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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. I bought fast track for the smiler yesterday first thing for in anticipation of it being busy to make sure I get on it... and it was walk on all evening, so annoying lol!
  2. So yeah... The park was literally dead today with queues being less than 5 minutes all day, it did peak to 60 on sonic spin ball and 30 mins on smiler a couple of hours after opening but everything was literally walk on all evening - I think everyone gave up due to the heavy rain showers and strong winds. Both the paid mazes weren't worth it, I thought they were good last year but just felt boring and not scary this year... Zombie scare zone seemed good this year, and scary tales was a good idea but just not really scary and definitely not a sufficient replacement for the best maze ever, carnival of screams! Lighting was better than last year, but sonic and forbidden valley still a disappointment.
  3. Very disappointed by both mazes... I'm terrified of them, and just hardly scared me at all!
  4. going tomorrow and just out of interest how windy has it been in the past for rides not to operate due to risk of stalling? Just as tomorrow shows up to 30mph winds and hate to thing how strong the gusts are going to be along with torrential rain, absolutely gutted
  5. Amazing... Literally cannot wait to go tomorrow now they've spent time sorting out the lights, in particular the plain coloured generator ones which ruined it last year! How is 13, is the main section of the ride still in pitch black as it is one of the best night ride experiences I've had... and has nemesis got lots of red lights?
  6. just why all of a sudden now, why not wait a couple more weeks til closed season... I was just praying for something actually new for thrill seekers in 2015, after a lack of anything the last 2 years... looks like all we're getting is a flying fish scorpion express treatment lol.
  7. well a shame it would take up so much space, and not a coaster or thrill ride which is the main reason I go to parks... but that's something I'd like to see, making the best out of a bad situation
  8. Well I for one am disappointed at the part where it said a full scale rollercoaster was originally planned but due to poor reception of the swarm and the change in target market it will be more concentrated on the story/experience than the ride itself I was hoping for dark ride in the arena area, like duel or tomb blaster, flat ride or two in hippo area and then a future rollercoaster on the spare island
  9. It came up with can't reserve at several points yesterday and then after a while it reset and went back to ride right now... the whole thing is flawed so badly, that or the people on park don't know how to run it.
  10. How about refurb of arena AND flat ride on safari area
  11. There isn't ERT, and unlike thorpe, you just turn up with your annual pass with no booking or fee needed
  12. Went yesterday (Friday) 17th... Got in the park about 5 to 10, and left about 9pm with an hour nap in the car before the mazes opened aha! Overall had an amazing day and was pleased how quiet it was for a fright night. Annual pass holders got let in about 15 minutes before the park opened at 10, the queue to collect tickets (which I had done for my cousin with family & friends tickets and thought I had to exchange for a ticket being a premium annual pass holder myself which turns out I don't need to, I can just go straight to the pass entrance with the ticket I printed off), had one booth open initially which was ridiculous but then went to 3 and waited about 15 mins so wasn't too bad. Ride/Maze Count... Closed rides: Samurai, Flying Fish x3 Stealth, The Swarm x2 Studio 13, Nemesis Inferno, Slammer, Rush, Vortex, Rumba Rapids x1 MBV, Saw: Alive, CITW, Saw, Colossus, Quantum, Depth Charge, X, Detonator, Angry Birds 4D, Dodgems 29 TOTAL After using Reserve n Ride back in June, I was hoping the system would be working correctly by now, and that having RnR would be a positive thing about the visit... But that was not the case, I mean if there wasn't RnR I don't think I would have got as many mazes done, but why it worked out okay for me is because lots of people didn't know about it and were in the main queue which admittedly I do feel sorry for them as a snail probably could have moved faster along the queue! Back to RnR, I explained my frustration in the Fright Nights topic how for the first hour or so it said let me on now on all the mazes which then led to 30min queues in the RnR section which the lines didn't have enough capacity for this amount of people - as the night went on, they all went to full up, then reset, and then different ones came up can't reserve, MBV had a 3 hour virtual queue apparently while Saw: Alives queue was let me on now, and the RnR queue was trailing all the way back out the queue. If they haven't sorted it by now, they should really give it up, especially as they want to rule it out across the whole park, I love thorpe park, but it will really ruin the experience for me having to plan your day so much! Lighting around the park is okay, nothing different from last year really... Floodlights around rush and a few other places could do with green covers, and stealth would look nice with red, but guess floodlights