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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. ^ Or just be sensible? We're not all binge-eaters. 

    Eat what you want until you feel you've had enough, and refill your drink if you're still thirsty. It also means you can try different pizzas instead of ordering one, only to find you don't like the taste.


    I don't see what's so challenging about a buffet. 

  2. Am I the only person who had a positive experience at the Alton Towers Pizza Place?

    I thought the staff were lovely and the pizza was actually really tasty considering how fast they had to be made! It was also kept really hygienic when I visited, so I can't really fault the place.


    Oh and compared to other pizza chains, the pizza wasn't overly salty or sugary either :)

  3. I corrected it yay 


    My point still stands, you're saying we're all going to be disappointed by this new addition that you must know about...

    So tell me, what's coming to Thorpe Park? Share your wisdom with us...

  4. ^ Whilst I agree slightly, I think a well themed one would improve the park. 


    In my opinion, it would draw crowds, but only if the theming is impressive (like Talocan). Plus if you have that dramatic theming, you then have your "killer image", as Varney would say. A ride that flips upside-down, has fire + water effects, and amazing theming would be easy to advertise. And more guests means more money for Thorpe Park, meaning they would benefit more than by adding nothing, unlike what you suggested :) And you said Rameses Revenge has short queues, well that's probably because the main audience of Chessington will rarely be interested in an intense ride like Rameses!


    That's just my view though.

  5. Thorpe could do so much better I think, even by adding nothing.


    How would adding nothing be better than adding a flat ride that would be fun, and suck up some of the queues from the major rides and coasters?

    And you say they're unpopular rides, yet Ripsaw always has long queues whenever I visit, and Talocan is one of the most popular rides at Phantasialand.

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