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  1. Like
    planenut got a reaction from Whiteknuckle in Oakwood   
    Went to the park on Saturday (Coaster Club trip). As has been mentioned, the park does appear quite run-down, and even items which were broken in loos over the last three years, are still broken. A new loo "interior" has been installed in the one by Speed, but that has two seats which are broken. I really think that an operation such as this should have a maintenance guy trawling the park all day.
    As to the rides, well Speed was ages to start up, but due to no queue later in the day, I was able to re-ride five times without vacating the seat.
    Megafobia, well, it's brilliant, and was running great.
    Tinkerbells scooters were unavailable, a let down, for a plane nut.
    The queues were really low, until the crowds built up for the evening entertainment -  paint throwing, how nuts, what a mess. 
    Drenched was pretty wet, but the park has a strange strategy in not opening it until 2 p.m.  "so that guests don't walk around wet all day" - that's their choice, and Tidal Wave at TP has a queue from opening. If it's the cost of financing staff, install a couple more large cubicle dryers, they'd make on that. Drenched did start late due to a wheel fault, and they are only loading fourteen out of the twenty-four seats each time which gives the ride a through put of ...........oh, 100 - per hour.
    The fireworks at the end of the day were absolutely brilliant.
  2. Like
    planenut got a reaction from JamminGamer in Things You've Overheard at Parks   
    When they have queued under it for up to 90 minutes, on Stealth saying "is that it then?" ( I did suggest to someone once that it used to go down the M3 until complaints from drivers - gullible types about)
  3. Like
    planenut got a reaction from CharlieN in Alton Towers General Discussion   
    Ah, I'm busy next weekend, so maybe not then.
  4. Like
    planenut got a reaction from holtjammy16 in Alton Towers General Discussion   
    I loved Thunderlooper; I heard also that it's existence was only agreed as being temporary.
  5. Like
    planenut got a reaction from pognoi in Fear on a Ride   

    For me, SWARM inside on rows four or five; Nemesis Inferno any seat row five..........just my opinion.
  6. Like
    planenut got a reaction from Whatever in Madame Tussauds London   
    Interesting, the statue of Sherlock is less than a hundred metres away, and the Sherlock Holmes museum is only 500 metres. Elementary really.
  7. Like
    planenut reacted to Ob2k in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    I am totally baffled by some of the posts in this thread.... we always say that UK never innovates that America always has the upper hand... I am sorry but my experience in this ride was nothing compared to anything else I have ever been on... this is a truly innovative ride and I can see where the money was spent.... maybe I had a perfect ride or something  I had no issue with the vr... it worked perfectly and I can see exactly where the money went... I applaud thorpe for having the balls to do a ride like this... I hate seeing 'enthusiasts' picking holes with one of the most technologically advanced rides I have ever been on.... whatever you think I don't think there is a ride like it anywhere in the world.... 
  8. Like
    planenut reacted to Marc in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    I think people need to remember Universal etc are not the parks which Thorpe / Merlin are trying to compete with here...
    I got to ride it without VR to take some pictures last night - I saw adults riding it cowering into the side of their seats scared out of their lives - it's not often you see that sort of reaction other than a few screams on a coaster.
    I don't think it's for everyone - but reaction from the public in general is said to be very good and ultimately that's the most important thing when building a ride - pleasing your core audience!
  9. Like
    planenut reacted to Benin in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    Clearly SOMEONE is lucky enough not to have to endure Southern Rail!
  10. Like
    planenut got a reaction from CharlieN in Colossus   
    Rode once today, and still cannot figure how someone put their leg out of the train. I noticed that staff are now wearing the climbing harnesses all the time, which must be torture in the current climate (or should that be climbate). (if it's been mentioned, sorry)
  11. Like
    planenut got a reaction from Han30 in Colossus   
    I've just read about this evacuation; supposedly a woman stuck her leg out, how? I like Colossus but I always feel cramped and pinned in, that is some mean feat! or foot!
  12. Like
    planenut got a reaction from Ian-S in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    I do understand your comment but surely one is not compelled to watch it are they?
  13. Like
    planenut got a reaction from yeah in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    I do understand your comment but surely one is not compelled to watch it are they?
  14. Like
    planenut got a reaction from pognoi in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    I do understand your comment but surely one is not compelled to watch it are they?
  15. Like
    planenut reacted to Celia Mae in TPM Happy 10th Anniversary Stealth Meet 25th September 2016!   
    This will definitely happen, dont you worry about that!
