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Everything posted by Mark9

  1. Mark9


    The replacement track spotted by Wildcat Coasters in Clermont.
  2. Lovely idea in theory, but will never work completely in a theme park environment. No theme park has enough space to have over 10,000 guests roaming and never having to wait for an attraction. Genie+ and Lightening Lane at the American Disney parks is a compete disaster IMO. It's turned the parks into rich peoples playgrounds and even they have awful times with the system and it is is near impossible to wait less then half an hour for even the smallest rides. Europa Park which still runs it on some of the bigger rides, and is a park that could maybe do it, still has a stand by line. Virtual Queuing falls apart whenever there's even a slight issue. Ride breakdowns, reduced capacity, guest action. The real issue is theme park guests turn their brains off when they get beyond the front gate. The more barriers put in the way, the harder the day becomes. It becomes a system where those in the know such as AP holders are the ones that get the real benefits but the average guest will never really feel like it works. The closest I can relate this too is the RAP queue for disabled guests. In theory, that could be a wonderful system and really benefit the guests who are unable to wait. But that is completely open to abuse. People hate to hear this but it's the AP holders, the ones who know how to get around the system that are making that whole thing a nightmare for everyone to use.
  3. She should ask the Conservative MP's who frequent her hotels and ask them why theres so many hold ups from Europe these days.
  4. I heard they are taking the old Nemesis track and building a brand new B&M inverter at Sea Life Brighton.
  5. Chessington Buzz update Now going full steam ahead. It looks so beautiful to me. 😍
  6. Thorpe is a lot more balanced then people realise, there's more variety in its offering then Towers for example Thorpe has so much wasted space where so much could be done. but they settle for mediocrity far too often. No way should a ride like Rumba exist in modern day Thorpe Park. Same with Depth Charge, Walking Dead & Black Mirror, Slammer, etc etc. There is nothing special about any of the rollercoasters at Thorpe. Aside from essentially nostalgia, all of them are pretty generic examples of their ride types. There are moments such as Infernos tunnel or Saw's indoor section but thats it. Thorpe has one of the best flat ride line ups in the world (only Canada Wonderland beats it). From classics like Zodiac and Quantum to more modern (I say modern, they are all approaching their 25's at this point) like Samurai and Vortex.
  7. - Gangsta Granny is actually a really solid dark ride and is only stupidly popular because of the lack of the rides at the park. - Corkscrew was insanely better than Thirteen. For a start, it worked in the rain - Towers Street is genuinely awful. Every change they make to it just makes it worse and worse. - Nemesis and Hex are rides that stand tall with the best in Europe. Everything else is B tier (or lower).
  8. There isn't a lack of things to hate at Thorpe. I really do dislike Saw that much.
  9. Mark9


    I would think any changes or additions to the story would have little impact on the ride. We know that the station is only getting cosmetic fixes, we know very little of the ride is changing (only an extra footer and support on the downward helix) so therefore this Phalanax stuff could just be background dressing. The original legend was never pushed at people, only ever marketing fluff. I wouldn’t want Towers to do things like pre shows or photo shoot rooms. Just leave as be. The pictures from last night look fabulous. What a send off. I can’t imagine any other U.K. ride bringing so many people together in this way. It really is something special.
  10. Mark9


