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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Matt 236


    In all fairness Impossible isn’t that memorable. Hopefully the Train will reopen next year (with a possible sligh re-route). However Train attractions do seem to be a dying breed these days, who’s to say in five years (or less) the train is removed completely due to costs and redevelopment? Sadly it’ll probably just be a metal anywhere apart from the front. I do wish more parks would theme or conceal ride buildings because they detract from the landscaping and park experience a lot of the time.
  2. Matt 236


    Legoland have officially announced the opening of the (revised) Ghost ride. It will be known as- The Haunted House Monster Party. This is expected to open in Spring 2019 and will feature a monsters tea party type theme/story. Makes sense being a made house really. The attraction will mark the third madhouse ride to open in the UK and become the park’s fourth major indoor ride.
  3. Jeez at this rapid rate of expansion, they are making it remarkably difficult for the best time to plan a visit. Maybe when the RMCis finished. As for Hyperion delays, it’s not surprising really, however my main concern is if/how this affect the funding they have been receiving for the park.
  4. Matt 236


    Not particularly good news on the Raft Racers front as it never used to be a seasonal attraction and has previously been open all year. Sounds like another sly budget cut to me. Sky Rider since I can remember has never run in the rain and doesn’t operate in cold temperatures either. It is possibly one of the most weather prone attractions out there. There is a clip from many years ago where the cars are stacking up and keep bumping into each other. I am not sure whether this has any relevance though. As much as I still love Legoland, I will controversially say the character and landscaping within the park within newer developments is noticeably worse. Just compare Castle Land and Pirate Land to the likes of Land Of The Vikings and Ninjago. The former typically feature an in-keeping layout with out of house areas mostly hidden or camouflaged. The latter meanwhile, these seem more exposed. Just look at the trough of the rapids or the exterior of the Ninjago dark ride.
  5. Shame to hear that reliability hasn’t been all that good yesterday. Operations have been a general mixed bag of late. Last time I visited Swarm and Stealth operations were pretty good, however I will say Inferno’s operations have been rather poor lately. Once upon a time it was the best main ride for operations, but might now be the worst. The safety dispatch announcement could be the prime reason, however there’s surely some reason behind this. As Baron has mentioned operators will use phones to contact management, engineering or any other concerned parties. It could relate to anything from operational issues to staff allocations. Rumba’s closing early is an interesting one as I’m pretty sure the park mentioned it closing early, largely down to the ride not being permitted to operate at dusk. The attraction is generally complex and requires an engineer to shut down.
  6. The RAP situation has definitely become rather out of hand at the parks in recent years. With a potential daily average of 15 Of every 100 guests acquiring RAP, something does not quite add up and there is probably a proportion of users who are either abusing, stealing or have found a loop hole in the system. It should be adressed not all disabilities are visual and a better, fairer and more accurate RAP does need to really be put in place. One that benefits those that require the service but also discourages those trying to use and abuse the system. Whatever’s posts above remind me of a time when I chatting to a woman who had an autistic son in the Tidal Wave queue once who supposedly was not entitled to RAP. I thought this was off as regardless of his diagnosis they should’ve really been RAP.
  7. Anyone know what’s happening with Nintendo Land? The last I heard that this area may not be going in Kid Zone after all and will instead be going into a new third (or fourth if you include Volcano Bay) instead. This may be opening around the mid 2020s. The first Nintendo area is expected to open in the Japan park in 2020. Meanwhile construction of the 2019 Harry Potter attraction is underway, and whilst there is still no clear indication of who will be the builder, some say this may be a Mack inverted power coaster similar to Arthur (at Europa Park). Wait and see I guess.
  8. Colossus is usually considerably smoother at the very front. From previous rides, the further back you go, the rougher it seems to be. However I have found odd numbered rows slightly smoother than even ones. I am yet to do Colossus this season, but I think the park have done a fair amount of work on the ride this year, such as repainting supports and work on the trains.
  9. Unfortunately it looks I won’t be able to make this one as I’m working that weekend. Have a good time and I’ll try and ensure I can keep Chessington free.
  10. It’s amazing to think how Chessington looked then. Full of life, character, atmosphere and mostly well looked after attractions (although I did notice there wasn’t any fairground music though). Fast forward 20 years and unfortunately the park is in somewhat of a state. Watered atmosphere, less character and most attractions don’t seem as well looked after. Vampire’s station is basically a stripped back shed with a dead animatronic, poor quality download track and lighting that belongs in a school disco. The Castle facade is also still a terrible mess that needs a hefty jet wash, repaint or just torn down and rebuilt completely. Even the Pirate area seems to feature less character now. Ramesis, Tomb and Hocus Pocus are now in an appalling state and feel like they are literally waiting to be ripped out. Dont get me wrong, there are still good things going on at the park now, but not like they were in the 90’s. Unfortunately this probably won’t change anytime soon purely how the park is budgeted.
