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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. I've seen this, I tried e-mailing them to get no reply, and there's no prices on the website
  2. Had a nice sunny and hot day today and the water rides were certainly worth it and seemed to get me wetter than I remember! The updated log flume was decent. And the castaway camp which is stated as opening in April on the park map, although doesn't open til the summer as it says on the signs on the construction fences.
  3. 5th of July is stated as the official opening day, with The Vamps being there.
  4. It is the best one I've experienced in the UK... A few little things that bothered me was there was opportunity for fire like in Lego land cinema which would have been good instead of smoke, the sound was a little too quiet in my opinion, and when the seats jolt back it actually hurt my stomach for some reason which the jolt then happened a bit too much!
  5. now every time I've been this year (I haven't visited on weekends or holidays) the park has opened at 10pm for general guests, and has opened at least 15 minutes before then for annual pass and shark hotel guests?
  6. That really does look good... I've been on one down Plymouth the same layout of seats which also rock when unlocked, but on a pendulum like vortex but goes 360 all the way round... Looked so good and was having pretty long lines, then just as I got on there was a big queue so had a really short ride and was left really underwhelmed and disappointed!
  7. I was pretty pleased with the dodgems after going on them today... they were relativey fast although not fast enough to cause any proper bumping (unlike the ones at drayton manor which are the best ones I've ever been on, so good they say you can't touch another car with the very front of yours), and there weren't too many cars crammed in, although enough to keep the queue moving quick enough - the ride op was really good saying which team won etc. and heard him mention about the ride being 2 minutes, although surely felt like longer when I was on there! what I did find interesting though was the strong smell of rubber and what seemed like bits of rubber on the track, as well as the wheels sparking, as I've never seen that with other rides?
  8. It also had waits of up to an hour and then sometimes would say we need more people jump straight to front of queue even though you're wait I'd say half hour... But after a while it will disappear when it gets too busy again. I thought the whole point of RnR is that you wait the length of the main queue before you're allowed on? But its really difficult to judge and is constantly fluctuating.
  9. Okay I lied... Just been on samurai and spotted the car still attached to the pull through cable the other side of the air time hill.
  10. The stalled car has now been pulled round the track as it is nowhere in sight and samurai and loggers leap are now open
  11. Yes it appears it never made it over the overbanked turn and valleyed in the section between that and the first diversion after the drop!
  12. Unfortunately as the day goes on more and more people are hearing about the reserve and ride and using it... But all morning they have allowed reserve and ride to go straight on even with like a 30 min normal queue! So been good for me aha!
  13. I didn't take a picture but the car was stuck directly behind samurai... Don't see how that's possible on that section. Hopefully samurai and loggers leap reopens later.
  14. well I was certainly shocked to see it is back on 2 trains!!
  15. Ah didn't know about saw... That explains about it, doesn't seem to look like anything is going on though, so surely they should be keeping the other rides open as k I'm gutted about loggers leap aha!
  16. Saw the ride, samurai, loggers leap & quantum all closed today apparently... What's going on then!?
  17. So how do you go about getting these annual pass discount tickets... I see you need to ring up a number and can get the guest to ring instead of the pass holder... But is the payment made over the phone or when you collect the tickets on the day, and then where would you collect the ticket from? Thanks.
  18. I'm going tomorrow and will be taking advantage of RnR as it seems I can queue physically for a rollercoaster as well as being in a virtual queue for one which is great... And I reckon RnR will be using the fast track entrance as fast tracks are in theory the same thing, just more instant and a few time you want!
  19. I think I read somewhere that one of the fabbri boosters from Blackpool pleasure beach went there.
  20. Bit of a long shot... but off to Sunny Beach in Bulgaria in less than 3 weeks now (excited is an understatement), and was pleasantly surprised to find out that there is a fun park there called Luna Park with a rollercoaster and some other rides. Just wondering if anyone has ever been before and know what it's like, as well as price wise etc. as I've heard from reviews it's pretty dear, but they haven't said prices.
  21. this whole reserve and ride thing seems so pointless as what if people don't turn up on time and there ends up being empty spaces on trains or waiting to fill it up, losing it's throughput, which would be fine if people were in the queue ready. I just really hope this is used as a fast track alternative, as the park just wouldn't be able to cope with minimal queues on all the main rides, as there isn't that much to do and other rides queues just wouldn't be able to cope etc. I mean what happens if you're queueing for another ride when it breaks down and then you end up missing your time slot, and then have to wait all over again!?
  22. Don't forget there's the cross valley path from by the sky ride in forbidden valley over to dark forestry... I tend to use this every time. I'm a bit gutted about the ERT lineup as it messes up how I work around the park without ERT so I feel like I an losing out not using ERT but looked how I start at sonic spin ball, then across to dark forest, and then across the valley to nemesis and air, which I have gotten all 5 done in less than an hour pretty easy with minimal queues experienced even on a pretty busy day! And then I just work my way past gloomy wood into mutiny bay, then up to cloud cuckoo land, and finish in X sector and then maybe another cheeky go on sonic :-)
  23. Ah okay that's a good way to do it to stop people doing several ones as I thought others would do it so might as well myself. I did look at it yesterday and tried entering my pass number actually and it said it was too many digits? :S
  24. Going Friday... Glad I can use a smartphone to do this, but apprehensive how its going to affect my ride count, as I ended up riding stealth 3 rimes in a row and saw the ride twice in a row on a quiet day which I'm hoping this Friday will be, so am somewhat annoyed. Although can't I just get all 4 of us to register our phones and get 4 lots of reservations for different coasters at similar times?
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