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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. In terms of not offering anything new thrilling since 2012, and probably then won't see any investment in 2017 and no one would know what the future holds from then... Just saying, I for one am disappointed, unless it is an all in one experience, as immersive themeing is great, just I find dark rides in general slow and boring.
  2. Am I the only one that doesn't really like dark rides... You go on them once and then they get boring, people could say the same about roller coasters but they're actually thrilling, and I go to a theme park for big rides, so hopefully, as it's a major investment that it is something with thrilling elements, or we best get something new for thrill seekers for next year, otherwise they're just taking the p***!!
  3. Watching it now... Think I'd literally cry.
  4. I've uploaded it, so hopefully the link works... Recorded this little bit while waiting for the minimum of 15 people, which seemed to be happening most of the day, clearly the ride isn't popular enough :/
  5. Well Chessington certainly did not disappoint again... The effort put into this event is just outstanding; lighting, in particular black buccaneer and vampire were great again like previous years, and now Rameses with its music and lasers just really made my day - the 2 Halloween scare attractions were brilliant as usual but with such storyline comes a horrible throughput! I do have a short video I recorded of the lasers on Rameses on my phone but will not upload so may have to wait to get home; the lasers are all colours and can pretty much do anything, as well as goes in time with the music, which unfortunately I didn't hear club music but it was playing various music, mainly Halloween.
  6. Studio 13 I done twice Friday 17th and really enjoyed it. Although didn't really hear the chainsaw chase on my second go... Done it last night and was great again still, definitely felt like it had more strobe lights, and coloured ones at that (red and blue).
  7. Sorry my phones Internet didn't show it had posted haha
  8. Can't wait to see Rameses in the dark tonight... I really hope they decide to play the club music people have been on about! Chessington really is my favourite Halloween event as so much effort is put into the lighting and the quality of the Halloween attractions.
  9. OldFarmerDean


    They have to balance out the sides as best as possible which takes time... I have also found it very slow, like 10 minutes per cycle, from being let on to getting off the ride! Would letting the air pressure reset have anything to do with it?
  10. Hopefully they'll realise that, and just give up. Families/kids. No. Reserve & ride. No. Unreliable rides *cough* samurai *cough*. No. Overselling of fast track. No.
  11. Thorpe has been VERY quiet this season on the off peak days that I've been this year, in excess of 5 times and pretty much no queueing at all, or queues but only due to crap operations. Nice in a way to see them busy now and hopefully increase mazes for next year as it is so popular, or maybe lots of people will be put off after how much fast track has been sold and how big the queues were.
  12. Tonight is absolutely packed... Never seen queues so big for the fast track booths in my life
  13. Oh how lovely... Popping in about 5/6 this evening, looks like not very much is going to get done, even if I'm with someone with a disability pass.
  14. Can't even see where it is meant to go, as in building works, and managed to see one sign in the whole park, and that was by the main day guest entrance on a small billboard.
  15. I know I'm so ashamed of myself... It's just amazing on the front row and nowhere else, it can still be one of my favourite ride experiences!
  16. Same as me, just I decided to take a break instead of potentially inflicting pain and getting a major headache riding in the middle rows of Baco twice lol!
  17. People want to know what the ride is like... And if you want to like it don't do anything other than the front row haha! But it can actually be an amazing ride, potentially my favourite ever. As for Baco... I said the potential to be my best ride as it was front row, and doesn't necessarily have to be the inside seat. If we're talking about an all round great ride which I could ride over and over any seat, any time of day, then my top 3 would have to be... 3 - The Swarm 2 - Nemesis Inferno 1 - Shambhala Even though I would say Nemesis at Alton towers is my favourite ride in the UK and then 2nd to Shambhala, it just hurts my head after too many goes... Whereas got 10 rides today on Shambhala aha!
  18. So after not wishing to ride Baco again today... I did and on the back row, as well as doing 3rd row for the 3rd time over the two days... And whoever said back row is the worst, is lying, row 3 is excruciating, back row wasn't actually that bad - and well done front row twice tonight and have to say it was absolutely amazing, potentially my favourite ride - how much the seating row can change everything - and oh yeah left hand side is rougher than the right!
  19. It was only til 7 today... Open til 11pm tomorrow and 8pm Sunday once the clocks have gone back so there will definitely be night rides, especially as we have got the full express pass for the duration of our stay. Hurakan doesn't have express pass and as we got to the park about half 2 today it showed about a half hour queue afternoon, so hopefully will get there for when it opens at midday tomorrow to reduce the time we'd have to wait.
  20. I thought it can't be that bad and gave it a chance... Ride on the outside and not sure if I'm going to ride it again for the rest of the weekend haha! Stampida was bad for a wooden coaster too. Dragon khan didn't live up to my expectations, yeah it was decent but nothing speicial. SHAMBHALA IS JUST AMAZING... BEST. RIDE. EVER.
  21. I can second that... And I was on the inside lol!
  22. I bought the fast track for 7.30pm so I could ride it in the dark... as I went same time last year and the park was quiet pretty much, but the smiler stayed over an hour queue all day - I never expected every ride in the whole park to be walk on all afternoon/evening regardless of how bad the weather was lol!
  23. Omg.... So happy to hear this - BPB next year it is for me!!!!
  24. Oblivion and Rita's queue were also really bad in places... But the smiler was ridiculous!
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