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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. ^ The covered queue is where the roof is. 


    You quoted a section of your post which then goes on to say you think this ride will be awful, partly because of the queue (which is pretty much the only part of the experience we know about). You laugh at the "covered queue line", which is probably more practical rather than cosmetic. Yes I completely, 100% agree the queue line looks bland, and it does affect the ride experience, but just because the queue is bland doesn't mean you can correctly judge the entire ride! 


    But now it seems you've taken back some of your initial pessimism, which is nice.

  2. You started off singling out the fact that the queue had a roof and now you're saying you've been talking about the bigger picture all along. It's easy to say "don't judge until the finished product" (Merlin's products are famously never finished anyway) but I'm judging it on purpose so that hopefully something will change.


    What? How? I was picking up on the fact the roof doesn't represent an entire ride or queueing experience... 

  3. Can I just add I never said this ride will be fantastic, as again, we know nothing and the space is small. 

    But I think to say this ride " won't be fun for designers or riders" is a bit pretentious considering we don't know what the ride is. 


    Besides, the designers at Merlin are lucky to have a job which allows them to me imaginative. I bet they creamed their pants when they could design a dark ride, whether it's outstanding or not.

  4. ^ As do I, and tonnes of other people here.


    What I'm saying is you've judged an entire ride experience by a queue line and the outside of a building. Even with 30 years of research, no body out of Merlin would know what the ride is. That's my point.

  5. ^ We know how queues work, and we know they can be crucial experiences.


    But the space this ride is taking up is tiny, so it makes sense for them to squeeze in as much queue as possible to accommodate the inevitable large line of people. I know that because you're obviously a cut above the rest, you'll never be satisfied with any dark ride, but they do have a budget to consider, and I'd imagine the GP (which includes all of us here on TPM) would prefer a better ride experience than a themed queue and a mediocre ride at the end of it.


    I know that's not the most creative way of looking at it, but it's kinda true. Besides the ride hasn't even opened yet and we're arguing about a queue line? None of us know what's inside that building so let's not say the project is doomed just yet?

  6. ^ Exactly, and the Toy Story shooter at Disney isn't exactly dull, is it!


    Project LC, I know we don't know the budget for this, but do you really think we'll be getting a ride on Spiderman level? Besides shooters can be fun, and if they tried hard enough, actually quite immersive!


    We'll just have to wait and see, but I won't be devastated if this is a lazer-gun ride. Thorpe really needs a dark ride imo!

  7. ^ I agree, I think it's because Hex isn't interactive (at least in my opinion).


    By that I mean whilst Hex tells a great story, you (as the rider) aren't involved in it, whereas on something like Escape from Gringotts (or even N:ST) you are part of the narrative and what happens in the story appears to directly affect you, such as being in apparent danger or the feeling of being chased. Hex just doesn't do that for me, and I feel like it's more like watching a film than I ride.


    And I would never see the same film in the cinema twice in a day :P

  8. I'm getting to the age where I should seriously start considering if it is something I want to do straight out of school. I'm not too far away from starting my AS levels, and you know, moving on in school. But I have had such a rubbish time in school I'm not sure if uni is for me. I have always hated the idea of continuing the dull, boring life that is the school one, especially in the last couple years where the bullying peaked, and when that died the homework has grown and grown.


    I felt the same way in school in terms of the boring homework and lessons etc...


    I know everyone says it but does honestly get SO much better! I was in a Grammar school from year 7 to 12, and then I dropped out because I wasn't academic, I was more of a creative student! Trust me, if you find something you love to at College, everything sort of straightens a bit out and now I feel so much more relaxed about my future! Plus in school you have exams and everything is just awful. In year 12 I got to the point where I didn't bother turning up to lessons because I didn't understand them and it was so dull :(

  9. I think some people think it's "cool" to bash everything Merlin do. I'm sure lots of us would do the same if we were in charge of the company, I know I would. Why make risky investments when you could build an attraction that's easy to market and will bring people in?

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