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  1. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from yeah in Galactica   
    If you know where to look it's quite easy to see the edges, one section is the inline twist over the ice as it's falling away, and another is on the approach to the breakrun, also if you look backwards at the sphere in the station, it stops to quickly which spoils the effect.  The ice section is the worst, once you've seen it, it'll stick out like a sore thumb thereafter.
    Oh and Sam, if you can do Air, do Swarm, it's very similar in feel (apart from you are sitting, not hanging).
  2. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from Whatever in Things You've Overheard at Parks   
    ”I am not riding any coasters, especially not that Smler, I like my legs and so did you last night”
    Overheard on that monorail, girl to bloke around same time.
    Oh and the classic:
    Wife: what ride is this?
    Son: That's bubbleworks.
    Me: LOL
    Five mins later...
    Wife: why is there bat shaped signs everywhere?  And is that dracula playing the organ?  I though bubleworks was a kiddie ride?
  3. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from CharlieN in Things You've Overheard at Parks   
    ”I am not riding any coasters, especially not that Smler, I like my legs and so did you last night”
    Overheard on that monorail, girl to bloke around same time.
    Oh and the classic:
    Wife: what ride is this?
    Son: That's bubbleworks.
    Me: LOL
    Five mins later...
    Wife: why is there bat shaped signs everywhere?  And is that dracula playing the organ?  I though bubleworks was a kiddie ride?
  4. Like
    Ian-S reacted to SteveJ in Bubbleworks   
    The pricey tours are ridiculous considering the park have invested almost nothing in maintaing the ride scenes over the last decade. All a sudden they are making out they care for it as much as the fans, "bringing back" Professor Burp (management dont really know who this character is/was other than what's on wikipedia).
    They've seen little worth in this "dinosaur" ride for 10 years, until now when they realise they can exploit people's interest in it for lots of money.
    So many families & fans are going to be toured through the broken down remains of what used to be a classic ride, it's really odd how its ended up like this. Even just restoring general things would have made a big difference, like proper lighting in there (rather than cheap LED panels flashing on demo settings in every scene), fixing shattered effects, fixing the audio properly...
    Sad to hear some people genuinely asking what changed in 2006, that brings home just how long it has taken them to settle the ride's fate. Before the refurbishment, it really was a perfect family attraction and, had it been properly looked after in the 2000s, would still be just as popular as Prof Burp's BubbleWorks now. The current ride is a modified, sterile version. Most the fun animations were disconnected or removed. The amazing colours and textures painted over in flat primary colours, the characters all made to look the same. All sense of humour replaced with an advert for Imperial Leather soap. It was probably the worst refurbishment in the UK and the most unnecessary.
  5. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from JoshuaA in Fear on a Ride   
    Anything left side mid train, right side always gives me headaches (for Swarm).
    I think it depends on the staff Sam, we asked the same on the Tuesday of the same week and were told no LOL.  It's all to do with evacs, rear rows get evacuated first etc.
  6. Like
    Ian-S reacted to holtjammy16 in Wicker Man   
    If everyone treated this woodie as the small family coaster it's clearly meant to be then maybe people would be less disappointed
    its the SW  label that's misleading I guess
  7. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from 400400 in SAW: The Ride   
    I thought the contract renewal was confirmed in the closed season already?  Sometimes the staff don't spout bull****, had an good conversation with one of the Smiler staff on Wednesdsy who was an obvious geek and as knowledgeable as anybody here.
  8. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from PJ. in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    Hard to miss?  A zipped up cardigan or jacket is enough to hide a gopro.
  9. Like
    Ian-S reacted to pluk in The News   
    Turks have it under control, will all be back on holiday there next week...
  10. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from pluk in The News   
    The difference being the Brit who goes to live in Malaga does so able to support themselves without having to rely on the Spanish for handouts.
    The EU's own laws state that Syrian refugee you refer to, only has the right to claim asylum and settle in the first Schengen Country they come to, not the last one they get to which isn't even a member, perhaps if the EU had enforced their own rules properly instead of turning a blind eye, then maybe, just maybe the result of the referendum might have been different.
    Stop trying to save the world, we can barely look after our own people as it is.
  11. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from yeah in FIM Speedway   
    Our local track is the Eagles, but to be honest the last time I went I was your age
  12. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Matt A in Colossus   
    The seats at the front of each individual car have more space since there's the next row of seats are further away I think
  13. Like
    Ian-S reacted to JoshuaA in Colossus   
    There lucky, they got a free coaster climb.. 
  14. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Graeme in Alton Towers General Discussion   
    The Hex vault is in its own building as seen in this photo. The pre show is in the towers themselves
    I personally think it'll be Charlie that goes, replaced with an indoor flume.
