probably on the chopping block, they'll probably still have some years left, what with the upcoming hotel and water park coming, however chances are both will be gone by the time the next decade arrives.
  15. On the assumption Fury was supposed to be tempory, it enlightens the argument further why it is absolutely escential Chessington 'need' another major coaster. Vampire has somewhat reached the end of it's life [especially now reaching the life extentancy age of a suspended coaster] and will likely be spared removal for as long as possible. Fury was supposed to be tempory and the ride looks quite a mess and lacks the theming many other rides had once. Rattlesnake struggles with throughput and operations [especially since Smiler this year] and is also starting to struggle now. Scoprion is really the only coaster that's doing it's job well. It's reliable, has an okay'ish throughput but then due to the other coaster's problems is often left picking up the pieces [long queues]. I hope whatever big investment arrives in 2017, greatly helps the park's many many problems as a whole.
  16. Maybe Windsor's investment cycles have been swapped [due to the 'Cancel' refusing Ghost] and as a result we were meant to get Heartlake in 2017, at least I hope so as I really hope Ghost can eventually get approved in the future and they find a way around this obstacle. Considering Florida received the same addition amongst a hotel and was described as medium, I'm hoping this is the case. I've noticed that something abbreviated SLC has been mentioned several times on the midway plan which also mentions it for Londin in 2017. Any one know what that is?
  17. The article was an interesting read which clearly shows the Legoland and midway attractions is where Merlin are currently excel right now. Judging from the timeline dates, 2015 was a high investment year for Gardland & Legoland Windsor and a medium year for Florida 2016 will be a high investment year for Thorpe & Legoland Billund and a medium one for California 2017 will be a high year for Chessington, Heide Park, Legoland Germany and a medium one for Windsor. There's no mention of Alton Towers at all which potentially suggest that SW8 has been delayed until 2018 or worse, cancelled. If these are true it'll be interesting yet disappointing how the future of Alton Towers progresses. I hope Chessington finally receive something major in the future that isn't Zufari, the park as a whole needs some fresh meat rather than enhancement of something existing.
  18. Has never been to Europa Park, Efteling, Gardaland and Phantasialand, Now where do I recall that from?
  19. It's all on the cards for the near future (unless anything more exciting happens) #MC16.On a serious note, maybe they could replace TOTNH with a dark ride like Ratatouille style ride, which at somewhere like Phantasia could do wonders.
  20. Re theme chessington to a lost/abandoned zoo/theme park that hasn't been touched for years-oh wait!
  21. Temple Of The Night HawkIt's an indoor coaster there which I hear isn't the best (I wouldn't know though as I've not been yet).
  22. Banned for seemingly having an out of control addiction to how bad my grammar 'apparently' is.
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