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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. A Beauty and the Beast dark ride would certainly work and be ideal, given it's location, as would a water attraction for Frontier. Aside from the New York Marvel rethrme (which I feel mixed on), I think the Studios Park will be getting fixed up first as the park is in a somewhat confused state bar a few attractions. Whilst all good, the future of Tower does concern me which could become a Guardians Clone. Swear there was a rumour of a Frozen dark ride being built and one they were thinking of spiting the Snow White attraction. I hope not.
  2. Sounds like Monster is the only thing really going for this park then. Shame the park is seemingly unloved by it's owners. I'm guessing it's probably only worth visiting if combined with other park trips or cultural stuff?
  3. Wow, the park are flying ahead with construction here. Sorry I'll leave. Honestly though it's perfectly clear we should hopefully get a 2018 opening. A very exciting year for new European coasters indeed. I am wondering how much of the coaster will be enclosed when finished? We shall have to see.
  4. I think with all said and done, the park should just consider it an achievement they actually got it open in the first place. Effort was clearly made here.
  5. Heidi definitely looks a great little woodie, which is great to see open. That Carousel though looks bizarre. Is that new as well? Would you say it's ironic that a ride you've been trying to get for years became cred 200? Plopsacoo looks a pretty little park though. Shockingly, I have still not been to a Hard Rock Cafe.
  6. Not much to see yet, but somewhat exciting. Also loving Vekoma's new track style too. Will be interesting if this ride actually features dark ride sections. Rumours also suggest Nighthawk and Hollywood will be the next attractions to face the bulldozer, which perhaps means Fantasmica will be relocated to Rookburgh.
  7. You definitely chose the right one given the time frames. Fear is the longest of the two and features more fun and exciting elements. Force seemed noticeably shorter for me, even though the trick track is arguably more exciting. I personally love Taron, not just down to it's layout but whole landscaping and theming throughout? Mamba is great too and I found the rating between Nemy and Inferno to be correct. Mystery Castle is certainly a bizarre attraction, as the build up really helps set it up, however the actual ride is a little underwhelming. Experiencing this attraction on a medium queue perhaps offers the best experience. I like Raik (which may be due to impressive theming again), but do find with junior boomerangs, once you've been on one you've pretty much been on them all. Colorado is an impressive mine coaster. It's not quite BTM, but is still amazing. Its a shame you missed out on Maus Au Chocolate and River Quest, as both are equally great rides in their own ways. Not to mention River Quest did get a hefty retheme this year I believe. Creds aside, you haven't missed out by not riding Nighthawk as it's literally 10 minutes of a coaster going up three lift hills in the dark. Apparently they are removing it soon to redevelop the park which lacks in room for expansion. I honestly love Phantasialand and would say it's a park which you need 2-3 days to visit, get everything done and appreciate the place. It's also fairly easy to travel to as well.
  8. Well that's more creeds I won't be getting then. I know they didn't Duel anymore, but will still be a shame to lose them. That's the third attraction I'll miss out on next year's grand adventure.
  9. I don't think I've known a coaster to age or progress as greatly as Inferno. Everytimevive been riding on that ride, it always gives me feelings of amazement and feels so intense and forceful now. Inferno is a ride that never bores me and highly re-rideable too.
  10. This was certainly an interesting read. I've still not had the chance to visit Asterix,but can safely say it's on my list and the things I've heard about that place sound highly interesting. Same goes for Niglo land, which I guess would probably need to be a car job. I love Phantasialand and can safely say it's one of the best parks food. What is it you dislike about Winjas? Can agree about the Efteling theming. The amount of details I managed to miss on my last visit was astounding. I love Dutchman, Dream Flight, Fata, Vogelrock and Baron (despite it's average throughout). I actually enjoy Joris as I think the racing element is fun amongst it's forces. Symbolica I can safely say is a perfect addition to the park and certainly worth returning for. I'm interested to see what Hyperspace brings when I hopefully ride later this year. I like the look of the new trains but the recent 'Disney Cashcowing' does concern me. First Gusrdians, then this and soon the conversion of the Grest Movie into the Mickey ride along with the New York hotel getting rethemed to Marvel. I need to return to Europa, but that's hopefully on the planning block, this time with the intention of an onsite stay.
  11. Bagatelle looks bizarre. I don't know what else to say. Would it be worth the effort to visit outside of the Cred prospect? The Calais structures look decent though which is perhaps a positive.
  12. Matt 236

