BigBobJones Posted August 11, 2013 Report Share Posted August 11, 2013 My parents are currently clearing out their loft and they came across this little gem, Enjoy! Souvenir guide 1990 part 1 Souvenir guide 1990 part 2 Things to note in here: No Wild Asia/Beanoland, it is Circus world The RMT looked brand new Arrow Vampire trains Transylvania looks amazing Even the Safari Skyway looks good Giraffe, before they got rid of them and also Hippos Park entertainers, I wanna meet Mr Ming! 5th Dimension Visit our other attractions (Rock circus, the Planetarium all gone) and they had not purchased Thorpe Park then. Han30, Kerfuffle and pluk 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whiteknuckle Posted August 11, 2013 Report Share Posted August 11, 2013 Have to admit, Chessington pre Beanoland was awesome, and agree with all the points listed above. The park has gone downhill in recent years, IMO. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merry-go-girl Posted August 11, 2013 Report Share Posted August 11, 2013 While there are many things from Old Chessington I'd like to put back into current Chessington I really can't say I'd like to swap them entirely. I mean that park's tiny, there's like 6 rides (hyperbole). Can you even imagine what nightmare queues would be generated from modern day visitor numbers. And for the most part it's catering to families with little children, it's not nearly as well balanced as it is now in terms of family entertainment. Not to mention how terrifying it would be to know an entire ride area was crawling with clowns. *shudder* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
c1hrisin Posted August 12, 2013 Report Share Posted August 12, 2013 I wish I was old enough to have been then / remember XD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt 236 Posted August 12, 2013 Report Share Posted August 12, 2013 Sadly I never got too experience the old Chessington as my visit was 2006 but from what I've heard and seen, here's the strong points of each, New Chessington / Wild Asia (nicely themed area and better than clowns (which scare some children)) Zufari safari attraction Dragons Fury & Rattlesnake coasters, Old Chessington/ 5th dimension looked original Vampire looked better then someday ran better too, Railway Better looking older rides Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPJames Posted August 12, 2013 Report Share Posted August 12, 2013 Best of all, old chessington had..... SAMURAI BigBobJones and Whiteknuckle 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lottie. Posted August 12, 2013 Report Share Posted August 12, 2013 Old Chessington for me! <3 Samurai, Rodeo, Old Vampire, Terror Tomb... I could go on GOOSEANIMATICS and Whiteknuckle 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Han30 Posted August 13, 2013 Report Share Posted August 13, 2013 I first visited CWOA in the very early 90s and remember circus world etc and riding The Juggler (and it bizarrely not making me feel sick). I had the pleasure experience of riding Rodeo which made me feel SO ill I think I went green . I also got to ride Vampire with the original Arrow bat trains, and the bubbleworks before they ruined the ride with the invasion of ducks. Over the past 7 or so years I have been to CWOA yearly (apart from 2010) and I think that, although some good investments have been made, for example Dragons Fury, there are also things which I would love to see come back (another thrill ride on a par with the magic carpet or samurai) Things like Safari Skyway and Runaway train looking brand new - well they kinda were, so Skyway is bound to look a tad scabby these days Looking back to when CWOA was aimed at thrillseekers you had Rameses (still there - ish!), Samurai (after the flying carpet left), Rodeo, and back then, Vampire was considered to be intense (plus back buccaneer). I personally loved Beanoland - especially the music on the dodgems - and it was around that time that the park was transforming into a family focused park, with TP getting Tidal Wave (in 2000?). Although I never rode Samurai when it was at CWOA it looked a LOT more intense than it does now at TP. This year hasn't been a great one for CWOA - the log flume looks naked without the Buddhas, RMT is down this year and then there was the incident with Rameses. However, the April meet up to Chessington was brilliant and it is still a park that I enjoy. I love the addition of the sealife centre tent (I love stingrays) and Land of the Dragons is good. So, to cut a short story long, looking back at the 90's chessington was a good park - today it still is but needs some major work doing to it (which has already begun with the runaway train) - I usually go yearly with my niece and she loves the park and is able to go on most rides - however this year, instead of our annual trip to CWOA, we went to Paultons instead (underrated park