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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. How many jobs has / does Lego land create for the surrounding area, and you could probably hazard a guess that most of them are in Windsor... So if legoland falls into decline due to no investments then have fun having families of your own or friends that have lost jobs due to it... Just shooting themselves in the foot really!!
  2. So to my surprise it was 4 arms and called extreme ride - by billy danters I think. Had a go on it for 3.50 and did have a bit of a shorter cycle than what I was watching before which was a bit of a disappointment but still good fun
  3. I'll take some pictures / or even a video as the fireworks are on again tonight... May even take a ride, although I don't really like doing rides by myself aha :/
  4. The helix on namesis inferno is awesome... None of Colossus is really that intense - the two corkscrews are my favourite part though as they're not too rough. Pretty lucky I don't get like that on rides... Although they are starting to affect me more as I'm getting older - but I'm also sure the swarm and nemesis inferno are getting far more intense!!
  5. It wasn't 4 that's for sure The lightening bolts on top of the centre were blue if that helps...
  6. The fair in Plymouth is pretty decent then Star flyer (don't know who's) Freddy's revenge Coneleys waltzers - which look awesome with all the lighting! Stargate - a standup spinning disc which raises and rotated 360 around each way as well, felt sick looking at it aha! Superbowl Tagada - love this ride aha! XLR8 - booster Not sure of the name but a nicer looking version of extreme that was at balloon fiesta also with a better cycle by the looks of it as well (rode it a few years ago as well and remember it being great!)
  7. I read somewhere it's actually due to the risk of injury caused by guests who may throw something off kingda ka while riding it at people on zumanjaro. Not six flags idea but something brought in by health and safety.
  8. you do indeed have to stay seated, so the way the ride cycle is done doesn't give you as much reason to fall out of your seat like it has done there
  9. that's the sort of cycle I ususally see at the balloon fiesta... although to be fair didn't spend much time by the ride this year, besides the go I was on it which as I said was far too long! on another note, shall be down plymouth this week for the british firework championships, and they always tend to have a decent fair... hope Tagada is there again, such a fun unique ride haha!
  10. Does anyone know if the SUN 50% off offer for the alton towers' hotel is still valid if there's availabilty... as we were planning to visit thursday 6th november. thanks.
  11. I've seen them do it on a busy night in past years even with an overall short cycle... and I seen a woman in the booth, and an overenthusiastic bloke working on the ride dancing along to all the music aha!
  12. It just made me feel sick the changing of cycles... More so when being on a flat angle compared to being up in the air... I love the finale at the end like you said! They used to do a section where the arms with the seats on would stop spinning and just held them as far up angle in the air as it could go while the main thing was spinning and played star wars music in time with it - always looked cool. But never seen it this year
  13. It just made me feel sick the changing of cycles... More so when being on a flat angle compared to being up in the air... I love the finale at the end like you said! They used to do a section where the arms with the seats on would stop spinning and just held them as far up angle in the air as it could go while the main thing was spinning and played star wars music in time with it - always looked cool. But never seen it this year
  14. limited to 1000 free tickets for fright nights for VIP and premium pass holders... now I know people complain about extra perks which change (probably for the worse), but they don't even have to give any perks - but the point of premium merlin passes (which we bought) was so there was no extra to be paid on events like this, so how pis**ed am I going to be closer to the time when I decide to go and find there's no tickets left for the day I want to go and it states 'once these have sold out, tickets will have to be booked for another date.' which I can't just change plans with other people to go a different day, it doesn't work like that... way to s**t on your loyal customers. so I feel bad doing it, but I know others will as well... I'm just going to book a ticket for every night of fright nights so I'm not left out paying when I leave it closer to the time. so just from that aspect of merlin it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, although I do love theme parks, and what would we do without merlin the UK!
  15. 25 minutes!!!!!!!??????!?!???? I couldn't cope with a few lol! and I know what do you expect, but feel I've been on better identical crazy/wild mouse'... so £4 just left me feeling a bit meh!
  16. apparently there was 200 one night though... I know there was quite a few more on other nights... I mean even when there was apparently 500 when I visited on 1st of august just doesn't seem like the income from that amounted to enough?
  17. I paid £6 last night for it.. did feel slightly ripped off as it was a slightly shorter cycle... but still absolutely loved it!!!! The superstar was decent... 3 rotations of the arm in the air. £3 each. Extreme in the day time, the cycle went of for several minutes and felt like an eternity... actually had enough of it! bet it would have been nicer at night with shorter cycles although probably too short then! £3 each. The waltzers that attend (probably danters) are always great fun, and I swear (due to the cars having brakes) that they only release them on full speed spin until the last bit, as well as cycles not lasting long enough. £3 each. The wild mouse coaster was £4 and just felt really slow and felt a bit ripped off to be fair.
  18. I would have to say B&M for coaster manufacturer, as they make my favourite 3 UK coasters (Nemesis, Nemesis Inferno & The Swarm), then followed by Intamin well because of Stealth. for flat rides, I'd say Zierer for it's star shape (Danter's Air) flat ride alone... I also mainly enjoy S&S (Rush), and Intamin (Maelstrom) - my favourite manufacturers are due to them making my favourite rides, not just in general
  19. I've used the one in thorpe park downstairs in the dome when I stayed all day and done summer nights... I wouldn't do it Alton though, as the parks far too big.. At least the dome isn't too far from any point to go back to to get the phone.
  20. Also (Sorry for double post) does anybody know if you can go on snake river falls by yourself... as I might be visiting in a group of 3, and obviously on some rides we're gonna be split up, so was just wondering - also if any other rides would mean a group of 3 is split up, many thanks?.
  21. oh right, thanks for clearing that up... as the video to go with it is what I experienced on my visit last summer, so lucky it was working properly I guess - feel sorry for you mate... it's still not a bad drop tower though, with the bounce back up. I do hope I get to visit this month with after dark again...
  22. From Oakwood's Facebook... GUESS WHO'S BACK!! That's right! Bounce is back with a brand new 'shot' of adrenaline! Come on down to Oakwood to experience a chance of a lifetime to be flown upwards a grand total of 150ft towards the skies with spectacular views! why what was wrong with it?
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