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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. I think people understand what's a joke...
  2. got a strong feeling that there won't be anything new in the theme park for 2015, which I guess s confirmed on Facebook by someone asking if there is anything new for 2015, to which Alton towers replied, new for 2015 is our enchanted village. I'll be pretty annoyed if we don't get a submission replacement or at least something fun or thrilling after a children's investment this year.
  3. I quite like burger kitchen although burger king is obviously better, and I will cry if they get rid of burger king as literally have like 3 oreo ice creams every time I go! Pizza hut gives bits of garlic bread, whereas pizza pasta don't, but it's all about annual pass discount! As for KFC its just too busy and has an awfully annoying limited menu and to say overly expensive as well!
  4. Well when I visited a few months ago, there were 4 of us who are around 20ish none of us are big, but told we weren't allowed to ride together... Which is understandable if they got h&s rules, same with dragons fury, just at least I know we can go 3 adults when I visit next week
  5. So basically... Visiting Chessington as a group of 3, and I know you can't have 4 adults on a rattlesnake car, but can't remember whether it's only 2 or 3 adults allowed, as it will be a bit of a pain to seperate one of us completely... any info would be great.
  6. That is literally exactly the same as me... having done it two or three times before, and only noticed it on my visit last week!
  7. So pretty much all the time now they cut it short due to queues? Although I've been several times where rush has had no queue at all I've had a short cycle every time... So odd how it was one off... Cheers for the info
  8. Well it happened on once right at the end of the day (having previously been on it that day with the normal shorter cycle), then they sent us going again as thw queue was shut and it was the last ride of the day without releasing the restraints but had to wait about 30 seconds and then had a normal shorter cycle that we've seen these last couple of years. Explain that? As I'm confused?
  9. in reagrds to this I also heard something about potentially 2 or 3 woodies coming to the UK in the next however many years, and one was drayton manor... now I can't remember where I read this, and I know it's in no way necessarily factual, but I just thought I'd say.
  10. There's a chance I might be going now, after my first one last year it was amazing, gutted to see carnival of screams going as that was my favourite... But as I visited in the first week last year, the queues for most of the rides never exceeded 15 mins besides smiler and sonic, and there was no queues for the paid mazes, so if I go it will be the first week again, so I expect it to be relatively quiet (although clearly not that quiet that it's not worth the park opening) as they've been doing these 2 weeks for many years.
  11. I've heard the viewing platforms close, although I've never actually been up them... and ripsaw it depends as they can get you wet, as near the end of the day at scarefest last year we had a ride which you'd experience on the first half of rameses 2 cycles... and some people were shouting is that it, so the ops sent us around again, but asked if people wanted to get wet, we were on the back and said no, but the people on the front wanted to... so we had an amazing cycle with 4 flips, and they got the front row absolutely soaked and avoided us so ripsaw is normally a really poor cycle and doesn't really get you wet... unless you're lucky. (without ERT) I usually go to dark forest... then walk accross the valley to forbidden valley, then make my way back around through gloomy wood, katanga canyon and mutiny bay, stop for something to eat, and then head to hex, and cloud cuckoo land, and then onto x-sector and then spinball - generally I can get that done by 2/3pm
  12. WANT, WANT, WANT! around loggers, wood, candaian theme fits easily especially as the area needs refreshing!
  13. Yes, just maybe thought a little bit of paint just to cover it all wouldn't have caused much harm...
  14. I've only been on speed twice, once this year, and last year... I can imagine when running well would be forceful and actually lasts quite a while. I find the last turn on nemesis inferno, and moreso the turn after the first inversion on nemesis two of the most forceful bit's on a rollercoaster I've been on, but they don't last long enough to cause anything I guess... not sure if the fact I looked backwards on the swarm and started to grey out as I turned back round had anything to do with it on this occasion as it's never happened before, and I hope not again as it is indeed strange!
  15. so basically we've experienced some form of greying out... which is generally experienced by aircraft pilots pulling high positive g forces... yes I looked it up, and what Another common occurrence of greyouts are in roller coaster riders. Many roller coasters put riders through positive G forces,[4] particularly in vertical loops and helices. Roller coasters rarely have high enough negative G forces to induce redouts, as most low-G elementsare designed to simulate weightlessness.
  16. So my bloody valentine, or more like experiment 10 shipping containers have now been placed in the arena, and there was work going on in the arena, presumably placing it, and covering up the experiment 10 blood paint and logos on the shipping containers... And about the preview event, let's be honest I highly doubt all, if even most who have booked tickets for the preview event will go.. considering the booking process if the tickets can be trolled so easily as they don't ask for your annual pass numbers - and I've booked 3, one for me and my parents, but still don't know if I'm going or not as we haven't made definite arrangements - so even if it's 6000 tickets, and the fact it's a thursday night I reckon about half would actually go.
  17. Got a while yet til it needs renewing (January) but I've just had a thought and out of interest would like to know... so basically we got the Premium annual passes in the january sale which as a family of 3 adults allowed us to get them what worked out £99each... So if one of us wants to renew, does that mean all 3 of us have to, or is the renewal price quite expensive, and you just buy a pass in the january sale? I'm a bit confused really as it's the first merlin pass I've had.. any help would be appreciated
  18. Swing A still running well... went on at the end of the day with a few minutes to go til closing, and there was noone in the queue and could have sworn I got a longer cycle than usual (or the cycle length I used to remember having when visiting back in 2009/10/11/12), and as they'd closed the chain they asked if everyone wanted to go again so noone got off, after like 30 seconds wait (not sure if the ride had to reset) we were off again although felt like a shorter normal cycle again... anyone else had this, so confused, as someone said on here it's a set cycle, they can't change it!?
  19. 1 train again today... queued from the in queue shop with all shortcuts, and waited about half hour just because of 1 train operation, such a pain as all coasters were pretty much 30-45 minutes all day, and flats were like 5 or walk on! anyway, wondering if anyone can help me... was on swarm (row 5 doubt that matters), on the left side (facing forwards) and going around the bend where the helicopter is, I looked back to see if the water effect was working (which it was to my surprise, and the fire was going off every time) but for the first time ever on a ride, my vision just started to disappear even with my eyes open!? only lasted a second or so and never completely lost vision but what sort of ride related torture effect on me is that lol, hope it's not a sign of things to come for me with rides!
  20. Vortex is still going unbelievably well and as it reached maximum height so quick regardless of where you sit you will get some time at the top! Was on the ride waiting and the ride ops were actually hilarious... He sat down next to someone and said to the one in the booth that he's not riding but he's doing guest interaction and said welcome to this meeting today, so next to me is like jenny and she's an alcoholic... Was so funny and just made a change from just normal operations.
  21. I thought the 15 people rule has been put in to place to allow enough weight to bring it back down if the sensor on the restraints sensor trips and the automatic safety brings it back down, maybe if it's too light it won't happen?
  22. well better than being rigid I guess as things tend to break/fracture under pressure...
  23. So from January 2015 the London Eye will be sponsored by Coca Cola instead of EDF Energy... http://www.coca-cola.co.uk/about-us/london-eye-sponsorship.html
  24. A Friday, not half term... So Friday 10th and Friday 17th I'm presuming would be the quietest, I've also heard the first 2 Sundays and the last Sunday can also be quieter as a late finish isn't always appreciated getting up early the next morning for work... My advice, avoid half term at all costs!
  25. yeah but they actually say merlin annual pass rather than room only... so what's the point in that if it's no different to someone who say has sun tickets and needs room only!?
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