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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. TPJames, he said he won't let them out unless they need to be let out due to psychological problems, as well as physical ones such as passing out etc. I guess psychological problem would be panic attacks or something, although I can't imagine he'd let them out for that.


    Surely there must be a safe word? If not, I'm pretty sure it's illegal even though they've signed something?

  2. See I love scare attractions, and I love being scared, but only when it's entertaining.


    I don't get why anyone would put themselves through something like that. It's not funny or something you can laugh off, it's having wet cloths pushed into your mouth and your head held down under water. How is that entertainment? And why would the creator of this place want to do that to people?


    Ugh I dunno. Just seems like the guy has some gross hostage fantasy that he can't legally fulfil. Very odd.


    This guy just gets satisfaction of people's terror. He needs his head checked.


    I think watching people scared in something you've created would be great if it's entertaining for the customer, and you can see them scream but also laugh and smile. But these people give up half way through which means they're obviously not enjoying it, so I do agree that this guy needs his head checked.

  3. Merlin doesnt need to worry if guest satisfaction isnt that great as they have the budgets to spend on advertising to draw people back.


    Well that's not really true is it.

    All attractions should worry about it, because if an experience is awful, no new ride would be good enough to wipe away that bad experience. I completely get what you're saying about the marketing budget, but that's just another cog in the machine in my opinion.

  4. Project LC, what you don't seem to understand is that the point of guest satisfaction is to make more money!

    Even if the guest satisfaction is great, it's obviously not good enough there to bring the crowds back time and time again. Therefore even though Merlin's customer satisfaction and guest experience isn't always great, they're still making tonnes more money which makes them a better business on paper.

  5. I've used CoasterDude's as a template :)


    Theme Park: Magic Kingdom/Hollywood Studios

    Coaster: Stealth

    Country: England <3 #patriotic

    Band: Porter  Robinson

    Song: Language by Porter Robinson

    Movie: Saving Mr Banks or Fargo

    TV Show: American Horror Story

    Book (by series): I don't have the attention span to read :(

    UK city: Edinburgh

    Restaurant: Wagamama

    Article(s) of Clothing: Anything from Hollister <3 (I'm a douchebag)

  6. Personally, not on behalf of of TPM, I don't like the speculation dressed as news style combined with the underlying 'we know something you don't know' tone. Clickbait.


    Not meant as a 'jibe or attack', just the reason I don't engage with TT any more.


    I completely agree. 100 percent.


    Also, the person responsible for 'Washing Machine' is no longer part of the team as of over two years ago, it was however partially right in that it pointed us in the direction of the inversion record.


    The layout was obviously missing inversions, it was when the silly "washing machine" idea came up that people began to realise the inversion record (in a completely incorrect way.)


    In short, I'm not sure what the fuss is about? Can't we just enjoy this exciting period of speculation without childish jibes and attacks on other websites/people? I honestly thought the team and members of Thorpe Park Mania were above that.


    Ah, insulting the members and team of TPM will definitely make us like South Parks and believe their "news" even more! 

    It's not as if South Parks don't have squabbles.


    Rant over :)

  7. Make Merlin Like Disney and have a connecting transport system from park to park so like have a I don't know a Mack   Launch like Helix  so from Thorpe to chessington it will be a general coaster with a few drops and inversions did I mention it will go underground when near motor ways and from Chessington to Warwick Castle A 100mph launch coaster with quite a long circuit. twisting and diving. then from Warwick to Towers.... you get the idea XD 


    Well that's not a very realistic proposal... You forgot the 20 heartline rolls to all the dungeon attractions! ;)

  8. ^ I would say the theme is still menacing though! Although I completely get your point, this theme is not as ridiculous as some of Merlin's.


    Hopefully in the queue, they'll be a smoky/misty room to help tell the story of the 'Witte Wieven' warning the main character. 

    I'm so excited for this!

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