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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. Well you ovbiously don't hate to be rude because you just were.. Everyone has their own opinion and that is mine, that's what the forums are here for, discussion. If you don't like my opinion, don't read this topic on the forum.


    If I disagree with an opinion, I have the right to express mine too. After all...


    that's what the forums are here for, discussion.

  2. My first Fright Night was 2010, and our first attraction has Hellgate. 

    Looking back it was awful, but at the time it was so hilarious and actually kinda fun!


    ^ I agree about an 'any age' rule, but I think there should be a minimum. Or if they're under 12, they have to enter with a parent or guardian perhaps?

  3. ^ So true! I think it was either last year or the year before, but the couple in front of us in the queue for Asylum had their little girl with them. She couldn't have been more than 12. They joined our group and I remember the girl coming out laughing have a great time! :) Made by day!

  4. No but if I get taken away and my group don't notice, they are going to be panicking like hell(if they care about me) when they get out and in not there! Don't think it's fair to take people away and if it happened on a regular basis, I can imagine lots of complaints flying about.

    Certainly if I was taken away I would probably try and push and shove the actors away. Would then get kicked out the park and would be making a serious complaint that they took me away from their group. If they start to take people away, I am sure the actors will start getting a lot of physical abuse...


    Hate to be rude but... Stop complaining? Like I said, if you don't like being split up, don't bother going through an attraction that involves getting split up?

    Your friends won't worry unless they're silly. It's a theme park attraction, nothing bad will happen to anyone, it's all fantasy. 


    When me and my friends went in CITW, me and two others had to wait 4 or 5 minutes for the rest of the group, but we didn't care. We knew they were just inside, having fun. Other scare attractions all over the world have guests split up, nobody complains. Like I said earlier, everything has to be explained on signs before entering, so if a guest tries to complain about "being scared", they don't have a case.

  5. These scare attractions that Thorpe Park have are supposed to be intense. If you're against people being split up, don't go in the attraction?

    It'll say on any signs for an attraction that guests may be split up, so people shouldn't really be surprised if they do.


    Don't like that idea at all, think its unfair to steal people from their groups and then have your friends worrying about you once they get out. If it's a conga line, let it stay as a conga line instead of taking people away to suffer. If you want to do the maze by yourself, then you can go to brave it alone. Unfair to separate people from their groups especially the people who are really scared about the maze.


    Taking people away to "suffer"? It's a theme park attraction, not a medieval prison! 

    And about your last point... If people are scared of the attraction, that means it's working :)

  6. I hope they just keep the corridor simple like it was previously. If they just had the motel doors and some dim lights, the tension would be amazing!

    Then I'd have an actor behind the check-in desk at the end of the corridor, pressing his reception bell and asking the "guests" if they've made a reservation etc.

  7. Well one song is Here We Go by SHM, that's all I can remember...

    I think I heard Sandstorm by Darude this year but I'm probably thinking of a similar song! :)

  8. he didnt know about it, I said whys the location changed and he sayed thats wrong and will be changed


    What I'm saying is if you told him about it earlier today, then he would have probably got someone to change it already, as it would take about 2 minutes to do.

  9. Number one is a maintenance road, and to be honest it's position would make that part of the island very over-crowded. 

    My bet is on the marquee but I could be wrong of course. And seeing as the location has changed, maybe they're getting rid of the containers and using the style of construction that The Curse and Se7en used.

  10. My Bloody Valentine is the worst Scare Attraction I've ever done, the only way they can improve it is by scrapping it and starting again.


    My experience in MBV was odd...

    The queueing experience was horrendous as staff were letting more Fastrack guests in than regular queueing guests. So to be honest, our time in the maze just felt like more of a relief than an exciting journey.


    But then once we got inside things were actually... Alright? The actor in the first room did a good job, however we were then told to run through the first half of the maze? There weren't any tunnels, we were just running through (well themed) corridors until we were stopped for another scene. Did you guys have to run through this part? I'm wondering because most of the maze seemed to have passed after this, and it felt like it was a move made by the actors to increase the throughput?


    We weren't split up or anything, although I don't actually know if we were supposed to, like in Experiment 10. The claustrophobia tunnel was interesting and different, and some of the sets were well themed, but it just felt like we were being rushed out, and not in a fun/scary way.


    I totally see how being rushed would make sense given the story of MBV, but there was nobody chasing us through it, and it didn't feel like it either. We were just told to run! :P I'd do it again but I'm not sure what I thought about it. Studio 13 sounds like it could be fab and I hope the park pulls it off! Cabin in the Woods was actually pretty good when we went too!

  11. ^ Just don't worry and enjoy it! :)


    I know the education system expects you to know exactly what you want to do for your entire life, but most people don't. Have fun this year, and when you're ready, start thinking about what you want to do (presently) and try to pursue it! I dropped out of year 12 by choice, and I'm now about to start the second year of a two year college course! It's given me another year to settle and think about where I could go from here!


    I'm sure you're smart enough to do whatever you want, so I'd say just relax! :)


    As for my confession, I am literally terrified of spiders. Then I have panic attacks which embarrass anyone I'm with if I'm in public...

    Oh and cows. I hate cows. They chase me and it's scary!  :angry:

  12. Like Benin said I guess it all goes down to opinions though. (however we can all agree that the Golden Ticket Awards are awful...)


    Some people prefer parks with huge, intense coasters with sometimes little to no theming (Cedar Point etc.)

    Whereas others, like myself, prefer parks with narratives and heavily themed attractions, as they can sometimes be more memorable.


    And I suppose enthusiasts are the ones voting on the poll, whereas if everyday families voted, I assume parks like Disney would take the crown.

  13. Me and some friends are thinking of doing a little German theme park tour in the next year, and Heide Park sounds like it is worth a visit.

    Can anyone tell me what rides have the longest queues? I'm guessing it's the Wing Coaster, Colossus and Krake? 

  14. Studio 13 sounds like it could be fab, but I'm not holding my breath considering how awful the atmosphere was last year :(

    I do like the general theme of it though. Hopefully Thorpe Park will pull it off! After all their investment this year was bumper cars, they have money to spend.


    Come on Thorpe, prove to us you can host a class Halloween event once again!

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