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About Cian

  • Birthday 08/11/1867

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  • Favourite ride
    The Smiler/Forbidden Journey
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park.

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  1. This will have nothing to do with SAW Alive.
  2. If the rest of the park didn’t look like a desolate dump I’d have little to no problem with the exterior. The watchtower’s pretty cool.
  3. I’ve gotta say - despite the seemingly average nature of the ride itself - the theming looks brilliant. A step up from past works, such as the theming found inside GT. They’ve clearly paid a great amount of attention to the tiny details throughout in order to improve it on a grand scale. I look forward to riding this at the weekend.
  4. I agree, I think the new updates have degraded the ride in quality. The train scene - when working - was great. It was very theatrical and successfully inflicted a scare upon first time riders. Amidst the averageness of the ride, this scene remained memorable for me, and I'd imagine for most riders. In replacement, we've been given a couple of actorless corridors and a strobe light, which isn't very exciting at all. I do, however, see why they've made this decision. It was ridiculously unreliable. Out of the, let's say, 20 times I've ridden it, maybe just under half saw the effect working. It's a shame.
  5. The demon costume is monstrous. I'd imagine the actor would reach, perhaps, a little over half way upwards of it. It always does the same movement - forward, left, right - because it ensures that everyone surrounding gets equally spooked. All in all, it's a brilliantly executed scene.
  6. It's part animatronic part costume. The "getting stuck" issue probably refers to a technical error with the rotating wall which reveals the demon.
  7. My thoughts precisely, Mark. It could also potentially be Containment returning year round with the addition of AR? I recall that being rumoured not so long ago.
  8. If you were to keep the outdoor section the same, but give the tunnel a bit more theming/themed lighting, hiding places for actors and a better finale, it'd be half decent. No more, no less. I don't expect a change alike Big Top '15 - '16, there's only so much you can do with such a naff attraction.
  9. Oh, I guess we'll have to see.
  10. As expected, Living Nightmare will consist of two floors, with scenes from the hospital, prison & more from seasons three and four of The Walking Dead. Great stuff, I'd imagine this'll be a pretty lengthy experience. Sanctum too, has been said to have "plenty of obstacles in our path" as we attempt to escape the clutches of the roaming walkers & return to safety. Exciting! More info regarding this all on ScareTour's Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ScareTOUR/
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