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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. All about the MC16 matt!! With my username I felt really creative and used my full name, like my email address and pretty much every username I have aha! I've never felt the need to change the name really as I use it for like everything now... I do like it stylised as 'DeanCox.' Though... I remember back in the days of msn messenger my display name used to be 'DeanCox. (Y)'... A username back from Habbo hotel years ago which still makes me cringe was 'D3ANO-118' which originated from a child nickname of Deano, and some random obsession with 118, 118 (got your number!) hahaha! But I'm happy enough sticking with DeanGaryCox, or as some people have abbreviated without asking me to DGC!
  2. I really didn't realise he was still quite a big thing, thanks I remember quite a few years ago he was on TV with the attempt to hypnotise anyone watching it, who else remembers that aha? I really do hope if it's loosely based on derren brown, the effects are out of this world!
  3. They just seem to be brought in after the peak of popularity, and now generally on the decline... now tell me if I must be hiding under a rock, but if wc16 has anything to do with derren brown (it's being brought up far too often as a rumour), I'd almost forgotten about him, haven't heard of him in many many years!
  4. I hope not... another IP of something that's too far in the past... thorpe are good at doing that!
  5. By death slide, do you mean the death cred that is hydro drenched?
  6. Well that was a great day everyone, thanks! And I got to meet the mighty Matt creek... Life achievement!
  7. You can be extremely clever academic wise but lack common sense... Schools don't seem to teach life skills enough!
  8. We gotta be careful to be a little too insensitive, as of course it is sad news, but it's people with a lack of BASIC common sense like this that make H&S go stupid and add tonnes more signs and make fences even higher, and in reality with a nicely themed park ruin the themed experience of the rides. Gotta feel sorry for the people actually on the ride at the time... But it's evolution through the process of natural selection right!?
  9. Avon Valley Adventure & Wildlife park... It really isn't usually a noteworthy place at all with 0 creds, and no actual rides (it's located between Bristol and Bath)... But there's recently been a cool Segway company based there and they took us through a maize maze on the segways which was amazing! But anyway the whole reason for this topic, is basically only recently found out they hold a Halloween event, apparently it ran last year too, can't believe I didn't know about it, as it's literally 5-10 minutes drive away from my house! Looking at the prices and stuff, is £12.50 good for an evening of 3 live action mazes and side attractions? Also has anyone heard or seen anything about the maze they had there last year and returning this year called Anarchy, apparently it was nominated for best halloween scare maze in 2014.. 'RETURNING FOR 2015: In 2014 the game began: thousands entered, few survived. This year, the game continues, and the Tribe are out for blood.' Anyway here's the website: http://www.fearavonvalley.com
  10. I don't think merlin like to admit to any problems aha
  11. My friend contacted thorpe/merlin and complained about a visit to thorpe about delayed ride opening, poor ride availabilty etc. and managed to get a phone call back speaking to someone from merlin. and their reply, as for the delayed ride opening, that's down to saftey, well of course it is, but I'm sure they probably don't tell us, is that they don't have enough staff to cover for these issues when checking/testing in the early mornings ready for the park to open... And as this is the I'm a celeb topic of course, he was told thorpe is due to reopen the finale within the next week; so although not told the reason, things like this I'm sure there was a sufficient reason why, like damaged as rumoured. Although personally the finale is so poor anyway, the buttons that you might see at the top were there originally, and you went from the cruelty towers in two groups, so 5 buttons to press and hold down together to complete the challenge, well the buttons were already broke on preview night before it officially opened aha; so very poor, and then they went to the physical star idea, which isn't bad I guess. With it being closed fixing something I hope they've upped the mist to make it a bit slippery, cannons that actually shoot the foam rocks or balls etc, and well the whole point is the wind... and while they're at it, sort out the slide as it's so awful, a proper metal one would have been so much better, as this current one doesn't even slide properly!
  12. It's dim, but just as you go down the drop, the spikes are usually hard to see and the strobe lights them up easier to see, in shock as you don't know they're there... but yeah haven't seen it working all year, plus the animation of the swinging axes are just horrendous now, it ruins the effect!
