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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. ^ Just accidentally deleted my post... Awkward :L Thanks though haha, maybe when I go again I'll consider it! 


    Repost because my laptop is awful...


    Here's me being photobombed in Barcelona this month by my friend Leah!




    And here's us before our horrific Face it Alone experience earlier this week!



  2. ^ Saw isn't advertised as a dark ride though, it just has a drop with some static blades! Plus I wouldn't say the Saw brands allows much creativity considering how dull and gory the franchise is! 


    As much as I hate Doctor Who, if it did happen to end up in Thorpe, it would allow so much more creativity in terms of imagery that people could relate to and get excited over. And that leads me back to my first point, which was if Thorpe Park's new ride carried an IP, it might be expensive and take such a huge portion of the budget that money on the actual ride technology would be more limited than it's already (rumoured) small budget.


    Dark rides generally cost more than coasters when done right. I know rides like Thor's Hammer are great, immersive and cheap (for a dark ride), but I just can't see vast amounts of the public engaging with it. So even though I hate that Merlin use IPs (tacky IPs) a little much, I can see where they're coming from.

  3. But rides like Saw and The Smiler aren't about escapism, and they've gone down pretty damn well.


    I get you're point, but Nemesis Sub Terra is the only proper "dark ride" we've seen from Merlin recently, so we don't know what they'll do yet considering we have no rides of the sort to compare it to. So saying that they can't do escapism, while true, doesn't cover their dark ride efforts since we haven't seen one from them except N:ST.


    Actually, N:ST is really fun, creative and is actually fairly immersive. Sub Terra doesn't have an IP attached to it, only an in-house "brand".

  4. ^ Not sure why I put a third, it cost a lot more than that haha, 260 US dollars if I remember.


    I never said this ride needed an IP, that wasn't a point I was making in any way. I just assumed it would have an IP given all the rumours that are flying about. However if this ride does have an IP, my point definitely still stands.

  5. I just thought, if this is costing a third of what Ratatouille cost at DLP, this might not be as spectacular as I'd hoped. The one at DLP has a great ride system but is mostly just huge screens as theming, plus they didn't have to pay for an IP. So if this new ride at Thorpe Park has an IP, surely they'd have to pay for that, which would take a chunk out of an already small(ish) budget for a dark ride?

  6. ^ Maintenance is expensive though, even for large companies!


    I know the place has faults (like every theme park), but it isn't the train wreck LC is making it out to be! I think the park is great, they just need to have a scare in visitor numbers before they realise guest satisfaction does need improving in some areas! 


    Doesn't make the place a "shambles" by any means.

  7. Although I hate to admit it, LC is right about the 'plaza structure' possibly being Tardis shaped.

    Personally I'd hate it to be Doctor Who, the show tries too hard to be clever and scary, even though their target audience stretches to a very young group of people. I think because the show is/was so popular, they'd be so much hype that I really doubt Merlin would be able to live up to it! A 10m high warehouse doesn't scream epic Doctor Who attraction to me, and I believe they're only building 3m underground.

    I'm still so excited to see how this turns out though! :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. On another note you cant have a debate if you all agree, you need someone with an opposing view.

    I completely agree, although to stand a chance in a debate your posts need to be reasonable and go further than "I hate this" or "I hate that"...

    Saying that, your post above does actually explain a bit on why you don't like it, which was a pleasant change! :P

    Anyway, little rant from me over!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. Well on Tuesday I got fastpass for Cabin in the Woods and MBV.


    CITW was walk on with fastpass, MBV was 10 minutes with fastpass, so we were chuffed with that! Might be different on every night though...

    I didn't notice any overselling of fastpass when I visited this week, they'd sold out on a lot of the packages and time slots! They also weren't letting in too many fastpass holders which was great!


    I also thought general customer service was a lot better too, at least in my experience. I felt like all the staff made an effort and I think that really shows! :)

  10. ^ It's still there! Just look closely under where it says "Proposed 2016 Attraction" or whatever :)


    Swarm and Saw are on the map, so it can't be that old! My guess is that they just add drawings to the map whenever a major attraction comes along...

  11. I suppose, although the most immersive ones like Gringotts don't... Saying that I think they work well if there's something dramatic happening at the time of the photo. With Duel, I just kinda felt it was placed randomly and I always look either bored or constipated in the photos, even though I love the ride!

    However I definitely don't expect anything as immersive or thrilling as Gringotts, and I agree with you that it'll probably be more of a thrill ride than a narrative-based ride!

  12. Don't get my wrong, I don't think Thorpe Park is the best place in the world, but I do really like visiting, which is why I joined this site.

    What I don't understand is why you would join a Thorpe Park site, only to post things like

    "I can't wait to see the park fail"

    Or "I'll just sit back and watch the complaints roll in"

    LC you obviously hate the park and don't want them to succeed, which is why I'm confused as to why you get angry when people here disagree with you. Yes, quite a few of the park's services do need their kinks ironed out I agree, but quite frankly you're just miserable.

  13. ^ Ok and Tomb Blaster, but that wasn't my point.

    What I mean is I don't think of dark rides having ORPs, I'm not sure why though. Maybe it's because I'd imagine it would distract you from the storyline of the ride?

    I know it's a small detail in the plans, but it's just made me think it might be more of a thrill ride (N:ST) than a normal dark ride.

    Who knows...

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