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Everything posted by pognoi

  1. HA that works on two levels. Genius with the BANt.
  2. You could've atleast said banshee.
  3. Banned for playing the Muppet's music too loud on the way home... Still got that 'yooo, hooo hee hoo' stuck in my head.
  4. hahahaha steel track steel supports clear as day... BUT COS RMC, STEEL WOOD THO.
  5. 'a roller coaster that goes up 200 feet or higher and can catapult riders from 0 to 70 mph in 4 seconds by motors originally designed to launch rockets' It doesn't have to be on a chain, infact here it actually suggests it's supposed to be launched. Stealth scrapes it though, only a person's height into the catergory, haha. (Definition found on http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=hypercoaster , first result on le google)
  6. pognoi


    If I curled up into a ball, you could fit me in it. How's that for scale?
  7. It looks horrible haha. Really long circuit, and only spins you upside down and constantly turning right. It would probably make me sick.
  8. Day after I come back, is le 9th (From a lil holidayee) So yes, lez boogy on the 9th maybs?
  9. I don't much like the new voice of the mexican before the lift hill. The old one sounded kinda excited, but this new one sounds like he's laying in a chair on a sunbed relaxing, or sounds like he's, uh, yeah. A bit dodgey?
  10. MAYBE. But people said 'oh yeah the third train looks all funny and stuff with no nose lelelelel' did they redo the third nose in an England flag, and not purchase a new one with the old vinyl?
  11. W8 wot hapnd to du englind flg trayn? Basically, what happened to this train? (Or nose)
  12. Thing is, Cedar Points rides (TTD and maverick) are: 1. Short with lots of blocks This allows them to run multiple trains anyway. Besides have you seen the amount of storage track for the trains?! 2. Mavericks short car length. Lots of blocks and storage aswell. Cedar Point cradles the masses alot of the time. Thorpe is so much more down scale (its like a third of the size) and does not need to have a huge amount of trains running. Comparing rides like Maverick to stealth is like comparing saw to Rita. You don't on this occasion.
  13. I'm going Cali in the summer, and by the sounds of things you've got a good taster of some parks. I'm only gonna be able 2 visit 2 parks, which 2 should I go to?
  14. Lot's of filming was done today... POV's, POV's on everything!!!111! I agree, I was rather overly impressed with it all, and think Marc's comment on how it looks better when you go did take effect. The Cinema was great, an effect or two was overused but overall it was just a laugh, as were the dodgems, which I think were a little over crowded. I didn't get to ride detonator, (50 weeks without being exploded) but I do agree aswell, that some of the minor details bring a little more fire to the area. Sure it's not perfect, and sure, there is better stuff in the park, but I couldn't help but pull this face as I walked away from the area;
  15. Interactive dark ride (shooting gallery)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wrl5ppBb6L4 Heavily themed areas, and another Dark ride based on a whole new story? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5a2qd22Z28 Even your spinning coaster if you're desperate! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_uHR94WunM All under the Dr. Who theme
  16. My first rollercoaster ever was the dragons apprentice at legoland. Followed by BTM But my first 'proper' rollercoasters were, in order: Jungle Coaster (God I nearly forgot that. Rode it without the covers too!) Nemesis inferno, Colossus, Dragons Fury Vampire Boring old fart, I am.
  17. Oh no I'm not. I just think it seems a bit of a waste to build a queue and only use it for one season. But then again, it's only metal mesh and concrete. not exactly expensive materials
  18. Yes but everyone knows that Alvey is a silly horrid mainstream american person. Whilst at points he may be right, he can also be a complete arogant idiot without reason. The fact that he gets the attention he does makes me shiver. Wow. so they build 3 queues and end up only using 2 of them anyway. Hm.
  19. Food. Guise we do dis now evertim.
  20. I don't understand. It seemed to be working fine back at the TPM meet?
  21. Slammer is on it's last chance apparently. I hope it works long enough for me to be able to ride it atleast once!
  22. Lol no they just replaced the sign and stuck a random fat bird near it.
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