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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. Yes but there is a difference between getting seriously injured from falling off a ladder and being ill.  I have had a very bad stomach bug these past two days partly as a result of standing in the freezing cold for 110 minutes for My Bloody Valentine at Thorpe, perhaps I should sue for that!


    Do it then.


    I mean, "very bad stomach bug" doesn't sound much worse than "seriously injured"?

    Although by your logic, you queued in the first place so it's your fault.

  2. ^ You, as it was you that chose to stay on. That's how it should work anyway.

    To be honest, I can't see a park getting sued because someone was ill.


    Nah, Benin is right on this one. You're the park's responsibility.

    And why do you think nobody would sue? Some people definitely would.

  3. It was more like comedy nights this evening to be honest, it was absoloutely hilarious and had us in fits of laughter!  :lol:  I still can't believe that the actors are allowed to say things like that though!


    Tbh I don't think "fanny" is bad to be honest. If they'd shouted "c**t" then I would be slightly shocked haha.

  4. I agree with Marc and Fred.


    You should be accepting the park's rules. If the park tells the employees not to let people do it, they're just doing their job.

    Besides if they let one group of people ride again, the people entering the station from the queue will want the same thing afterwards. If you do it for some guests, it's rude to other people in some cases.


    And trust me, I work in a place with lot's of customers, and it's s**t when people shout at you for something you don't decide.


    I know it's a bit of effort, but is it really that hard just to walk out and enter the (supposedly empty) queue again? If it's empty enough for you to "demand" a second ride, then you won't be waiting in the queue to ride again.

  5. If they want a family coaster, I really doubt they'd go for a Wild Mouse. 


    It's old news. How would they market it? Even if it was a custom layout, those coasters aren't the most interesting in my opinion.

    I get that they cater for families, but I don't think Varney would ever let one through.

  6. ^ No they don't though tbh.


    The BBQ isn't open until late for hotel guests, and the food there is fairly similar to Bar 360... (Fries, Burgers, Salad, Chicken etc)

    Thorpe Park doesn't have the selection of good food a resort needs. I don't want to live off pub/theme park food for 2 or 3 days if I'm a hotel guest.


    Besides the Calypso BBQ is a long walk from the Hotel, as well as it not being open late. It's also outside. In October, if I was a hotel guest looking to try something new at the BBQ, I wouldn't want to sit there in the cold whilst I eat a quickly-cooked meal on a wooden bench.

  7. I think considering the park is now a "resort", more table-service restaurants are needed.

    I haven't stayed in the Shark Hotel yet but I think the only table-service outlet available to resort guests after hours is Bar 360? And that's a bar.


    If I'm saying overnight or even for two nights, I'd love a small choice of restaurants in which I can just relax without having to get up and down to visit a bar. 

  8. ^ I think they did the "year later" thing with Fluch didn't they? I seem to remember the pre-show and some other bits changing.

    With Fluch though, I'm sure they completed work on the buildng's exterior because it's opening, so hopefully Karnan will be the same!

  9. Saying "What on earth were they thinking" is stating they've made a mistake. That isn't an opinion. 

    They haven't made a mistake, they know what they're doing. They're not going to listen to some boy on the internet who thinks "it looks silly and horrible"


    I get that you think it's not aesthetically pleasing, but stating that they're wrong for building it is stupid. And that's fact, not my opinion.

  10. ^ How does too much effort into theming mean it's not "nice"?


    Also, this...


    No matter how much theming they add that thing will always look horrible. What on earth were they thinking.


    Doesn't mean "Oh it's just my opinion".

    I'm thinking you made a silly statement, you got picked up on it, and now you're trying to tone it down?

  11. I use no limits 2 a fair amount and no one with any sense would build a 200ft tower of concrete. There is better ways to intimidate people than annoying any local residents that can see the thing. Something tells me its not too easy to keep themeing in a good condition when your slab of concrete is 200ft tall.


    Ah yes, a computer simulation game provides the answers to all of life's problems.

    The concrete won't be exposed so both of your arguments are pretty much invalid. And if local residents were that annoyed, they wouldn't have allowed them to build Fluch or Karnan. Besides, given the park's location, half of the "local residents" would be fish.

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