imo). So yeah, I guess I would say that I prefer old Chessington - mainly because it is kind of what got me interested in theme parks and was where I went on my first "proper" coaster - Vampire! Matt 236, Phill Pritchard, SteveJ and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted August 13, 2013 Report Share Posted August 13, 2013 Taken as a straight then or now, 1990 or 2013, that is a really tough one for me. The park then was much smaller in its ride offering, but what was there was so much more complete. Straight Comparison: Old Vampire > New Vampire Old Bubbleworks > New Bubbleworks Buccaneer then = Buccaneer now More zoo < Land of the Dragons Circus Land > Wild Asia Magic Carpet > Eclipse 5th Dimension > Whatever it is now Skyway (not knackered and over interesting stuff) > Skyway (knackered over beer garden) Big roundabout > Carousel Round park train > no train It is hard to judge Falls and RMT without knowing how things will turn out yet. I'd say the biggest improvement is the zoo itself, especially in terms of the conditions the animals are kept in. I doubt a lot of what there was back then would be allowed now. Looking at that actually it is quite an easy choice! Things have not got better. With the the base they had to build upon then they really have screwed the place up imo. Inferno and Phill Pritchard 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark9 Posted August 13, 2013 Report Share Posted August 13, 2013 I can't really compare like for like because the new versions of rides such as Bubbleworks and Vampire are just bastardized versions of what went before. What I will say is when I was a four year old, Chessington was this magical, spell-binding place where you journeyed into Television sets, were transported to Ancient China and every 90 second a Vampire bat flew over the cobbles of Transylvania. It didn't matter that the majority of rides at the park were very standard, dull rides because the theming and effort that went into each ride was above and beyond anything we had seen in the UK. Now all I see is a load of rides that have been ruined, the original designers efforts destroyed because of a lack of care, a lack of love and a lack of interest by higher management. The way I see it, it doesn't matter if Chessington's current managers have these big ideas and ambitions as they will never be allowed to go above and beyond. It's all restricted by minuscule budgets. Sure they have a 5 million budget for Runaway Train + Falls + Park wide improvements. But that isn't enough to solve a terminal problem at the park. Phill Pritchard, BigBobJones and SteveJ 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted August 13, 2013 Report Share Posted August 13, 2013 Circus Land > Wild Asia I'll say straight away that I don't remember Circus Land that well, as I only visited a couple of times when that area was open and was very young. However, I think that Wild Asia is quite possibly Chessington's biggest success since the turn of the century (or, if it isn't, it comes Second to LotD). The area is amazing. I know people criticise it for being a bit 'grey', but I just don't see it like that. Yes, there's a lot of grey there, but it sets a tone very nicely. There's a lot of quirky features to it as well, and everything just fits together perfectly. Lorikeet Lagoon is the definition of magnificent and is what Chessie should be all about. As I say, I don't remember the circus land, but I personally don't think anything can top Wild Asia. Sorry, just had to get my Wild Asia love in here. Anyway, the current Chessington is in a bit of a state. And when I say current, I mean this season. Previous years have been alright, but could still be improved upon. I don't remember much of 'old Chessington', so I can't compare the two. However, the Chessington of today has a good selection of rides, but needs a couple more and a lot of TLC before the park itself is in a good condition. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Han30 Posted August 13, 2013 Report Share Posted August 13, 2013 Josh - do you per chance like Wild Asia?! I may be in the minority here but I preferred Beanoland . The music from the dodgems and the whole atmosphere seemed a tad cheerier - plus GREY!!! I know that is part of the themeing but it is a bit like stepping into Depression Land (I joke). I haven't however visited Lorikeet Lagoon so should really reserve judgement. I think Chessie circa 2000 was pretty good as the Vampire still had the old cars, Samurai was there, as was Rodeo and there were glimpses of the old Chessington. Also around 2005 when LoTD opened. In the past couple of years I feel like things have gone downhill a bit and has been neglected which is a shame. I agree with Pluk about the zoo - that has definitely improved from how it used to be. Ok, I may be insane here but looking back to my first visit (back in 1990/91) I