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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Even Legoland is (now) better at throughputs than Chessington. Compare this: Legoland Atlantis 1200 Viking River Splash 1200 Jolly Rocker 1000 Dragon 900 (3 train) Pirate Falls 700 Laser Raiders 500 VS Chessington Falls 1000 Tombs 600 Fury 550 Bubbles 600 Zufari unknown Rattlesnake 350 Scorpion 500 Legoland isn't perfect but does seem to have better throughputs these days (says a lot ImO).
  2. 10-7pm for park hours at Drayton is fantastic. I'd love to see other uk parks fo that, cough cough Alton. As for their closed rides, all I can say is it's not been a good for them in the uk with thorpe with Detty, vortex, Samurai & slammer closed & Chessie having issues with Vampire whilst Towers still have Nemy closed.
  3. Sky ride fastrack? Next you'll be telling me Jungle bouncers, Tuk Tuk & Jungle Bus will be getting it
  4. I'm still yet to try this new attraction, so have no understanding so far how this attraction will work as a whole, but hope it's as good as the pictures make it.
  5. A queue line should be more than just somewhere where people just move around a small long pathway merely waiting for a ride. It should be at least one of the following: 1/ a place to bring people in to a story or setting. Examples, Duel, Hex,Oblivion, 2/ showcase and build up different elements of a ride. Examples, Nemesis, Colossus & Black Mamba 3/ Bring you through different themed rooms & settings (slightly similar to 1). Examples, Maus Au chocolate, Tower Of Terror & Dragon A cattle pen is only acceptable if: 1/ it is the extended queue line and is only used on very busy days I.E space Mountain mission 2 2/ The ride has a high throughput I.E Ratatouiee 3/ the park isn't a leading park I.E Oakwood & Lightwater Valley Ok, a cattle pen is the easiest & cheapest option for a ride queue, but it isn't generally nice to queue in especially on a hot busy day with disruptive crowds and the like. Unfortunately, most of Merlin's new rides seem to have cattle pen queues and only a few of them actually work, Smilers only does because you have the excitement of interacting with the ride above you & Atlantis because there's a short but immersive queue indoors (and it's generally good at throughputs). Saw for me is generally the worst to queue in (but maybe that's supposed to be duty its torture theme).
  6. The First bits of track are now starting to appear on the new structure of the ride. Dare I say this for me at the moment is perhaps the most exciting thing happening in thrmepark in the uk at the moment?
  7. 2 Or is the lying game a lie
  8. The difficulty of the big six is getting them all done with Towers queues and open hours (think I'll miss Rita). On another note, Towers have released the a Nemesis 21 talk to their YouTube channel (or at least parts of it)
  9. Maybe were all going to see Doctor Who travel back in time to the Victorian era where we meet Jack the Ripper herding a Swarm of Daleks at everyone. It could work.
  10. Wow! I never realised how much great Disney & Universal elements at this park were, think Ill need to check this place out one day
  11. Ok, I feel that I should ship in with some interesting facts then for this new addition. 1/ It's opening next year 2/ It's a dark ride which means it will be indoors and undercover 3/ It's going to be at Thorpe Park which is located in Surrey United Kingdom
  12. Banned for having exactly 1080 posts (hypocrisy)
  13. Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know how this banning worked
  14. Swarm definitely gets better and better each year in terms of force and excitement. If it's anything like Inferno, the ride will be running even more amazingly when it reaches ten.
  15. 3 sounds the most likely
  16. Let's not get started on Neptunes & Angry Birds Land Calypso is vibrant then.
  17. Just over two weeks until I go to Disney :D :D :D

  18. Project White Chapel definitely sounds an interesting code name for the project. Whilst I doubt it'll be based on the programme Whitechapel, it does hint to me the ride will be based on a theme or location within London. I think it's safe to say the IP (if there is one) won't be Hunger a Games. This is because of the project title, Lionsgate are after their own park and some sort of hunger games attraction is opening in Asia somewhere. As for the look of the buildings, I like the Victorian-esque look of them, but am a little concerned of the derelict/run down appearance they so far retain which seems to becoming bit of a cliche since we already have Saw, Swarm & Tidal Wave (as run down areas off rides) where rides such as Baron, Chipas & even Merlin's latest coaster in Garda are examples of rides having great themes that aren't either happy land, lost Abandond setting & derelict building concepts.
  19. Matt 236

    This Or That

    Addidas, same or difference
  20. I must confess, despite being just a day since it was released, I have made a remake for the second trailer of my trip to Disneyland Paris. This is because I felt it was lacking a bit of a creaky touch and needed a few more bits included with the original made at such a fast pace. Enjoy version two.
  21. Matt 236

    This Or That

    Why you tube of course Popular IP or original idea?
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