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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. and basically using that for a stay on thursday 9th october gave me no discount whatsoever £121.03 either way for room and breakfast for 3 people for 1 night
  2. sorry if there is already a topic on this, but tried searching and couldn't find anything... does anybody know if there's any discount for MAP holders at the Thorpe Shark hotel, and how do you book the hotel just room only (well with breakfast), no tickets. cheers.
  3. that was one of the 3(?) ideas they had... and went with the shark idea in the end, although I swear that was supposed to incorporate some sort of bar area? personally I did prefer the boardwalk idea, but it seems quite a lot of effort to put into considering how last minute it was done, and with the limit they have on rooms, would mean the shipping container rooms would have to be removed when/if the full hotel get's built.
  4. Yes oakwood was awful... What was literally like 24 people in front of me took like 15 minute queue which on saw would have been a matter of minutes! Visiting thorpe park on off peak should be a joy... But one train operation really ruins that, probably would see smaller queues at weekend on full operations!
  5. So pretty much the whole of the arena is now covered in the same type of marquee as Calypso BBQ... not sure why or what for as they also had a ground sheet down... now MBV went in that open space last year, so if so where is it going now (as there didn't look to be space for the shipping containers underneath), and what's going to go there (overnight stay maybe!?).
  6. so yeah visited today, and what would have been a pretty quiet day turned in to be a bit of a pain with numerous breakdowns and mostly one train operation! still got a great 28 rides done due to 10 minutes early ride time, and just generally planning the day right (although did get unlucky a few times with the breakdowns and shocks of how big the queues were due to one train operation - at least this is small thorpe park and not massive alton towers otherwise it would have been awful) Rush x4 Vortex x3 Swarm x2 (front and back row) X x2 Nemesis Inferno x2 (front row x2) Detonator x2 Slammer x2 Colossus x1 (front row) Stealth x1 (back row) Saw x1 (front row) Quantum x1 Flying Fish x1 Depth Charge x1 Loggers Leap x1 Rumba Rapids x1 Chief Rangers Carousel x1 (first time ever which means I've now done every ride currently available at thorpe park!) King Pigs Dodgems x1 Samurai x1 Pros: - Billy the puppet on Saw had sunglasses on, I was literally in hysterics, found it way funnier than I should have. - Slammer had all seats open again and seemed like they were getting through the cycles quick even though there was pretty much no queue. - Swarm was running amazingly fast and smooth throughout the day, and so was Nemesis Inferno on my two goes first thing in the morning, also had an intense but smooth go on Saw. - Vortex running amazing yet again, please stay like this forever! - Not sure if a good or a bad thing but got soaked on Rumba Rapids (and that never happens), and hit the bottom of Loggers Leap with a massive thud and got soaked even with a poncho on, still fun haha! Cons: - Stealth was down for what seemed like quite a long period of time, not sure what was wrong but seen 2 workers looking at the fins on the launch. - Angry Birds 4D was down from about lunch, and was then down all day as far as I'm aware due to technical difficulties (LOL). - 40+ minute queue all day pretty much on Nemesis Inferno, Stealth & Colossus due to 1 train operation (and The Swarm at the beginning of the day seemed to have 1 train and racked up a nice 40+ minute queue before it went down) - funnily enough it seemed like they added a second train on Colossus right at the end of the day (as I seen it testing and then started loading people on the 2nd train) to get the queue down so the workers go home quicker. - Man selling fast track at the entrance of The Swarm when it was on 2 trains and there was no queue before the baggage room pretty much, and seen people going through the fast track entrance - absolutely ridiculous! - Samurai was closed for most of the day, and then opened to 30/40 minutes queues for most of the remainder of the afternoon! - Rumba rapids had a queue up to the bridge... decide to join and notice them sending round like 2 in a boat (even 1 by themself at one point - so no batching), decide to stay in the queue, be in it for about 10 minutes with queue staying about the same, and then a little bit before we go on, they finally decide to batch which really does my head in when they don't do it before the queue gets too big, as I was looking forward to getting a picture of just us 2, and then batch just before we get on after we've been waiting all that time! Found out general day guests can pay £20 for an unlimited digital download pass for the day. All in all can't believe I got such a good ride count... stayed on the flats and water rides for most of the day as they had barely any queues... so did really enjoy it... I just hate merlin with their one train operation and scamming fast track schemes!
  7. it's bad but let's be honest it's what most people are going to do... so if you can't beat them, join them! before they run out!
  8. thankyou so much! got myself some!
  9. Thanks, I have been like off peak before this year and got let in about half 9 once and another time like ten to 10!
  10. So now we're into September and schools are back... Anyone know what time the park has been opening the last couple of days, as I am visiting tomorrow and have a premium annual pass so get let in early, but went in summer holidays at half 9 and everyone was allowed in then, so a bit confused. Thanks.
  11. Has saturday 10th october already ran out of free tickets for premium passholders... what alternative is there for me, do I pay gate price or can I pay £5 as per standard passes?
  12. I'm visiting this wednesday... I'm expecting it to be quite busy do to free sun tickets, and people not back at uni yet.
  13. The preview event which is on the Thursday before fright nights starts, which is 6-10pm for pass holders only.
  14. 6000 is surely a lot considering its just the mazes and 'selected' thrill rides... Surely you'd be better off going the first 2 Fridays!?
  15. the seats on rush are too deep to fall out... I've tried keeping mine as loose as possible, but obviously if it's too loose the operators would realize and would push it in. as for slammer I make sure the lap bar is sufficiently tight, but hate the shoulder restraints so have it (if I really tried) that I could get my shoulders out aha!