  13. The strobe light in saw I haven't seen working on all of my 13 visits this year! With the lack of upkeep of effects, I too plan to ride as soon as possible aha!
  14. OldFarmerDean


    it was back on 2 trains on Sunday...
  15. there is potential for other rides to be removed to make way... but I just can't see things like peeking heights etc. being removed in the open season, and closed season probably wouldn't leave enough time, so I don't know! I would love to see some sort of large scale family flat ride though... but what!?
  16. I don't trust you with tunnels... weren't you the one who told us loggers tunnel was back!?
  17. My bad if that was the case aha, but I was definitely using the main page on one of my internet tabs.. It didn't update that loggers and Colossus were closed for the rest of the day when the signs around the park said closed/unavailable? But do keep up the good work
  18. With an annual pass and the fact that I still enjoy a day out there. What else can I do, there are hardly alternatives in the UK and especially at the value of my annual pass. I feel more sorry for the people paying full price for a ticket and experiencing the park. I try and go to a theme park most weekends, and although we complain about them all the time, none of the other UK parks are as good as Merlin ones, so what am I supposed to do, and as others have been slated for complaining about the park all the time, there's no other options so if they enjoy theme parks enough to outweigh the complaints then of course they're still going to return all the time, and therefore find more and more issues aha. It's forum I think we'll have to put up with complaints all the time!
  19. Yeah I know there's a reserve and ride page too... I'm pretty sure I was looking at the main one. At least you know if there is a problem to look in to it thanks for the website and usually it is brilliant and very handy to use!
  20. I completely agree about Shrek... Now that I go to theme parks and stuff too much, I notice the most annoying little details or effects not working (wish I didn't, but I'm past the point of no return aha)... And honestly from the moment I went inside the building to the moment I stepped out I was in shock at how amazing and flawless it was, and how it fit so well into the County Hall! I do pray for merlin and their reputation for effects not working after a while. Unfortunately I was left a tiny bit disappointed as the bus ride didn't work properly for me and stayed stationary through the whole short film, but was minor flaw in the grand scale of the whole experience. I definitely do hope to visit again sometime this year though and get to experience the bus ride properly!
  21. any bets they'll be given priority passes next time they go... while priority passes are okay for a quick sorry you've been waiting for a while and now we have to close this ride... it doesn't fix the fact it's happened, and the fact these are probably happening more than they should, in comparison to reliabilities at other parks! Yeah the no swarm effects working at all, and some doors were open with sand bags around and water leaking/running out from a pump room, so that might have something to do with the water effects at least. But how they struggle so bad to keep seemingly simple effects working is laughable; all the more reason to be worried for WC16 aha!
  22. Yeah, forgot to mention no mist on Ne'moist'is Inferno... that's the best part! oh dear oh dear aha! to be honest I haven't had a problem with staff (except some in the baggage rooms who are just not happy or busy chatting to another worker - but you can't blame them, gotta be the worst job ever)! And someone who works there said to me, thorpe don't close rides or not open them on time just for the banter! but personally I'm sure they don't help themselves!
  23. they just chuck priority passes at people rather than actually fixing the underlying problems to the failings of the park. Someone needs to photoshop a gif of Leonardo Di Caprio with the money, and replace it with priority passes... Hi, welcome to Thorpe Park
  24. Of course I'll follow the construction of this ride... but as I said right from when I found out for a merlin park this ridiculous sum is going to be spent wasted on a dark ride; I'm not looking forward to this as much as I should / want to. I do love merlin with their marketing for big rides, and some of the themes/concepts they come up with, but honestly the basis of any major ride I mainly care about the ride hardware; and from the looks of the small(ish) bulding size, and the height, well lack of, I can't see anything worthwhile thrilling that would go in there. I know a lot of you have been praying for thorpe to get a dark ride, so slate me all you want for being so pessimistic about this, but it's probably just not going to be something that I'll experience and think wow, money well spent, well done Thorpe. I just won't... I'd love to be pleasantly surprised like I was with I'm a Celeb on preview night, so I'll keep my expectations low, and my hype meter to a minimum.
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