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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. The Harry Potter Studio Tour in Watford is going to expand, if you didn't know already. They don't have permission to build a full theme park, however they plan on adding some rides to add to the experience, and a hotel. All "In the style of Universal Studios"...


    They're building something out the front already with lots of rock work (when I went a few weeks ago) but I don't know if it's the expansion.

  2. ^ I agree. I wish they would add some rock work to the sides like on Bilge-Rat Barges, some dynamic water features to get you wet, and make the actual rapids more eventful! Right now I think riding a poo down the sewer would be more exciting because there are no rapids, no decent fountains and the boats look awful.

  3. Why is the smaller dive coaster track a bad thing? Krake (sorry, KRAKE) is actually really smart and p****s all over Saw (Sorry, SAW).

    I'm all up for swapping out Saw for the newer style DM, and I'm also very much up for Gardaland getting one too.

    What I'm NOT up for, is recycled Smiler swirls as question marks in marketing tease, and Oblivion 'don't look down' arrows. Seriously Merlin, second to Disney for being the laZufariiest company ever. Is there nothing else that says 'DIVE COASTER' than what we've already seenZzzz in your own parks (Sorry, RESORTS)??

    So when Six Flags buy the same coaster a dozen times and call them all Batman, it's fine. But when Merlin use a logo over 15 years after they originally did, everyone gets annoyed.

    Seriously, man up and just wait it out. There might actually be a good reason why they're doing this. (Also having a curly question mark isn't copying The Smiler. It's a question mark... Just a decorative one)

  4. I really hope they haven't just brought back the use of the entrance music to shut enthusiasts up...

    Do you really think Thorpe Park would change music just because of some kids on internet forums? They probably added the music because they felt it would improve the experience of the park.

  5. It's a discussion forum, with multiple opinions.

    Bland and negative suits this post, my response is above.

    I for one am looking forward to this, purely because I love angry birds, that's the whole point isn't it? The guests love angry birds so it's a step in the right direction in relation to getting more guests. Only we are the ones that analyse everything but we're not the general public, we make up about 1% of the people that go. Imagine young kids walking into the area, they will love it. Surely that matters rather than picking holes and stuff. Like it's been said, they've followed the plan and yet it's still not right?

    Which is why I said that we're all guilty of it, including you love.

  6. ^ It's not that you're the only one to have "the guts" to say it. It's well known a lot of his posts can be bland and negative, so nobody bothers to mention it any more. Plus he's not the only one. We're all guilty of such posts...

    As for the cars, I don't mind them. Sadly I'll probably never ride them because the queues might be horrific. I do quite like the actual area though, it brings the place to life!

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