EC! Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Simply what are your phobias and if you can remember when did your phobia start? I have arachnophobia (spiders), that phobia started when 2 large spiders crawled up my leg and started biting me when I was 6 and I have a phobia as some of you know of Ferris wheels, I don't know why its just when people move about or rock the gondolas I loose my crap. So what your phobias and also have you had any of your phobias cured? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coastercameron98 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I have a really bad phobia of Bees and Wasps, I don't know what the technical name for it is but it started when a wasp stung me in Cornwall when I was 4 and my hand started swelling and now I'm terrified of them. Also I'm scared of flat rides that go upside down, I just hate the thought of a power cut happening on one when its upside down like Zodiac, I'm sure there are fail safes but I'm still not convinced Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidders Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 This topic.... No pictures pls. I apparently have 'Mottephobia', or so I'm told it's called. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EC! Posted June 23, 2013 Author Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Moths sid? Matt 236 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coastercameron98 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Spheksophobia, apparently is my phobia of Wasps technical name. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidders Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Moths sid? WINGED DEVILS. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Pyrophobia aka a fire phobia. Warning: this is a rather long post, I got carried away with things and the psychological aspect of it I can't exactly pinpoiint how or when it started, but it is definitely an actual phobia as opposed to just a fear which any human would have of fire. I have a few theories though as to what may have triggered it, the main one being: 1) Driving past a house fire when I was 11 years old. This one seems highly likely to have triggered the phobia off, considering the other things didn't shake me up as much, infact, no way near as much. Yet I was always under the impression phobias were triggered at a younger age. Then again, there's no hard and fast rule and realistically, it could happen at any age. Basically: I had been at my nan and grandad's after school until mum picked me up from work in the evening. Driving down a road, we saw a huge cloud of smoke in the distance, and a fire engine. I thought to myself "Maybe it's a chimney fire" - possibly remembering a chimney fire which happened over the back of our house when I was 6, which I'll explain in a minute. But as we drove past, it was clearly not, it was the side part of a house, and I remember the sight of it just really shaking me up, I don't know if it's because I wasn't expecting it or what. I don't remember it in detail, just looking to the right and seeing a mass of flames. That evening at home I kept thinking about it and feeling so scared. We had to drive past that house on the way to my junior school, and I vividly remember being intrigued yet frightened to look at it, even if it only was a small part of the house. From then on, I always had this phobia, which brings with it a paranoia over fire safety. What's odd is that I can go to firework displays and stand infront of the bonfire, I can be near candles...but the gas fire gives me the creeps, although I have sat in front of it...but I would never do that if I was alone (wouldn't dare even light the thing!!), and I can use the hob, but again, if I was alone in the house I would feel totally different! It's interesting to think about, actually! Ohh and those fire safety adverts on TV s**t me up big time. I found one on Youtube from the 70s, it's called "Searching", I will NOT link it as it's really quite disturbing and frightening. It basically shows a first person view of someone walking through a completely burnt down house, and you can hear the children screaming out each other's names, in this creepy echo-y way...ugh Then at the end you're in the bedroom and it zooms in slightly onto the wardrobe, and it looks like some of the clothes move *I think*. Some of the comments said there's meant to be a child or a body in there!! I don't know, and the quality was't great, and no way am I watching it again...yeah, you get the point! Nasty, nasty advert The other things were (and roughly in chronoloical order and before the above event): 2) Seeing a house fire from my aunt and uncle's house, not a very clear memory, just remember us all watching out of the window and one of my cousins talking to me, can't remember what she was saying but I think she was trying to reassure me or explain what the firemen were doing. 3) Having a fire safety assembly in infant school and being given this activity pack thingy to take home. There was a bookmark which had a picture on one side of a fireman battling a huge wall of flames. What a lovely thing for such a young child to have!! I remember sitting on my bedroom floor looking at it, and thinking how scary it would be. 4) A chimney fire over the back of our house when I was about 6, I was already scared to go upstairs alone at night as the window at the bottom had no curtains etc, and I always thought of that book, "Not Now Bernard!" with the monster in the garden! I saw all this thick smoke in the garden and was oviously pretty scared! I also remember watching from the landing window with my family and the ashes falling into our garden, and worrying that my trampoline would catch fire! 5) When I was about 9, our grill caught fire after school; my brother had made kebabs or something in cooking lessons at secondary school, and some fat in the grill had caught fire when we were cooking them. My mum closed the oven door, rang the fire brigade twice (after hanging up the first time thinking there was no need as the flames went out after closing the door, but then she decided to be on the safe side; and the fire brigade said she did the right thing), and we sat in her Mini Cooper and waited Three fire engines turned up with their sirens blaring out, my brother was absolutely mortified! Tbh this event wasn't scary at all, more amusing! But I wonder if all these events built up and up perhaps, resulting the phobia finally "coming out" when I saw that house fire when I was 11? Finally there is one other possible thing: that 999 program that used to be on in the 90s, with Michael Burke. The one with the goddam scary music!!! They had some scary s**t on that show, and there was one episode we always remember, where this old couple drove their car into someone's swimming pool! Shoudn't laugh, but it was quite amusing, and they were fine I found that episode on Youtube some months ago, and the first story to feature was about...a house fire! I don't remember watching