are actually part of the theme in this case... Stealth just looks amazing. Nemesis was my ride of the day, front row both times, and in the dark was just unbelievable, gutted about no mist all day though. Doing Stealth first rides of the day and front row is literally amazing too, certainly a shock to the system and wakes you up! Studio 13 was my favourite maze, hence doing it twice, just found it the right balance of humour and scares, was nicely themed and had good actors, a shame it's not as good as asylum, and felt shorter, but I actually prefer it as studio 13 as I'm scared of mazes to be fair. CITW was my favourite maze last year... If you actually like being scared then it's far better this year and probably the scariest maze. I found it terrifying, actors all in your face, one followed us through the whole maze and even out the the exit by slammer, so much smoke you can hardly see, flashing red lights which I hate aha! The spinning g tunnel was to smoky and didn't work, and that was the best part last year. There is no way MBV is the scariest maze... I mean I came out not finding it too bad. The story line from last year has now gone, and the person at the beginning basically says this mine is collapsing so hurry, oh yeah and stay away from anyone with a gas mask. I seen a nice lot of actors inside but the element of rush didn't work for most of it as you just see the actor in front of you and there's not really much space they just can't really do anything or even follow you so it just makes it a bit rubbish... Definitely good to see more actors and you actually get chased out the last few metres and they really do try and split you up. Saw: Alive... Am I one of the only ones who thinks this is a consistently good maze seemingly getting g better each year? I reckon it was better last year but is dependant on actors etc. But actors were really in your face, and just all round scary... Not really sure what else to say. Although I didn't do Blair Witch Project what I found hilarious was watching from Nemesis Infernos exit, and people seem to spend an awful long time in the shed at the end with a lot of screaming, and then when they thought it was all over a woman hid round the side ran after every group running a stick along the metal fences making a really loud noise and chasing them out when they least expected it! Going again just to do the mazes on Tuesday in half term so will see if there's much changes then.
  13. As it's running today... I feel so sorry for people going the weekend with it, it just is an utter failure in my eyes - and they've tried enough, I think they should just give up, plus the idea to rule it out across the park on the main rides just isn't going to work as there is not enough to do, I love thorpe park, but this is seriously ruining the experience for me.
  14. RnR is going horribly... Glitching like mad saying it's full for the day then resetting to let me on now with RnR physical queues being like half hour long which is annoying, but yeah at least I am not in the main queue which is about 90-120mins on all the mazes!!
  15. So it now shows every 60 minutes... I asked why and she said as it's been so quiet they've had like 5 people in one show which is pointless apparently.
  16. why would they want to get an air race for... I mean it's hardly unique to the uk, if I wanted to ride one I'd just go drayton manor, or if I'd already been on one, wouldn't be in any rush to go to bpb. so for that reason I hope it's not an air race and more of a unique flat ride to the uk theme park market. gerstaluer sky fly or roller anyone!?
  17. https://www.facebook.com/blackpoolpleasurebeach/photos/a.274171267364.146228.88885897364/10152759653062365/?type=1&theater
  18. not sure if it has already been mentioned but RnR won't be used on The Blair Witch Project maze / scare zone / walkthrough...
  19. Now I've moved departments in work I may be lucky enough to have like a weekend off a month, so will have to see closer to the time once the date has been chosen! EDIT: definitely cannot do Sunday 14th
  20. So the tunnel is going to be broken for the rest of fright nights D: That was my favourite bit... I remember the first time I done the maze last year and walked through the black plastic strips so you couldn't see and the tunnel made it so disorientating and at the other end was a very creepy/scary clown who then walked towards you and wouldn't let you past - I felt so drunk in that tunnel I could hardly stand haha, was so amazing!
  21. Is it bad that it's the ride me and EC are most looking forward to haha! :/
  22. It is open til 7pm Friday 24th, 11pm Saturday 25th and 8pm Sunday 26th, so hopefully the rides won't close early...
  23. Nothing stopping you from having several phones for your group... SorryNotSorry as I know other people will do it... so there's a good chance I will be able to get it all done!
  24. Nothing stopping me joining the normal queues, especially just before the queues close at 10
  25. Makes me so glad I'm visiting on a Friday next week... And when RnR is in use on the mazes. I thought it was a bad idea at first but that's changed after reading through this as I was tempted to buy fast tracks but stuff waiting anything over 10mins after you've paid to skip the queue!!
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