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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. you can actually get ketchup............. literally my biggest disappointment with all of the pizza pastas. I'm so happy!!
  2. Generally speaking July would probably be busier than June unfortunately..
  3. I had a bit of a headache from doing stealth 4 times yesterday... 75 is pretty impressive Looks like you had a nice dead day, my two visits on wednesday and yesterday did have queues between 5 and 20 minutes throughout the day; did they let you wall back through to the station past the bag drop? I love that when I went off peak quite a few times last year, it was amazing aha
  4. Just because it's a filler ride doesn't make it any less inportant for someones choice of ride especially cobsidering how many younger people were in the park. It looked like it had a 15-20 minute queue at the end, the longest in the park so they were clearly being cheeky and just trying to reduce how long they have to stay after 4. It hardly ruined my day, it's just annoying.
  5. I would like to share my disappointment at depth charge yesterday, who's staff closed the gate at 3.57 (and that was the time on all of our phones), we had rushed to get there last thing and was told can't go on, ride op up top says queue is closed now - hardly fair when it's not supposed to shut til 4!!
  6. I have noticed it on the map now.. Thanks!
  7. Was slightly quieter today than my visit on Wednesday... Watched braniac live again and I absolutely love the lighting setup Depth charge somehow broke down... Went there first thing to get a few goes before it got busy, one go, went back up and got told it has broken down, the water looked like it was going so must have been the conveyor belt. Was back open a bit later - angry birds 4d was also closed for like the first hour, apart from that everything seemed to be running well. Was just about enough to do again for the day, although even just 1 more ride like X would have added the variety and would have been perfect rather than rerides which after 2 can become a bit annoying for me let alone non enthusiast family and friends aha! Swarm x3 (front and back) Stealth x4 (front and back) Flying Fish x2 Dodgems x2 Depth Charge x1 Storm in a Teacup x1 Angry Birds 4D x1 Braniac Live x1 Total: 14/15
  8. Yeah the bays were completely filled, no stopping at the bottom of the stairs. So yeah half an hour.. It did happen
  9. So apparently the free pre book tickets for premium passholders for tomorrow have sold out... Hoping it's not too busy, as half hour for the swarm, 20 minutes for flying fish and depth chargw was bad enough on Wednesday!!
  10. I've heard through the grapevine that it is Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th March
  11. certainly wasn't yesterday!! by the sounds of it, it has been the other days. I'm there again saturday so fingers crossed, as it was weird the weekend just gone seemed dead quiet, whether that was because it was one of the first days and not a lot of people knew about it meaning this weekend could be packed :S
  12. no wonder why flying fish had a 10-20 minute queue yesterday!! was a joke with seats missing and quite a few seats closed off, completely agree with you!!
  13. the operations don't seem to be very fast to be fair... although the staff were being very happy and friendly which sort of made up for it aha. whether yesterday happened to be quite busy in comparison to other days I guess?
  14. queued almost half an hour for the swarm yesterday afternoon, and that was just behind the control booth on the path that leads to the other side... stealth was between 5-15 minutes all day.
  15. I heard X was apparently in the process of being signed off..
  16. I can't remember how it used to be, but it is surrounding the kitchen now in a U shape
  17. Repeating what's already said by people... Had a really nice, chilled day, plus the sun was out, even better! There is a clear need for more rides open though for the younger audience like Xand possibly quantum, as there iisn't enough for under 1.4m, plus personally I would have liked that little bit else to do, but still a great day and the braniac show was cool! Stealth x3 The Swarm x3 Wild Hog Dodgems x3 Flying Fish x1 Depth Charge x1 Storm In A Teacup x1 Braniac Live x1
  18. So basically the email a lot of us received said the trialling was open 1-3... So we arrived about 1.20 to be told they're running out of food and we can't go in... Some other people were complaining so we stuck around and the patient worker outside tried to find a solution for the 15 of us stood around. In the end he said look he can't guarantee there is enough food left, but if we'd like to wait we can go in free of charge, the others walked off taking the blokes name really not impressed, we chose to wait as it was free, waited 5 mins for a table and off we went in and had no issue with lackof food aalthough could see it was coming to an end but sufficiently to finish everyone off in there. It's nice and large inside now, the themeing is decent although would have been nicer if they used actual fake plants/ivy rather than painting it on the beams, but the food was like any other pizza pasta buffet so decent enough, plus they had ketchup sachets you could ask for so I was happy as none of them have every had ketchup before; the only downside was tiny plates but as it's unlimited just go back up and get little bits at a time. And it was free so all good!!
  19. Try the new Inferno's Pizza Pasta Restaurant, exclusively for Annual Pass Holders!‏ So Thorpe are trialling their Pizza Pasta restaurant, tomorrow and thursday... received an email from them, and it's open for lunch Wednesday & Thursday and they will give reduced price of £5.50each in return of a filled out feedback form. EDIT: Should be at the park tomorrow, so will hopefully try it out, although not sure why they need feedback for as I'm sure merlin have got plenty of them aha!
  20. the themeing does look decent... think I'm just going to go in with low expectations of what the experience is going to be like though, and hopefully be pleasantly surprised; just really not one of those things I can get hyped about - same applies to the new dark ride for next year to be fair.
  21. the drop while being in the back row was incredible, and I was actually scared... but the rest of the ride may as well have been flying fish!
  22. when you look how much thorpe park annual passes cost in comparison to alton towers annual passes you can see why... but standard merlin passholders would seem a bit of an annoying one to add the charge to.
  23. With the braniac live show... I've never seen it before. but visiting twice this week, just trying to work out if I'd be that bored watching it the second time or is it really that good of a show!?
  24. looks like our family will be split across the two other families on the way home then with our premium passes £5 is pretty extortionate, or any charge at all for theme parks when you're paying to get in... couldn't imagine not having a premium pass anymore.
  25. Does thorpe charge for parking for their half term event... doesn't effect me as I have premium pass, but just curious. thanks.
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