  15. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Benin in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    The PS2 called, it wants its visuals back...
  16. Like
    Ian-S reacted to pluk in Paultons Park   
    I'm yet to try the new area, but even without that this was the best in the UK. Glad it has been recognised and hope this helps their development continue.
    One good sized adult coaster and a better flume or rapids and they'll have everything covered really.
  17. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Mitchada04 in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    Wow. Was expecting so much from this. The preshow is good, different to those seen before in this country. 
    The train looked quite good even though it was clearly fake. Transition straight into an underground train makes no sense. As does the whole victorian styling but the whole ride is then set in like modern London. 
    It's rushed getting on the carriage so you hardly have time to admire this "illusion." You have to get the VR on fast or you'll miss beginning bits. This section was decent, video quality was good and the story started to unfold a bit. 
    The ' live action' scene is just shouty and predictable. Have seen the effect used much better with a lower budget. 
    Back on with VR. Yay. The problems arise. The quality of the video drops, it's not very scary as the effect wears off fast. Then there's a boring loop section that plays as the ride system preps your vehicle for the next section. I know they are aware of this issue and it's technical rehearsals but how this part made it to this point is laughable. 
    Then it ends. Urm. Very unimpressed. I knew VR would be used but not THAT much. The 5 experiences are very loosely touched. It doesn't seem to flow very well. It feels like you hardly move. There's hardly any theatrics or grand illusion. The story is an odd choice. 
    The ride technology may be great, stunning, spectacular. Doesn't feel that when you're on it though. Which is surely more important! Not knowing how it works 100% but it's either not that stunning or Simworx severely overcomplicated things. Disney and Uni are no doubt interested in the technology, which they'll get Dynamic to make better and make a ride that uses it to it's potential. 
    As for spoilers. EVERYTHING gets spoilt these days. Movies, rides. Everything. Even DB's shows do get spoilt fully by some writers even though he asks them not to. Derren asks us to keep it a secret to not ruin the fun. That's fine. This is a spoiler thread, you're either here to discuss the ride or look for spoilers for some reason in which case you're just ruining it for yourself. Not a lot you can do. Don't get the difference bbetween discussing it now or when it's properly open. 
    Also, I know it's in softs and will go in again when it's properly open with an open mind. But there isn't much they can do in my eyes.
    The public seem to love it though. Guess that's all that matters. Oh well, more VR prominent attractions. Also feel like the vive was hardly utilised to it's potential. Shame as the potential is there, as it is with a lot of this. 
  18. Like
    Ian-S reacted to JoshC. in Alton Towers General Discussion   
    I believe that the actual ride section of Hex is in a custom made building separate to the Towers themselves?  But the transition is done so well and the building is hidden enough that you don't actually notice it.
    In any case, I can't see this being a demolition and replacement of Hex.  When the time comes to completely get rid of Hex, I'd be surprised if they replaced it with anything to be honest.
  19. Like
    Ian-S reacted to yeah in Alton Towers General Discussion   
    Yeah that's why I put it last (and btw it's a stately home not a castle )
  20. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Dodge2002 in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    The general public probably don't care how the ride hardware works hence why 10+ years down the line people are still genuinely questioning "how they went upside down" on hex, rather then just googling it. 
    Going all gestapo on it isn't helping their cause though. It's just causing extra curiosity, which otherwise probably didn't even exist. 
  21. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Graeme in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    Yeah because Merlin respect their guests like that, we owe it to merlin to keep their ride secrets a secret.....NOT!
    Paying guests have given away a rides secret? So what? They don't owe Merlin or Thorpe anything! 
    They'll still get guests going specifically to ride it.
    Edit: Marc, I see your point as you have an interest in keeping a good relationship with the park, as individuals though, we don't owe Thorpe anything!
  22. Like
    Ian-S reacted to yeah in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    But if nobody's signed anything then legally that's fine. I, myself, being a 13 year old with Aspergers who's easily scared, almost needed spoilers to decide whether or not I should/could ride it. After looking at said spoilers I decided it wouldn't be a good idea. Besides, why is there a spoiler topic if we can't give away spoilers? 
  23. Like
    Ian-S reacted to 400400 in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    They haven't ruined it. They say spoiler alert about 3 times before they go in
  24. Like
    Ian-S reacted to yeah in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    Nobody is making you look at spoilers, if you don't want spoilers simply avoid clicking on an article/post/video/anything that says "Spoilers: Derren Brown's Ghost Train"...
  25. Like
    Ian-S reacted to planenut in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    I do understand your comment but surely one is not compelled to watch it are they?
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