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Logger's Leap


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  Martin said:

Its not possible for the boat to fall back down as there are ratchets all the was up the hill which spring back when the boat passes through it so if the lift was to stop it would be completely safe. Thats what the clicking noise is when you travel up the lift. It's the same principal for Rollercoaster lift hills.

On Loggers Leap however the ratchets are not all the way up the lift hill and so there are only a odd few. From 2.15 in
video you can see that not the whole of the lift hill has the ratchets. When on the ride you can see that the ratchets are there but have got stuck inside there casing. However Dragon Falls has them all the way up both lift hills. See 2.07 in this video. How does that make sense?
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  Marc said:

Loggers leap is down.And just because they are not all out, the anti rollback ratchets are not "stuck".

The Logger's Leap operation and technical teams were working efficiently today. Logger's Leap opened around 11am, and suffering another technical problem later in the afternoon about 3ish, the technical team were quickly at hand to rectify the problem, and have the ride running like clockwork again by 4.30pm.
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  themeparkmad said:

It never has a big queue?!On my last visit when Loggers Leap was open. It said the queueing time was 60 mins!!!

The queue normally depends on the weather conditions, if it is sunny more people will queue for it, where as if it is tipping it down with rain the queue will be basically non-existent.
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  subculturehero said:

When it's busy, it's really really busy (cattle pen full), but when it's empty it's really really empty (letting you go round more than once).

yeah I remember last summer over an hour queue! :)last time I went 3 times in a row...but then got a little bored with it
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  David said:

So I was having a think earlier,Is it possible to fall out of Loggers Leap on the drop?In some ways I think it's quite possible. Last time I went hands free I lifted out of my seat on the big drop.However, you will only fall out if you are being stupid, for example standing up.Have there ever been any incidents on the ride?Also, is it possible for the log to fall back down the lift chain on the main drop?

The ride's always reminded me of Ripsaw Falls at Islands of adventure, I guess the layout of how you sit is kind of the same. I've often wondered about falling out, but I usually sit at the back so if there was a chance of it happening, what ever's in front of me will protect me. I doubt the log could go back down the hill, that wouldn't be safe to run.I've also often wondered about people getting injured on the ride, I'm sure it's happened at least once
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  Dan_Rush said:

I doubt the log could go back down the hill, that wouldn't be safe to run.

No, it definitely couldn't fall back down the hill. The anti-rollback catches would always prevent this from happening. If there have been any injuries on the lift hill or the drop, it would only be due to the fault of the riders themselves, I.e.: standing up or doing other things they have been told not to such as trailing their hands in the water.
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I couldn't agree more. The only way that you could possibly get injured is if your boat has loads of heavy people on and you go down the big drop at the end and it gets a bit of air and hits. That hurts your bum but thats the height of it.

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  themeparkmad said:

Loggers Leap has to be the best log flume I have been on!I love the amount of air time you get on the last drop and still gives he an adrinaline rush! :lol:

Same!, if you actually push yourself up a bit so you are out of your seat but not standing up on the drop you get so much airtime.
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If you jump into a roller coaster ride area, you get such a rush of wind as it races by.Please remain seated, or you will end up in the Sun; 'young boy falls out of theme park terror flume ride' and worse, your death will mean Loggers downtime and probably the addition of an uncomfortable restraint system for everyone else, not to mention, you will never see the next roller coaster addition at the park.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  EdH said:

I couldn't agree more. The only way that you could possibly get injured is if your boat has loads of heavy people on and you go down the big drop at the end and it gets a bit of air and hits. That hurts your bum but thats the height of it.

Lol, when I went a few months back thats exactly what it done. It scared the hell out of me, and it didnt half hurt.:rolleyes:
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