    Todays the day. It's weird to feel sad over a rollercoaster (especially one that will be back in 18 months no less), but it's a coaster that has bought so many people together, so much joy and happiness. I've seen the community come together like it hasn't for some time and it's been great to hear all the stories about peoples first time or how Nemesis bought them into the coaster community. When it returns it will be the newest rollercoaster in the park, its future secured for decades to come. Seeing John Wardley saying Nemesis will outlive him bought a tear to my eye. Like a lot of our greatest creators, his humble nature will be defined by what he bought to the Tussauds group in the form of unique exciting rollercoasters. And with that he created a ride with such legendary status, it's world renowned for being one of the finest B&M inverts out there.
  11. B&M dive machine please.
  12. This has massive potential if done right. Unlike Splash Landings which only really appeals if you use happen to be at Towers, this will appeal greatly to the surrounding area. It just needs good opening hours and more down the line then just what opens on its first day. I've never been back to Splash Landings as it hasn't expanded or changed. I will go back to Rulantica. Very exciting times at CwOa right now.
  13. Thanks MattyMoo, they helped me get through the day. Nemesis is the saving grace of this park so when even that is down, you can just tell the park needs to sort itself out.
  14. Considering the country is collapsing all around us, I think I could probably live with Exodus being delayed by a few months.
  15. Track has now arrived, pictures thanks to Chessington Buzz. It's so refreshing to see a rollercoaster that isn't black, white or grey being added to a a UK theme park. The track looks GORGEOUS It's giving me Hulk/ Hydra the Revenge colour vibes. 😍
  16. I was impressed by operations yesterday. It's very rare to see a B&M inverter dispatch the train and having to actually wait for the second one to arrive back at the station. The fact this happened multiple times made it all the more impressive. Great work
  17. Towers bright new future is a ride from the early 2000's and one from the 1980's.
  18. My 100% favourite thing about rollercoasters is that sometimes, just on that odd occasion, something will completely take your breathe away. Something will remind you that your hobby is the best in the world. This trip was a little out of the blue. Initially, we were supposed to go to Towers but once we learned that the Saturday was fully booked and Sunday was supposed to see a high amount of travellers, we took the quick decision to book a ferry to Dunkirk. Plopsaland is a quick drive across the French/Belgium border. There's lots of loveliness to Plopsaland, I was a particular fan of the dinosaur themed log flume and Heidi the mini GCI wooden coaster. But frankly, there was only one ride that bought me here. The Ride to Happiness is one of those odd rides that does stick out like a sore thumb. I read the dedicated thread that said this ride does dramatically change the dynamics of this cute little family theme park. Whilst that is true, I actually think that its a good thing that there is something like RtH at the park as it definitely has something special about it. The queue line is a simple affair, two dedicated rooms with little theming areas and a little area under the break run that was never used. On our visit, the queues were minimal with about a 5 minute wait for the ride. Which was perfect to get a real proper feel for the ride. The station is nice and open and it becomes very clear quickly that this is a ride where it doesn't really matter where in the train you ride, the experience is similar. With that being said, the air time on the back carriage is probably the greatest. Like many of Mack's newer rollercoasters, the restraints are near perfect. Not too tight but enough to feel secure. The trains are exactly the same design choice as Time Traveller. With everyone seated and checked, the train is dispatched and your first inversion is a jo-jo roll. It's hard to describe because the sensation of being upside down whilst spinning is so peculiar and unique. It sets up the ride perfectly, this is no normal rollercoaster. Unlike most Mack launches which are normally pretty tame, this feels pretty forceful because of the spinning element and as a bonus, the train is forced to spin near the end of the launch track and it is fantastic. The train travels upwards into a top hate kind of element, the track is slightly banked which encourages the spin to continue and then you just fall. Oh the drop on this is sublime. It catches your breathe quite unlike any other rollercoaster. On a couple of rides, we were on the back carriage and it was in the right position to go down this track backwards and let me tell you, the ejector was exquisite. Absolutely superb. The ultimate adrenaline hit. I adored it and it became one of the many highlights in a ride full of them. The train traverses the banana roll which admittedly, was not my favourite part of the ride but the thing is, it was always excellent. With every ride just being that little bit different it always felt fresh and exciting. The vertical loop quickly following this was funky. I enjoyed doing it sideways or with a slight spin. The zero g is also excellent encouraging the train to spin just that little bit more each time. Just fantastic. Up next is the bunny hop second launch area which just gives the train that extra kick to get into the signature element which surrounds the entrance to the rides queue line. Just wow. Sometimes it was easy to see where the train was going, sometimes the carriage was spinning so much it was hard to tell just exactly where you were. Just completely disorientated. The train drops down over the area, around a lake and finishing off with two ejector filled bunny hops. Packed to the brim with air time you hit the break run happy. And thats really the key to this ride. It reminds me of the first time riding Taron, hitting the final breaks and just smiling. It was wonderful, it was a shock to the system, it makes you want to run round to do it all over again. And that, was what a lot of people were doing that day. There was a lot of us going round and round on this thing to experience it as much as possible. With each ride being so unique and different it was fantastic to just experience it. I've never known a ride like it. It was just something special, something completely unique and enjoyable. Huge smiles that I could not hide after each ride. Just hitting that break run, wanting to run around and experience it again. Sheer joy. I'm so grateful for what Blue Fire did for the Mack company back in 2009 because we are now really seeing the fruits of their labour. And what I love about it is that whilst it is forceful and a fast experience, it never feels overwhelming. Whilst spinning around on it, you can see the joy from all your fellow riders faces. We met a person who had been on it over 1900 times and still isn't bored. I've got this far and haven't even talked about the fantastic soundtrack which fits the ride to perfection. Themed around a music festival in Belgium, this could have easily failed but it works perfectly with the rides pacing. Gives me chills. Ride to Happiness isn't just a wonderful ride, it is in my opinion, the finest ride in Europe.
  19. I like parks that celebrate their past with nostalgic merchandise and subtle hints at their past. The Corkscrews at Towers for example or the gravestones at Chessington dedicated to Zappomatic and Professor Burp. I don't think parks should pander to their history though. Emily Alton & Nemesis Sub Terra mean nothing to the majority of park enthusiasts, let alone the general public. This is very Alton specific this topic, frankly theres a reason all these rides have left the park. Replacing them is the problem as all these rides gone have reduced the parks capacity considerably.
  20. I can't wait to get back on the ride that everyone hated ten years ago.
  21. You forgot Slammer, its just waiting there, biding its time in near mint condition, just waiting to reopen!
  22. After a whole season of closure, Towers have now confirmed that Enterprise is no longer at the resort. I'm not sure if I have anything profound to say... I think I rode it twice and it was pretty short.
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