am pretty sure they used to have a polar bear??! Don't laugh - I often dream things and think they are real - so either they did have a polar bear there which is, in my eyes a tad cruel or I am more insane than I first thought Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted August 13, 2013 Report Share Posted August 13, 2013 Josh - do you per chance like Wild Asia?! I may be in the minority here but I preferred Beanoland . The music from the dodgems and the whole atmosphere seemed a tad cheerier - plus GREY!!! I know that is part of the themeing but it is a bit like stepping into Depression Land (I joke). I haven't however visited Lorikeet Lagoon so should really reserve judgement. I liked Beanoland when I was a kid, but I feel the area was - like too much of Chessington these days - too orientated to the children who visit the park. It felt very worn out to me after 2004/2005 and that it had overstayed its welcome. I get why people dislike the grey, but I just can't help but think that any other colour would look cheap, nasty and work against the area. Even if it was a browny colour, it wouldn't feel the same. The only thing I can think of that I hate about Wild Asia is the voice used for onload/offload onto Kobra - complete mood killer. I'd really give Lorikeet Lagoon a go on your next visit; absolutely amazing place! Speaking of Wild Asia, does anyone know if Bayun Maximus (or however you spell his name; the elephant in the tree) still being 'used' to his proper potential? : Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fred Posted August 13, 2013 Report Share Posted August 13, 2013 Banyan was being used to his proper usage when I visited earlier this year, on an off-peak day which was nice to see! I absolutely hate the Wild Asia announcements.. well, all the announcements at Chessie. They're all done by Graham so it's cheap and he's got professionalism about it, but it makes everywhere feel very bland and generic. Not enjoyable at all. As for Old chessie vs New Chessie. I can only do old tussauds era vs now, because I only first visited in 05. I prefer it now, far far prefer it. The old park used to feel incredibly generic or cheaply done (LOTD and hocus pocus, looking at you). The stage on market square. The branding. It was all.. tacky and eurghy. I think the parks going back to it's original form slowly but surely, hopefully we'll see this continue of focus with the refurbishment of pretty much half the park. JoshC. and Merry-go-girl 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted August 14, 2013 Report Share Posted August 14, 2013 I'll say straight away that I don't remember Circus Land that well, as I only visited a couple of times when that area was open and was very young. However, I think that Wild Asia is quite possibly Chessington's biggest success since the turn of the century (or, if it isn't, it comes Second to LotD). As I say, I don't remember the circus land, but I personally don't think anything can top Wild Asia. Sorry, just had to get my Wild Asia love in here. Don't get me wrong I think what they have done with the leftovers of Beanoland is really very good, but 2 fairground rides and an impressive circus show is just better than three fairground rides (I don't care for Kobra!). If they'd turned Circusland into Wild Asiat, ie kept a big ass show, that would probably have been an improvement. The whole of the park felt more complete back then I think. Phill Pritchard 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Han30 Posted August 14, 2013 Report Share Posted August 14, 2013 Just realised that saying I prefer Beanoland (even though it opened when I was 20) sounds a bit odd - but it was cheery and colourful etc. Only problem is that I could only ride the dodgems and that little bus thing (with my niece obvs). Can't do the swing ride as they make me feel ill (well they did before I started taking anti-sickness tablets - but have only since done sky swinger at Paultons, not by choice) Kobra is a no no for me after having an unpleasant experience on The Edge at Paultons Park but it seems popular with guests. Also just to throw into the equation - I preferred Forbidden/Terror Tomb - but only because I have a naff aim at things - and I miss Abdab Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerfuffle Posted January 16, 2014 Report Share Posted January 16, 2014 Olden days Chessington... ...Where did the years go? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merry-go-girl Posted January 17, 2014 Report Share Posted January 17, 2014 I think they're in the graveyard with Prof Burp and Zappomatic. Kerfuffle 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted January 17, 2014 Report Share Posted January 17, 2014 Along with most of my love for the park as well... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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