  16. Like
    planenut got a reaction from CharlieN in Planning for a Thorpe Park Trip in about two weeks   
    Welcome to the forum Mermalizer, there is some sound advice on here already, so I'll not add too much more. Check on the TP official site for opening times as they do vary.
    It's odd how people still want to "lunch" at lunch-time, my kids grew up knowing that one eats and drinks in the queue, if one of the party wants the loo, then all go. If the weather is hot, make sure you keep drinking; also if the weather is to be hot, and you like the wet rides, then do them before 11a.m. as that will give you plenty of time to dry out in the next queue, 'cos that ought to be the longest one you want to join.
    Sus out where you can leave your bags for a while, rather than using/paying for lockers. Single rider queues will only be useful if you are on your own, but watch the queues as low numbers means it's quicker to join the main queue.
    1.30p.m. the SWARM queue disappears totally for about 45 minutes. Linger for the last rides of the day, as some may be walkon from the previous ride. Most trip buses board at 4.p.m. so then the queues really drop. If someone wants to pass you in the queue to join their friends, then politely suggest that you don't mind, so long as all their friends now queue behind you.
    As already suggested, don't do SWARM first as that gets the biggest queue, people still "need" to ride the newest ride first.
    Enjoy your time, and chat to people in the queues, some of them are on their own, and on their first trip.
    Oh, and don't miss out on Slammer, and don't let them do the restraint too tight, once locked it cannot move, looser, then you can.
  17. Like
    planenut got a reaction from pluk in The News   
    Don't assume you know how others voted, the proof is in the outcome, not the forecast. If someone has an opinion then let them speak, if they speak well, then they should use that ability to make a difference in the future.
  18. Like
    planenut got a reaction from Matt 236 in Walt Disney World Resort   
    N-ice one Matt!
  19. Like
    planenut got a reaction from KingNemesis in TPM Emergency Dreamland Meet September 24th 2016   
    Spitfire and Hurricane museum at Manston; Chatham Dock Yards. Yes, I've heard that Diggerland is good fun, and that's not far from the Dock Yards.
  20. Like
    planenut reacted to Matt 236 in Walt Disney World Resort   
    5 hour queue for Frozen? I'm surprised it's not longer. 
    Think I'll let it go, down before queuing for that. 
  21. Like
    planenut got a reaction from pluk in Stealth   
    Another funny comment today from a young chap - "that was way out of my comfort zone!"
  22. Like
    planenut got a reaction from Marc in Stealth   
    Another funny comment today from a young chap - "that was way out of my comfort zone!"
  23. Like
    planenut got a reaction from Celia Mae in The Passing Of Muhammad Ali   
    It seems that to everybody that saw or met, heard or heard of, Muhammad Ali, former boxing champion, he was an icon, a legend, hero, ambassador, gentleman, oh yes, and a sports star. He passed away this morning.
    I doubt that many on this forum will have seen him, most probably never heard of him. I consider that I was lucky to have lived at the same time as he has, as good an example of a cool guy, one will be hard pushed to find.
  24. Like
    planenut got a reaction from CharlieN in On Ride Photos   
    How much for a picture of your face then?
  25. Like
    planenut reacted to Celia Mae in TPM Happy 10th Anniversary Stealth Meet 25th September 2016!   
    Hi everyone!  As some of you may know, this year is the 10th anniversary of Stealth, a rather landmark occasion and a landmark rollercoaster for our beloved Thorpe Park! So we've tried to speak to the park to get a special package together
    The extras we would get would include a BTS and ERT of Stealth on a date yet to be decided, as usual it will be down to you. Unfortunately as this is a VIP extra, there would be a discounted price depending on numbers. The price would be £35 if we bring 30 people, £30 if we bring 40, etc. We know the price is a lot, but bear in mind Thorpe usually charge £50 for a BTS without ERT! Though of course we would endeavour to roll the extras into a day's meet at Thorpe Park, so you would also get the bonus of being with other great people in a great atmosphere  If anyone needs park tickets if they do not own a MAP Thorpe are willing to offer them to us for £25, ever so slightly cheaper than if you were to buy them online in advance.
    The poll is now closed! The date will be the 25th September 2016, as chosen by your poll!
    Attending this event (9-12):
    'Airtime Falcon'
    Celia Mae
    Han30 (?)
    Mattgwise (?)
    Phill Pritchard
    Ryan (?)
    Doing the BTS (6):
    'Airtime Falcon'
    Celia Mae
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