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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. I am busy the week after... Are you saying its quieter in the summer holidays, as I could leave it til the week after again, first week of august, just presumed it would start getting busier again?
  2. that's good then, as I will be at the park in the day, and don't fancy queueing in the run up to 7 opening. thanks I wonder how it will work though when the park is open til 7 and the summer nights starts at 7... as I shall be going again on 1st august, they best let us get our wristbands in the day again still so we don't have to come back out by 7 to go back in again!
  3. Planning to visit next week either tuesday, wednesday or thursday, and have realised this week now is probably when everyone breaks up, and have never been to alton towers after the beginning of july (well after soptember again aha) let alone in the summer holidays. So just wondering if anyone knows from past years generally how busy the first week of summer holidays has been? cheers.
  4. anyone who's been this year, are they still doing it as wristbands, and what time are you allowed to collect them from, as I'm going this friday and it says rough copy are performing at like 6.30 for summer nights guests, so presuming they must have the collection thing open before 7? although it says on their website collect tickets from 7pm!?
  5. I'm going friday... I literally am dreading it in the day aha, gonna be 28degrees and the water rides are going to have massive queues, as well as everything else... at least got summer nights to look forward to straight after
  6. I know we're on the bpb topic... but I've pretty much only good things to say about drayton - have visited 3 times over easter back in 2008, twice over may bank holiday weekend 2012 as well as in the summer holidays, and summer holidays and fireworks last year, and may bank holiday weekend this year. not sure how their operations are so bad (except for pirate adventure this year where I swear there was only like 1 or 2 boats running which is ridiculous!), never had a problem with the food, staff seemed a bit miserable but nothing to effect my day. admittedly you can see how thomas land has helped them so much, but unfortunately they do lack another big coaster (I say another big coaster, but none of them are big or anything special really actually) to even think about competing with the main theme parks which you know will give them higher gate figures coming from people other than families with young children!
  7. I've never been to port aventura, but is seriously on my list of places to go as it's so practical being in a holiday resort that it can actually be part of a summer holiday... baco looks amazing though, I'm sure one ride won't do any harm, I mean I love rita and stealth, so how bad can it really be... I do find saw and Colossus (although not really on the front row of Colossus) very uncomfortable with the roughness!
  8. pleasure beach may still have the old feel, but they've certainly updated it and probably looks the best appearance wise in comparison to other parks. the rides at the likes of paultons park, drayton manor and bpb may not be anywhere in the league of the merlin parks, but the guest experience is what matters on trip advisor, and they clearly care about their customers... wish we could say the same about merlin.
  9. at the end of the day triangles are just a shape, and appear in lots of artists music videos along with other shapes and people only tend to notice the triangles... and the diamond/triangle hand sign seen in rita ora, and rihanna videos, as well as jay-z's is due to it being the sign of roc nation record label which is owned by jay-z; now whether jay-z has anything to do with the illuminati and the reason for that sign does seem very suspicious!
  10. going on from the intamin zac spin incident at terra mitica, a waterpark in benidorm which had a new ride opened last year has also had an incident, luckily not fatal where the trap door on a drop waterslide failed to open fully... another fact is that aqualandia (the waterpark) and mundomar (sister park - zoo), joint partnership with terra mitica only a couple of years ago! unfortunate news for both parks eh :/ LINK: http://www.screamscape.com/html/small_international_parks.htm#Aqualandia-Spain http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/vertigo-slide-aqualandia-benidorm-spain-7415758
  11. Anyone know why next week, Tuesday is open til 5.30 whereas the rest of the week is til 6?
  12. I went on I think the first or second Friday last year and I couldn't believe how dead it was, literally had to wait for people at times for the ride to be sent off, or majority of the time being the only ones on the ride which is great fun... It certainly did feel eerie walking around the park knowing you probably wouldn't see anyone!
  13. I thought I read it would be Europe's largest indoor water park? Although with Europa park now planning one, I'm not sure how it would compare? UK's largest for sure!
  14. 15 million over the whole entertainment complex, so anything from bowling, to waterpark etc. would be included in that figure I'm guessing?
  15. As soon as I hear dark rides I instantly think of a slow paced ride with scenes and effects... now a dark ride which actually contains a proper 'ride' I'd be happy with but I just can't see it happening somehow. I did go on it back in 2005 at disney world... and loved it - but nothing like this will ever end up in the UK, with merlin giving the largest investments and even then never seem to give the best finish on their investments.
  16. now valhalla doesn't seem like a waste of a dark ride investment but this is merlin, I think valhalla would be terrible with 99% of the effects broken :/
  17. no, please no... dark rides just seem a waste of a massive investment - rollercoasters all the way!
  18. 'We will be sure to keep you informed and give you chances to share your views as the project progresses towards its target opening date in 2019' At least there is some sort of time scale, considering we had seen 2017 about originally...
  19. All jokes aside... What could realistically go in that area as it looks god damn awful coming out of nemesis exit and seeing the old ride as well as a load of cables running over it! Its crazy for a small park how much potential space it seems to have without the need for removing other rides.
  20. found a video... what is/was the ship for?
  21. this video sure looks like tarantula can spin well... looks so cool!
  22. And the red blood will return eh
  23. Never realised it was that many... Although the problem with accidents is that is it always really primarily the manufacturers fault, rather than maintenance and running of the ride which can be difficult to tell.
  24. Would anyone be able to explain why everyone is saying how bad intamin are, as I don't think I've heard of other incidents?
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