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The Smiler Incident 02/06/2015


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What's the likelihood that the public will actually be told in detail what went wrong? I mean is there even a legal obligation for the info to be made public?


I *think* the HSE investigation will be made public to some degree, and so that will be reported on.


Given how open and honest Towers and Merlin have been about the situation, I'd be surprised if they didn't make some form of closing remark about what went wrong.  

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What's the likelihood that the public will actually be told in detail what went wrong? I mean is there even a legal obligation for the info to be made public?


HSE are a public body /prosecutor, carrying out an investigation on behalf of the public to ensure and reassure the public of their safety. They want to shout about the work they have completed and publish their results practically daily as seen here. I have no doubt the report, or at least a redacted one, will be published when it is ready. When it is I'm pretty sure it will conclude with confirmation that the measures put in place by the park mean this incident can not happen again and therefore the ride is now safe, and it's my guess that's the point the Alton will reopen it as it counters all the likely press outrage before it occurs.


I doubt Alton know exactly when it will be published, and it might be delayed if a prosecution is necessary, so their 'foreseeable future' unspecified time-frame is probably quite genuine. 

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Due to the 'public interest' in the case they'll probably release a very minimal report once the investigation is complete, something like 'human error, no further comments to be made pending prosecution' then follow it up with the full one once any prosecutions are done, they cannot release the full report immediately because it'll prejudice the case (the defendant could, and should if it happens, argue that due to the the publicity over the report, they cannot expect to have a fair unbias trial).

Prejudice and it consequences should be taught at school, the Americans are a lot hotter on it than us, another board I frequent (USA based) has locked down entire threads on subjects as soon as someone is charged.

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It's probably worth considering the statement HSE made the day after the incident.



“Our role is to establish the facts. We will want to determine that those responsible for operating this ride have done what the law requires. We will also ensure that if there are any lessons to be learned they are shared as soon as possible.

“Although the investigation is in its early stages, we will take action to protect the public if we uncover evidence that could affect the safety of other rides at the park or elsewhere.”

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Sounds like some prosecutions are in the pipeline then, ouch, I hope Merlin don't hang anybody out to dry.

If it is human error, and the ride is not at fault, then they are accountable, and it be will the Judicial System that deals with them, and not Merlin. Merlin are in business to make money for share holders and to entertain, in that order. They have suffered terribly on the first count, and have already proved they are not out for "scalps".

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I guess that'll depend on whether any potential human error was the result of negligence or inadequate training.

They haven't proven anything yet, everything they did was for their own benefit too, the true test will be if/when someone faces charges over it, and whether Merlin front up for that person's defence, or whether they simply say, you're on your own mate. That's assuming Merlin themselves are not standing alongside them in the dock.

Assuming of course.

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Yeah the Mail article is quoted in the other Smiler thread, regardless of what is written in a newspaper, the ride won't reopen until the HSE lift the prohibition order on it, I'm half tempted to do a FOI request to them to see whether there was a time limit on it or whether they decide when it's lifted.

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