    Symbolica Review

    A perfectly accurate review from the Baron there I say. I certainly found Symbolica to be the perfect modern dark ride, in one that uses lots of modern technology yet without the need of screens as much which I find fantastic and breathtaking. I think the pacing and theming of the ride is top notch and the amount of animatronic and interactive features superb. Symbolica also perfectly fits into the style and character of the Efteling as well.
  13. Might as well update given it's been a while. 10/ Mr Toad's (Magic Kingdom) 9/ Silber Mine 8/ Terror Tomb 7/ TOT DCA 6/ Knightmare 5/ Space Invaders 4/ Back To The Future 3/ Tommy Tinkaboo's Sweet Factory 2/ Professor Burps Bubbleworks (only ever did Imperial one) 1/ The Great Movie Ride
  14. Very excited for all these new rides and ideas, especially the tron coaster and Star Wars Land. Disney could be onto an absolute winner with that one and it's great to see so many new projects coming along. One thing I'm not very happy about is the confirmed closure of the Great Movie Ride. As it looked an absolute master piece and would argue it's a greater loss than the DCA Tower ride. If they had to change it they could've at least just converted it to Disney movies only rather than purely a Mickey and Minnie ride. Makes me sad I'll be missing it's closure by a year when I take my first trip. Losing Universe Of Energy is still a shame, but was looking dated though.
  15. Well I hope so, because I've only bought me and Tomb's tickets now. And we hope to stay over too. Aldo hope to be there Saturday for the day but unsure when I will turn up yet.
  16. Pretty shocking and surprising move, given how big marketing was when they built this and how much effort they put into the attraction, real shame. I just hope whatever replaces it is a step in the right direction, especially considering Coast and Rattlesnake have been removed, even if they were on their last legs.
  17. Advice is appreciated guys. Trying to do lots of work snd and planning into this whole trip, given it would be me snd Tomb's biggest trip to date when it hopefully happens. Is September a good time to visit? We are probably looking at 15 days.
  18. Right, so quite a few years ago I made posts for a trip that seemed in the clouds. However hopefully now, I am more in a position of a trip finally happening.I'm planning an Orlando trip for 2018. Would September be a good time to visit? Hoping for a 15 day trip out there, and knocking the first and last day for packing, travel and jet lag I'm hoping for the following:2 days at Magic Kingdom 1 day at each other park (total 3)3 days at Universal 2 days Busch Gardens1 day Sea World2 relax days, one for Volcsno Bay and something else and another for Disney Springs and one of the water parks.What's anyone's thoughts on this and is there anything else I should do/plan amongst this?Wondering where the best place to stay is?Disney Onsite, I-Drive, Villa or Kissimmee? The latter sounds interesting.Is a package holiday best for first timers In Orlando? I've booked and organised trips in Europe, but not America.
  19. Hopefully it'll just be a retrack and modernisation of the existing ride. As long as they keep the ride's current charm and soundtrack, I will be very happy. A mixed but exciting investment at the park indeed.
  20. Great to see this park receiving a massive expansion plan for the next few years, should be great to see these new additions being built. Anyone know if the former Vertigo site is still left unoccupied? Given how unsuccessful and disastrous that coaster was.
  21. A massively hyped project that has been getting delayed and management leaving being cancelled? Did not see this coming.
  22. Well it looks like it won't be too long until I return to Phantasialand then. certainly an interesting yet impressive move from the patk, opting for another coaster and choosing a flyer with a launch. I guess the two selling points compensate things when Nighthawk gets spotted, given it's one of the longest indoor coasters in the world. I'm wondering what else will feature in the Rookburgh area, given it's massive footprint and the original 'different experience by day and night' tagline has little correlation to a flying coaster at the moment.
  23. If you look carefully, the shark logo on the pin actually says Shark. Meaning it says Thorpe Shark Hotrl. They sure look decent thought. Might have to get a few.
  24. Matt 236

    Logger's Leap

    TBH if construction of new buildings counts as redevelopment, then anything could happen. Sadly the return of Loggers is highly unlikely.
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