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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. ^ Then why is there a roller coaster in the concept art? Yes it's only initial concept art, but why would they put any roller coaster on it if they weren't planning on building some?


    Plus roller coasters are often what draw in the crowds. The Stratosphere tower built one, and it became famous. The Skyscraper Skyplex is getting a roller coaster, to draw in the crowds and get attention. I really don't think just 3D cinemas would be very popular after a year or two. With the new Diagon Alley expansion in Orlando, what do must people get excited about? The Gringotts coaster.


    Even Universal Studios Hollywood has roller coasters and water rides, and I am pretty sure this will too.

  2. I rode Colossus again on Tuesday. Never again!


    I'm about 6ft, sat on the last car on the front row (because my feet can't fit anywhere else), and I hated it. 

    I want to like the ride though! I love how it sounds and looks, but it hurts my head so much and I can't brace myself on it. I went on Stealth twice that day at the back, and had the same problem on the decent. The twist going down the top hat is so quick my head hit the restraint! :(


    Part of me adores Intamin, but part of me doesn't. Plus their safety record isn't exactly perfect, but that doesn't really scare me much.

  3. On Tuesday, the ride team on Rush were handing out paper cups full of water to those riding, and they could then throw the water on to other riders and those in the queue! It was great until they were told by management to stop :( It was such a hot day as well!


    One girl threw hers near the operating booth where a staff member was standing. And after the ride finished, before they released the restraints, the staff member went up to the girl and poured water on her head!


    "This is what happens if you aim at the ride team"


    It was great haha. Shame they stopped before I got on.

  4. I rode Slammer for the first time in years on Tuesday!

    The ride staff were lovely (actually all the staff were nice this week), but the ride made me feel awful! Going head first was quite fun, but going backwards was so painful and I haven't felt more ill at a theme park before.


    I think Slammer is a good ride because it's so unique, but I think I'll just stand next to it rather than ride it from now on!

  5. Annoyingly The Purge is a film from Universal, not Lionsgate.


    Although I hate Ethan Hawke, and think the film is terribly written, I think the idea behind the films has great potential and it would suit the park really well! I know Universal's HHR already did The Purge a while back and it looked quite fun!


    I still feel like the Blair Witch Project idea could be great at the park. I always thought it would be great if you got on a rickety, old railway (CCR) into the forest, and it "breaks down" in the middle of nowhere, and you would then leave the site of the break down and have to make you're own way back through the woods that stand haunted by the Blair Witch.

  6. I went on Tuesday and the video was playing music and everything.


    The park was packed due to thousands of annoying children on school trips, but me and my friends managed to ride more than we do on quiet days! Very odd...


    Luckily all the school trips left at around 3, so that left most of the rides with small queues! Saw was running great, although sadly Colossus was as awful as ever and I had a headache for an hour afterwards. Not fun.

  7. Rita.


    It's horrible in my opinion. Launch is good, but airtime is weak, restraints hurt on the transitions and it's so rough almost all the way round. My shoulders are always sore for a few days afterwards, and that made a lot of the other coasters less pleasant.


    As for The Smiler, I had a good ride on it, so I can't really comment on it! I liked it though...

  8. Personally I hate Blackpool. It's too cluttered and I prefer parks that are more spread out.

    The Big One bored me to tears, but Valhalla was pretty great and so was the Grand National. 


    I much prefer Merlin parks, even if they are getting lazy. 

  9. Furius Baco is awful...Its rough, poorly designed, dull and it's only attraction is its stupid speed...however unlike a comfortable 60MPH Rita, 84MPH is too fast with no hill to nullify the speed, and instead just takes corners at 80MPH with a rough wing rider design. 


    Concept is excellent, but the whole thing in hindsight should have been rethought. 


    Rita... Comfortable? I have sore shoulders for two days after riding it!

    I agree that Baco is poorly designed, but it's still fun! I liked it, but I was at the front.

  10. I honestly don't remember, but I would say just pay the price of a locker. The Dutch are so friendly, so just ask a member of staff when you get there and they'll help you out I'm sure! :)


    Plus I think a locker was less than 10 euros, and there is a small deposit for the key I think.

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