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Everything posted by lewumbrajumbos

  1. R.I.P Digger Doug teaching the scooping of silver balls from 2006 to 2015 btw do we know if this is confirmed to be themed around horses?
  2. Negativity is real well hey they pumped out a fantastic new show for kids this year
  3. *glances at secret flying out window* Always wanted to try the old version of Bubbleworks! Hope this is true but if so I hope they do a proper job with the re re theme unlike certain other little projects we have seen around the park ... *cough* Dragon Falls *cough*
  4. So so this is all coming up soonish! Tickets have gone on sale for July already so opening very soon! I was surprised a topic had not been started about it in all honesty From what I have read and seen it looks very similar to what the London Dungeons provides but with a different theme and possibly target audience, it will be interesting to see what it has on offer when it finally opens! Here is the current site for those interested https://www.shreksadventure.com/london/
  5. when we have solid evidence maybe?
  6. Yeah I must admit I got very excited for this until I realised the beauty of 0 queus on the coasters with this event will fly out the window and screaming fans will be EVERYWHERE oh well better bring my riot sheild
  7. Better than advertising it as a World First
  8. I am glad you think the new pumps are amazing! They terrify me if I am being honest and leave you .. rather drenched
  9. woah had to dig for this topic .. after reading the Colossus topic for those who have ridden Saw by yourself in an empty car is it just me who feels it is extremely rougher in comparison to a full car?
  10. In all honesty You Tubers are becoming very popular with the younger generations so I don't see this being a bad move. I imagine both will pump out vlogs related to the experiance of getting waxworks and generally Madam Tussauds itself ultimatly bringing in more customers for Tussauds.
  11. Must admit after riding front row a few weeks back I must agree ... for some reason it just seems smoother!
  12. Don't know where this thing about it being a maze has come from .. but the plans do state that there is a station
  13. To stop silly people like my whacking their head on the well disguised metal bar at the end? It was quite uncomfortable climbing under that net with the bark on the floor (painful on the hands for some reason) I know it is supposed to be challenging but I am glad it is gone, I feel it will make the final room more fun .. others may disagree but hey ho! I just assume they took it out for throughput reasons? I mean it did slow people down quite a bit!
  14. Hey hey hey Saw is certainly not maiming people for the sake of it there are reasons behind what Jigsaw does although it is still pretty messed up! Can't help but love it <3
  15. Just me who thought of the prostitutes Jack the Ripper killed when they saw the perfume bottle? Sort of thing they would possibly use .. ?
  16. Had a feeling something like this would happen ...
  17. lewumbrajumbos


    Yes! Ride it while you still can Can't say I am the biggest fan of Slammer but it is definitely worth one ride at least
  18. I think it is a bit unfair to expect rides to be ready on time all the time! It is complicated machinery and unfortunately does not always work perfectly the way everyone wants it too. If Chessington are waiting on a part for it is there much else they can do? Maybe it is poor planning who knows! Just accept the situation, sucks for the company, sucks for us! Are there people to blame (does it really matter?) eh at least it is opening!! Also after seeing Thorpes issues with their rides opening I would not just pin this on Chessie
  19. Thought it was fab that they added a single rider queue to Dragons Fury but it was a shame to see it closed on Sunday when the queue was 60 mins for most of the day! Could this be due to lack of staff or just not bothering as it was only running a three person per car operation?
  20. My friend was in that cubicle and I was in the one on the far left hand side, nothing happened to either of us and we both came out the other side very dissapointed and confused. A very cool concept but it is a shame really that it's obviously not working very well! Has anyone noticed numbers on the cubicles? Because I have no clue how you work out which one you are in unless you count them round.
  21. At least three seats not in use on opening weekend and surprisingly the harnesses come down quite a bit slower and give no were near as much pain! Not sure if that has any relevance towards some being inactive.
  22. I suppose it's all luck with who's operating and that, I remember an op getting pretty mad at a girl who stood up most of the way round on dragon falls last year. We had no problems from staff and it just made people working on photos laugh! So yeah luck of the draw really of course would not recommend risking it never pulled a stunt like it in the past not planning on doing it again in the future!
  23. I am the one using the telephone The best part is you also get another perspective taken from a very pixilated snapchat video I will also add that this was not planned at all my friend just decided to turn around at the top so I put my feet up and snap chatted it glad we did it though
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