it as a child, but seeing as I remember the other story with the swimming pool, and we always used to watch the whole episode as far as I remember, I must have seen it. Again, I wonder if this along with the other little events all contributed - or added fuel to the fire as it were I seem to have waffled on a bit so: TL;DR: There have been a number of minor events involving fire when I was a child, although *luckily* I was never involved in one. I believe that these all contributed, with the witnessing of a house fire when I was 11 being the final culprit, and causing the phobia to appear. Luke_A 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luke_A Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I have a phobia of blood / severe cuts or gore. Haemophobia as it's known. I've known that I've had it ever since I had an incident when I was about 7 years old where I cracked my head open on a metal swing in a play park (ouch!!), this was the second time I'd done this as it also happened to me when I was 5. I still remember the incident with the swing to this day and let's just say it was rather messy... Had to have quite a few stitches one time then the other time they used surgical glue stuff. Since that event I've always either fainted, felt faint, had to sit down, or I get a really fast heartbeat & cold sweat, or my body reactions will space out where I'll feel like there's a delay between when my brain tells me to do something and when it actually happens, such as simply walking, hence the having to sit down thing whenever I see anything majorly bloody in person. Movies tend to be ok because I know it's not real. I can't do a thing about it and my body just reacts in that way! I couldn't even deal with dissection of some animal parts in Biology at GCSE, had to leave the room hahaha! I read up about it a while back and apparently this phobia is often caused by traumatic incidents which can occur in childhood, so there's the explanation! Don't think I have any ride - related phobias as such. I do however have a passion for the feeling you get as you fall from a height! (In safe ways of course, Lol) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J.S217 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Well I have a minor case of Claustrophobia like if I am in a small room like 1X1 Meter and 2 meters in height for just over 2 Mins I become panicky and almost start crying. another phobia of mine is the Dark just like when it is so dark you can not see your hand in front of your face that kind of dark. there are more but they are the main ones Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Han30 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I find phobias really interesting - not that they are pleasant to have. But the reason behind them and some of them had odd names. Psychology interests me a fair bit, probably because I am not normal. I would list my phobias but there are far to many of them. Would be easier to list what I am NOT scared of! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I honestly can't think of a phobia I have. I'm not a fan of moths, grasshoppers, bugs in general, but I wouldn't call it a phobia! Phobias are a really interesting topic as han pointed out, and hopefully I can study them in more detail in the next few years. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Plenty of things scare me or "freak me out", but the only one that is an actual phobia is my fear of spiders. It's so bad I can't go on Duel without having some sort of a panic attack, and the last time I was at Chessie I went in the creepy crawly cave only for Marc to point out the GIANT spider on the ceiling (I'd never noticed it before - I go in there because I LOVE the lizards) and now I'm too scared to go in there :| So yeah, thanks Marc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryan Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Enjoy guys! Smidget, Ricky, Luke_A and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 You missed out fire Edit: That's better. If you're going to be an a'hole, might as well be one to everybody Ryan 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EC! Posted June 23, 2013 Author Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 OMFG RYAN WTF WID THE SPIDER! moths and blood meh. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryan Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 OMFG RYAN WTF WID THE SPIDER! moths and blood meh. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liam T Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 This topic makes me want to cry & lock myself in a cushioned room. (P.S I have a phobia of anything & everything that exists on planet earth) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EC! Posted June 23, 2013 Author Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I have many words for you ryan, ones which I won't say in fear of getting banned Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Except male genitalia Edit: Damn you Ethan for getting in the way there... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt 236 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I have a phobia of roller coasters Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luke_A Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I think the spider shocked me more there. Liam T, Sidders, EC! and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coastercameron98 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Thanks for that Ryan, what happened to Tommy saying no pictures (I can see why he said that now), I hate wasps so much, but I think the spiders on peoples faces made me cringe more. Coaster 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I found the sheer fact that Ryan trolled us too funny to be scared by the pictures. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coastercameron98 Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I think you are kinda right with that ^ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 Ryan! I have to say, that first picture of that spider scared me more than the fire one What is it about spiders that people find so scary, I wonder? I don't have an actual phobia, just hate them and they make me jump! But I know they're not going to harm me. I'm guessing maybe it comes from back in the day when insects and stuff used to be far bigger? And I have a theory as to why it's often females that are more scared by spiders and creepy crawlies than men: because the cavemen went out to hunt and shizz, so they naturally became tough and strong and brave, whereas the cavewomen would stay at home looking after the cavebabies And screaming is a natural reaction used to scare whatever it is that has frightened us away. So when a big ass spider enters the cave, cavewoman screams at the top of her lungs to protect herself, her babeh, and her home I dunno, it's just a theory Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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