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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. Alton Towers Register your interest now to be the first to hear more about the new distinctive short breaks coming to Alton Towers Resort in 2015.http://www.altontowers.com/hotels/enchanted-village/ Please note - the lodge at the Theme Park is a sneak preview of the finished lodges, we don't want to give away all of the surprises just yet....
  2. So basically the same rides as last year... And as mentioned above. I went on Danter's Air... And paid a fiver (!) But didn't feel ripped off at all - so much love for that ride, best flat ride ever!!!!
  3. my dad said it was the best one he's done... better than when we went florida! I still find the repetitive and too powerful jolting un-enjoyable... fair enough vibration and the odd full jolting back, but I'm literally sitting out the seat bracing myself for them as they hurt my stomach and head - shame really as it would probably be the best and my favourite 4d cinema attraction
  4. Will be popping down to the balloon fiesta a bit later for the unique balloon glow and fireworks... will make sure I check out the fair and confirm what's there
  5. The superstar was usually between 2 and 3 pound which was pretty decent then everything else was in excess of 3 pounds... Plus they had awful cycle lengths when it got busy on the evenings or weekend
  6. well that's me happy... and I love extreme as always! unfortunately it can be quite expensive, and they put the prices up at night and on the weekend (saturday in particular)!
  7. I just checked... if you try booking online it doesn't let you select a date before friday 15th august, so guessing that's when they're aiming to get it back in the park whatever the problem is?
  8. I didn't see it right up close but looked like it had covers and definitely seen the flags on each one!
  9. I'm probably not being very much help... but funderworld last year had a star flyer, and funderworld is primarily mellors. and having been in london the other day, I'm presuming southbank is by london eye (as I don't actually have a clue aha), the star flyer there had different seats compared to when I rode the one at funderworld, so not sure? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bristol Balloon Fiesta next weekend, and they always seem to have a decent fair... I am literally hoping so bad that Danter's air is there again, had an amazingly long cycle in the day when it was really quiet (although unfortunately due to it's popularity the cycles were ridiculously short after), where every time it went to the ground we were facing down towards the ground which was unbelievable - my best ride experience ever! unfortunately though it seems like a case of luck as like vortex at thorpe park!
  10. Something worth noting about my go on saw last night.. Usually saw is really fast, chucking you over the airtime hill and last inversion, but also Jolty and rough as hell... Coming off feeling like crap with a throbbing headache! Had a go last night and it sounded really rattly but was very smooth and came off feeling fine which was nice... Only problem it seemed unbelievably slow, it barely gave any airtime on the hill, and felt like it struggled to even make it up to the MCBR, and the most intense bit in my opinion which is the drop and last inversion after the MCBR just felt tame!
  11. The lady who told us about it said they're trialling it, only been doing it about 4 days so far... and said not sure how long it will continue for or whether they will do in next year in the same form (obviously if you get it now it will be valid til the end of the season even if they stop it). Personally its great, but don't see why they can't just put machines where people type their number, pay a couple of quid and get a receipt for the digital download, means only need for 1 person on each photo thing, and more photos sold digitally go on social media and more free advertising!
  12. Love being the bearer of good news.. Can't comment on the 7pm crossover as was at the hungry horse down the road for food and got in the park about 8, but again was really quiet, pretty much walk on besides front rows, my dad heard someone say there was about 500 people on park this evening, and that one of the other nights there were only 200! Now here's the good news (not summer nights related as such, but found out about it in the evening rather than today which would have been better as there were some great photos today :/)... Annual pass holders can now get an unlimited digital download pass, yes you heard it... For £25 you get unlimited digital downloads, just buy a pass, show it and they'll print off the receipt with the digital download code on, simple as! Literally amazing! Bit annoying though as some of the photo booths weren't open on summer nights!!
  13. Still closed today (have taken a picture but can't seem to directly upload it which is a pain!)... fair point about the the accident though, although rush was open Tuesday which was after the accident?
  14. So popped into the park today to ask about the flow rider as nobody working at the entrance had a clue what we were on about... Got told it last 1hour 30mins altogether... The first 30minutes being getting changed and watching a briefing video, and then an hour on the wave with an instructor... And here's the bit that is new to me... With up to 10 people!? Stuff that... So decided to go have a look at thorpe water ski next door, and for 38quid each are having knee/wakeboarding lesson and pass on a cable run on the lake for 2 hours, more expensive but can guarantee it will be money more well spent!
  15. The issue of this though is selling the event as minimal queues... And still potentially having a significant queue left over from the main day which then means you're not getting minimal queues at the start of it which is hardly fair?
  16. Am staying in Chertsey for a few nights and thought what a nice afternoon, and decided to go to the park about quarter to 5 to enjoy an hour or so, expecting it to be relatively quiet in comparison to seeing the car park very busy (into the overflowing) in the daytime, but how wrong was I... The park was still really busy! Managed to go on rapids, dodgems and got an amazing go on vortex! Never visited in summer holidays before, but guess the weather kept the people in the park unless its' usually like this in the summer busy right til the end of the day, as it leaves me worried for visiting on Friday and doing summer nights instantly after the park closed which will be a pain if the rides still have significant queues! Anyway can I class this as a trip lol...
  17. I have been trying to ring thorpe park to find out some information about the flow rider The Bookings and Information Team can also assist and can be contacted by calling 0871 663 1673* So I ring this number I found off their website and the only options I'm left with is 'park ticket prices' 'opening times 'directions' & 'disabled and special needs information' So how on earth am I meant to speak to somebody!? does anybody know any other numbers to contact thorpe park, as I e-mailed them yesterday, and it says up to 7 days, and I need an answer today really as I'm going away tomorrow before going to thorpe on friday! any help would be appreciated
  18. So has anyone done this yet, got so many questions to ask aha... Do you have to wear a wetsuit or just shorts okay. If you book online how do you get your timeslot.
  19. rush was open!? omg that's my favourite ride... did it replace anything that wasn't open on that night, or was it just extra!? the dodgems, teacups, storm surge and tidal wave were open when I went on friday 18th... going again this friday, please be open rush, or vortex!
  20. If you're in the park in the day, collect them from the fast track information booth
  21. OldFarmerDean


    The problem with air is once you get batched to either station the trains are then only leaving every other one, plus with the disabled queue going into the left side... So that's probably why it feels slower moving.
  22. Annual pass holders have to pay £5 instead of £15, not sure if it has to be done in advance though... I doubt it considering it hasn't been very busy, but not sure about tonight - in general they don't expect it to be busy anyway
  23. The smiler appeared to be open by 9.30 anyway this morning...
  24. am I the only one that finds rita not that rough and relatively comfortable as well as fun! air is smooth, but restraints are really uncomfortable as all your body weight is on them. RMT is very rattly although not that fast so okay I guess. 13 is lovely and smooth. Nemesis is unbelievable for 20 years old how well it glides along the track. and then you get the smiler not even 2 years old and is horrible for me, hurts the fronts of my shoulders, and crushes the tops of my legs, plus the ride is pretty rough as well, especially some vile jolts!
  25. and makes the woodland walk from the hotel a bit pointless if they no longer have forbidden valley on ERT, as that was the best thing ever march this year being the only ones to use it and be the only ones in forbidden valley for like the first 10 minutes! plus the rides are only for thrill seekers or kids really, nothing in between which RMT, Duel & Blade covered. So good one way, bad the other... I know it's only a trial and a good idea to keep ERT together, but just can't see it working with just xsector, as they have been having cbeebies land open for ERT anyway!
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