  16. the water was really warm once, like not even slightly warm like normal, and it went in my mouth!
  17. I've only ever known it in its current form having only been since 2009... I mean it's a decent enough ride, and always try and do it, and love the fountain finale and come off soaked as some of us can't keep our hands away from the fountains I love the flashing lights in it though. the one thing that really bothers me is that it's called bubbleworks, I keep expecting them to have loads of bubble machines throughout the ride (I remember seeing one before a few years ago), plus effects that actually work as some are broken... rollercoasters and other things can get away with it as that's not the unique selling point of the ride, but let's be honest it's the only thing bubbleworks has got going for it!
  18. 1) The Swarm - the drop never get's old, the themeing is great and so are the near misses (the vest restraints do tighten and get a bit annoying though). 1) Nemesis Inferno - when the mist is working in the tunnel and the helixes/turns are so forceful . ^^ both are re-rideable to an extent although (onto my next point) less so now that they're getting so much more intense over the last year or two but that's the fun of it while still being smooth! 3) Rush - literally love this ride, especially when they don't push my restrain down, and doesn't make me feel sick at all! (would be first, but due to it being a theme park, ride cycles are too short). 3) Vortex - when sat in a good seat, so much fun! (would be first, but again short ride cycles and being worried you're not sat in the right place to get a good ride at the top every time. 5) Stealth - probably most intense ride in the park for me, I do love it along with the airtime, just too short though, and the launch is only special on the front row. 6) X - great fun rollercoaster, plus I love club music and lasers/lights so it's just amazing. 7) Slammer - never really appreciated it until I rode it twice last visit and loved it both times, but just has god damn awful throughput. 8) Loggers Leap - the double drop is just and is wetter this year which makes it better, but gutted the dark tunnel drop has gone as it makes you realise how small it is. 9) Detonator - considering I used to think this ride was pointless, I've now actually come to appreciate it, and make sure my restraint is loose for the best ride . 10) Saw - is a really great ride with decent themeing, just it's roughness really ruins it for me! Missing out on top 10, but worth a mention is Colossus, as it's a great fun ride, but I have serious issues with the restraints and leg room, causing me to panic and lose some of the enjoyment of the ride!
  19. yesterday was pretty bad, with nemesis inferno closed at opening, not opening til gone 10, at this time saw was also closed (and don't think it opened til just before lunch), The swarm was on one train for first few hours if not more and got itself a nice 110 minute queue, with Colossus getting close to that (and think it then got reduced to one train again later on in the afternnon), and nemesis getting like 75 minutes (which to me looked like more than that, with a good half of the extension queue being used!) all because of one train only operation!? stealth had a good 20/30 minute queue as soon as we got in the park about 9.45 due to it only being on one train... I mean surely being a busy summer holiday there'd be some sense in having enough maintenance staff and having them in early enough to open on 2 trains considering the price people pay to get in! As for downtime, seen stealth testing at some point in the day, and was stuck in saw the ride queue while they decided to add 2 more trains, which was apparently supposed to reduce peoples queues but then took even longer when there was some sort of problem and they had to have engineers to check the ride (and I think subsequently then removed a train from operation!)... so was a bit annoying. slammer was just beyond awful with how long it took to prepare each cycle, plus with a whole side of seats on each arm closed off reducing capacity to 20 people per ride (worked out about 200pph!!!! - although then per arm you're and after splitting you're then waiting in 100pph effectively!), and then just as we were batched there was a bit of a wait to then hear an announcement that there was a fault with the ride, so they sent a test go, and fortunately it was fine and we were allowed to ride. Samurai was closed all day as it had a cherry picker / crane parked up next to it, although while we were in the indoor queue for saw while it was broke, could have sworn we seen samurai moving. As for rush, most people don't know the difference, and I just make sure I ask so I get the swing I want things like that really annoy me when they know people will return and have no intention of improving - I mean break downs are unfortunate and unforeseeable (most of the time), but when they can't open a busy park with good capacity and rides closed it is bad! and this is the best the UK has got eh! I still had a really good day, and highlights were riding slammer (after the slowest moving queue on earth), stealth seemed to have a great throughput while on two trains (must have been good staff), came off saw without a headache whilst still having an intense ride and had an awesome ride on vortex (so much love for this ride when it's running and well, and having good seats always getting the top!).
  20. Does anyone know what form the fast track is that they're selling this year as I have a left over laminated fast track card from last year, and planning to visit next week at some point... So onto my next question - looking at going next Wednesday or Thursday as well as going blue lagoon (which is 3 hour session) but wondering who reckons if oakwood would he considerably busier on the Wednesday in comparison to the Thursday as Wednesday is after dark. Cheers.
  21. Sleep hollow confirmed for next year but no details on rides or anything...
  22. speed is so smooth in caparison, and the airtime hill straight after the drop is
  23. so if you liked saw for the ride and not the themeing... then speed is the best ride in the world in comparison lol
  24. Basically... With stealth the launch only feels intense to me on the front row with the air in your face (the back row is amazing for the rest of the ride though)... So even though it looks quite force less, which so do most free fall drop towers by the way, having that exposure to the air dropping down plus while the idea of being scared facing the floor would make the experience more mentally over physically, which works in oblivions case, so why not here. I'd love to ride it to see for myself (although only been America once back in 2005)... But until then it still looks an awesome idea.
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