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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. I think Dreamland will be a great little park to visit and as far as I'm aware there's at least a good dozen rides going in there too including a big wheel & Caterpiller coaster too. There's also a phase two development too, but I'm too sure yet what it will entice. Scenic railway looks loverly. Apparently the park says it will also retain the original brakeman feature too which is nice. Judging by the amount of new track (which seems to be all if it), it's safe the Scenic could be described perhaps more as a new ride built in a traditional style.
  2. ( chuckle brothers meme omitted) Dear oh dear!!! The UK theme parks have just been so disappointing this year so far with their downtime, operations, budget cuts and everything in general. Everything needs a good shake up. Europe couldn't call any sooner!
  3. Yet another reason why the ride needs replacing, Samurai's had its time, let it go!Hope detty gets back on its feet though Edit- I can confirm only three rides are closed now, one of those is slammer and the other two are above.
  4. Reading this was painful, very painful!
  5. Looks like IAC don't be winning best 2015 ride (in the UK that's a hard battle between Red Arrows & Octonauts).
  6. Matt 236


    Since the Easter holidays are over, it should be relatively quiet. I've gone during school days in the past and I've even been able to deride without even leaving the ride platform.Just make sure you get boating school done first as that always get very busy even during the first hour of quiet days. Finally, have you checked the opening times on the park website? Whilst it's probably going to be ok. Just be aware the park is closed selected Tuesday's and Wednesdays usually during March,April, May, September & October.
  7. Sure, I'm up for an email interview
  8. The only hyper coaster ive done so far is The Big One (does that even count), which has an amazing first drop but the rest is rather force less and you only get 'some' airtime if you're towards the back. I'm still yet to do POrt Aventura currently, but Shambhala looks a fantastic ride (Khan looks decent too), though Baco, Diablo & Stampida sound rather concerning). The park is currently at number Six of places to visit behind Europa, DLP, Efteling, Liseberg & Phantasia and probably won't be done until midway next year due to graduating & Ferrari land.
  9. Closing before closing time is definitely not on, even if the park is dead quiet. I'm thankful Merlin do far don't do this (yet).
  10. I'm bit of a shaky maybe for this one On the first weekend I'm supposed to be working on the Sunday (and have already taken one weekend off for chessie) On the second weekend I'm having a 21st college reunion and I might be working again, but we shall have to see. My preference would be week one, Hopefully I can make one or both of the days as I've never done Drayton ever [has not been Drayton Manor ) EDIT- Unvote 20-21st June please- It doesn't count now!
  11. Port Aventura has many draws to visit there 1/ a top hyper coaster & decent sit down looper 2/ I pressive shows & theming 3/ lots of water rides such as the longest splash battle 4/ A rough intamin
  12. Following a few uncertain conflicts (which have since been resolved), I'm happy to announce I can now definitely attend this meet now. Look forward to seeing you all there next week
  13. Just when I though Merlin were strict on ride possessions, Universal surpassed this. By a thousand times!!!
  14. Matt 236

    Wicker Man

    As far as I'm aware, here's what I reckon will be happening for SW8 1/ It will either be an RMC or B&M prototype 2/ the coaster will either be in Forbidden Valley (where Blade & Ripsaw are) or Cross Valley Hopefully the track will not be Merlin black, (since we have three coasters here already with that colour scheme)
  15. Why does the track here remind me of Helix?
  16. JOSH C IS CORRECT Actually 3 is the lie (Inferno Martin wins). Unfortunately I never went on a (proper) school music tour in my time, but my sixth form school did the year after I left 2/ I did watch Robot Wars at Wembley stadium and it was great fun. Had to support one side of the different battle thingies. 1/ I did do work inspiration at ITV back in 2011 for a week. Got too see TV sets such as Daybreak & this morning plus even got to see a few familiar faces such as Bradley Walsh & Keith Lemon.
  17. Right, not sure if I should take this go I'm doing it anyway 1/ ive done work experience at the ITV studios London 2/ I watched Robot wars at Wembley arena when I was little 3/ I went on a school music tour to Austria in 2009
  18. Plus quite often you won't see more than one merlin park each year install something big (though that said the last big merlin ride in the uk we saw was during 2013).
  19. Matt 236

    Youtube Videos

    Here's another of my many videos as part of a new series of clips where I react to things that have happened in the theme park news or situations. It's not meant to be serious
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