  11. Sod it, I’m off to Kaatsheuvel! Strangely there’s been a consecutive chain with the Dahl family detesting attractions based on their IP’s. First it happened to COTCF at Towers and now looks like it’s happened again here. Apparently they also disliked the 1971 Willy Wonka film too. Fingers crosses this new attraction can add something to a park which has been badly struggling for years.
  12. Well, I’ve never seen or heard of so something like this being done before, but it’s an absolute disgrace if they are. It’s like Merlin don’t want people to return to Towers.
  13. I need to get some more of these pins! Thorpe definitely offer a good selection of merchandise and it’s great to see them releasing more unique items this year too such as top trumps and games. The ride brand chocolate isn’t too bad either (though perhaps a little pricey). I really liked the Stealth bakewell tart flavour they made. There didn't seem to be as many resins this time, but can’t have it all I guess.
  14. I thought 2018 was supposed to be the year of park’s offering the best new ride, not offering the worst possible customer service. Blackpool with it’s apparently awful manner of providing information and suddenly slashing hours, and Towers with it’s staggered operations and further outlet cuts. If both parks are trying for RCT a 0 park rating, they should be given a medal.
  15. Or simply do what Europa Park do and don’t release the official closing until like 1pm that day or something. After all, Mandy and the Mack family have a close connection. Although in all honesty almost any method of closing time is better than just cutting off several hours of park time in the day.
  16. Well, the park clearly need to hire a better PR team. Least they offer a good ride variety, but yes the Alice wall would be nice if they covered it. Then again, I’d definitely take Icon over these because the park did need a new major star attraction.
  17. Looks an improvement over what was there before, but it does sadden me a little that they still seem to want to go ahead with this reservation queue thing. Despite it’s hiccups, they have considered it so far successful, which is hard to believe. I think they may be tricking it on more attractions.
  18. The company (along with Shambhala & Illuminations) was the saving grace for the trip.
  19. Absolutely astounding you managed to actually have a highly enjoyable PA visit. When I I was there operations, staff (especially customer service) and food were awful. I will say though there was a sandwich place near Baco which was ok but that’s bad about it. Understabd about Khan, but not too sure on the others. I found Stampida ok, Baco surprisingly enjoyable and El Diablo boring apart from the very start and end of the ride. Shambhala seems to be a surprisingly marmite one, where people either rank amongst their favourites or find it overrated. I’m the former there so you can take that as you like. I had a love-hate on my previous visit, but probably won’t return in a rush. At least Phantasialand toilets are themes though.
  20. Wow never realised this actually used to exist,which seems like neat but pleasant little extra after the ride. Shame they got rid of it. I believe it was sometime around 2011 when this was removed and the exit re-routed with a more simpler generic one. The old building has become the Princess Pavillion Meet and Greet area now, as I’m aware.
  21. Ideally, the park/Merlin could create a special park card system, which can be purchased and used at restaurants or even shops. Pre-purchase meals could be another thing, where they show a reservation number/email at food outlets and receive their pre-ordered items (meal deal?). Unless they already offer this. Society is definitely gradually leaning more towards ‘Card only’ payments, but I’d still say a noticeable amount of people still use cash. Either because they prefer or have to. For the latter, peak meals could now be rather hassling.
  22. Glad you enjoyed the ride. They’ve definitely created an impressive attraction here. Hope to ride it in the coming weeks/months.
  23. The Jim Button ride looks lovely with some decent theming. It looks completely unrecognisable from the Old Circus theme, which was perhaps becoming dated. Great to see Europa injecting do much love there. I just hope Can Can Coaster gives justice to what Eurosat once was.
  24. Yes unfortunately Bush BBQ and Pulled Meat have bit the dust. Quite a shame really as I did enjoy both in their own ways, however not surprised with things considered. Whether they lay dormant this season (and beyond) or reopen for peak season remains to be seen. The card only method is an interesting one, which seems to apply to most food outlets. Is this really a way of speeding up service or is there more to this? What if it’s Merlin’s way of trying to abolish counterfeit money?
  25. Deeply saddened upon hearing of Roodie’s passing. Thoughts go out to his family and closest of friends. I only met him a few times during meets, but he was lovely down to earth guy, who was extremely friendly. He wasn’t one for running round hitting checklists or the first there, but one to simply just take in and enjoy the parks with the company amongst him. Roodie’s premature departure certainly puts things into perspective to try and appreciate life more, regardless of how good or bad things in our lives seem to be. Whether that be a trip/holiday being delayed or cancelled, not landing your dream job or moments where seems to going to plan. The last time time I knowingly saw him was leaving for the car park at Chessington after an exciting meal and visit to the park. Little did I know at the time that would be the last time I saw him. He may have only been active in the community for just over a year, but certainly left a lasting impression. As long as we can continue to enjoy these wonderful meets and socials. Amongst remembering the good times of those Roodie attended, his spirit can definitely live on. Roodie May be gone, but he is definitely not forgotten. Thanks for reading and I apologise if this is too much for anyone.
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