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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. ^ Yeah two days / the 15 years it's been open... That's the same.

    If you hate Thorpe Park so much, why don't you move to another forum which isn't a specific fan site? That way you can be miserable about everything and not have us disagreeing with (most) things you post.

    Not trying to be rude, I just don't understand tbh.

  2. Am I the only one that doesn't really like dark rides... You go on them once and then they get boring, people could say the same about roller coasters but they're actually thrilling, and I go to a theme park for big rides, so hopefully, as it's a major investment that it is something with thrilling elements, or we best get something new for thrill seekers for next year, otherwise they're just taking the p***!!


    Some people here appreciate good narratives, special effects and immersive surroundings?


    I get your point, but it is a theme park after all, they're not "taking the piss".

  3. It's just a matter of time before somebody inside has a sudden heart attack. The fact the owner "doesn't let them out" unless they pass out is ridiculous, actually it's sick. If I was there and I thought I was about to be seriously ill or injured, there would be no way to let an "actor" know.


    I use the word "acting" loosely because I don't believe dunking a person's head in water and throwing blood over them is acting or a talent.

  4. Last night there was only one person doing Face It Alone in Saw Alive, I felt kinda sorry for them tbh!

    Not because I think the maze sucks, just because the woman I was talking to said Face in Alone in Saw is more horrific than the others!

  5. How does one audition for at FN actor job? I mean, do they have to go up to the judges and try to scare them? I'd love to have this job when I'm older.


    I think, at least for other scare attractions, training and auditions are more about creating a character and sticking with it. Like what to say, body language, and other things to convey personality and characteristics.


    As for jump scares, I can't imagine that take much training. I was chatting to one after my Face it Alone last night and he said they had to watch a video on how to do it professionally without being punched yourself or punching the guests! Not sure how much of that video story is true though! He could have been chatting from his arse tbh.

  6. I think it's tough because when you're an actor in one of these attractions it must be very tiring, very quickly. 


    It only bothers me when actors and actresses go out of 'character', not that some have much character anyway, and ruin the immersion. In Studio 13 yesterday, one actress just seemed completely uninterested and simply stood in front of my group, and said "stop" with no expression on her face. Then she just stared at her feet for a second like she was bored to death, before finally just moving out of the way and stood plainly next to us.


    I know she was probably very tired, but she could have added something extra like taunting us, circling us etc...


    On the other hand, some of the actors (not in Studio 13) were fantastic, especially the Face it Alone team. So well done them, it's just not very consistent. Oh and don't get me wrong, I know not everyone can act like an Oscar-winner, but in my opinion a couple of them were awful, and people tend to remember bad experiences more than positive ones.

  7. ^ Agreed. Yesterday we joined the Studio 13 queue at 2:25, only a few people used fastrack and we still waited about 30 minutes after opening. Definitely not a fastrack issue!


    Oh and for the record, Studio 13 was awful. 

  8. Did the queue boards say 3 hours? Because all of the times were incorrect on all the major coasters and the mazes yesterday.


    I asked the woman at the fastrack booth when I was there, and she just said it's open when it gets dark, so I couldn't tell you. We only went in Blair Witch yesterday because I was already in Canada Creek to buy noodles, and the queue was long but moved very quickly. 

  9. Josh your last point is very true.


    When we were held up in Blair Witch last night, lots of people were considering going to complain just for fastpass/free tickets, even though we we're only sat there 20 minutes (after a short 20 minute queue).


    Yes, it was cold, but not worth complaining about!

  10. Yesterday I went on it before 7, so yes it opens early!


    The queue moves fast however a minute after I entered, there was an incident and we were asked to walk back to the start and wait to begin the attraction again! I have to say being sat in the cold for 20 minutes isn't fun!

  11. Park was very busy yesterday, 120 minutes for the main 5 coasters and mazes, however I was only interested in the mazes. We went to Swarm at 10:30 and it was only running one train all morning! Not sure if they added another later, but it's such a stupid move considering it's a popular event during half term!


    Me and my two friends did the Face it Alone experience in Cabin in the Woods last night. Very... Interesting haha ;)

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