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Everything posted by lewumbrajumbos

  1. On thursday I aimed to do Stealth then Inferno followed by IAC in the morning when there was no queues. It works well for IAC as you won't queue for it and actors should be on top form as it is the beginining of the day! After this I would go for Colossus but bare in mind the path at the back of Thorpe is shut meaning it is a longer walk from Inferno to Colosusususussussss
  2. lewumbrajumbos


    Happy International Joke Day
  3. lewumbrajumbos


    Oh no it is all about Andy C dnbdnbdnbdnbdndbndbndnb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxQAObtp48M
  4. lewumbrajumbos


    noice Melbourne Beats anyone?
  5. Daily Mail saves the day http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3133347/RIDE-Parents-furious-suggestive-slogans-Alton-Towers-T-shirts-claims-young-girls-danger-want-removed-gift-shops.html Shame to see that they can still wiggle the Smiler incident into such an unrelated story
  6. He was attempting to shuffle outside loggers leap the other day too Someone needs to stop feeding him sugar
  7. Two spins each way today aswell Four spins in total Let that sink in ... :( :( :( Pretty pointless really no point in queueig for a ride that last's that long unless you love it to bits
  8. First in today and was my second try after experiancing it on opening night so three months had gone by I must say I feel it has been improved so much! Only one actor took us through and stayed with us the whole time and there was no cringy stops on the bridge so on so on ... More trials this time Only one round in the chambers but things did drop in all my friends and my chambers You actually collected stars in most trials rather than pushing buttons or pretending Just overall came out and enjoyed it more than on opening night they have clearly been working hard to make improvments so on but then again this was in the morning and we did not have to wait sooo ... I still think it is not worth queueing for unfortunately but improved nether the less
  9. Are school trips all planned for this week? I know that is somethng Thorpe sometimes do :/
  10. Entire park will be shut tomorrow because of this accident! Even though it remained open today? I am sure there is reasoning behind this but I am not as experienced in the industry as others so am not 100% sure why they would choose or be forced to do this! Really is a terrible thing to happen to both those involved and the park hope quick recoveries are made!
  11. When did they remove the cards? Why did they remove the cards? Both times I visited during Summer the use of a card was still an option which was great considering the website never seemed to load on my phone :/
  12. lewumbrajumbos


    Singing Waltzer op and a quality tune what more could you want!?
  13. Butterfly Effect .. for those who have not seen it I would highly recommend it! For those who have (have not read this whole topic could have cropped up before) but here are alternative endings which could have been used which I have only recently seen. Not suitable for those with faint hearts I suppose? Bit gory and disturbing at places but overall is a great film bit sad in places too ... 11/10 would watch again
  14. I just read through it Matt! Looks all very good so far
  15. Can't do this anymore forced revision from school!? Oh well! Have fun to those who do go
  16. Top news today http://news.bfnn.co.uk/lad-sues-nandos-for-meal-not-being-cheeky-enough/
  17. Follow Sruffy Dog Group Ltd on Facebook if you have not already .. constantly posting updates on projects most seem to be for Thorpe Park at the moment. By the looks of things they will be helping construct the stage for Island Beats in the summer.
  18. Known as 'The Crazy Cage' in my area! Love Meteors if your strong enough at the beginning riding upside down is always a laugh, it seems the later into the night you go the less they care about the health and safety so it always ends up being a fun experience! (well not all may find that factor fun) Anyways can't believe I have not come across this topic sooner as I am a big fan of funfair attractions! For me my favorite part about traveling fairs is the atmosphere they can create and the sort of entertainment they can provide! Just an example here of Deca Dance (Break Dance) which is still tours in Europe! (and now with even more lights and FIYA .. ) Relate something like this to X at Thorpe Park ... and it just shows you the quality some fair rides can have compared to the usual Theme Park attraction (not to mention fairs normally have more intense and lengthier cycles *waits for bashing comments on price* )
  19. *Coach pulls into Thorpe Park and sees the closed rides list*
  20. Nice shadow you can't see in avatar form 5/10
  21. Tickets on sale for Merlin Pass holders - https://www.thorpepark.com/events-experiences/events/island-beats/ Prices ranging from £20 to £30 by the looks of things
  22. Eighteen words later, Lez Cougan has been taken by Merlin PR team, because he was slightly loopy and smelt of fish! So he was disinfected with soap by Bubbleworks' ducks But that ended quickly when mother
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