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Which Ride Do You Most Want To Go On?


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  • 1 month later...

Furius Baco was a ride I really wanted to go on to see what the seating was like on a launch coaster which I managed to go on last year, it was awesome! I also wanted to go on Nemesis and Air which I have been on now.Some of the rides I most want to go on now are:PMBOTTDKKEl ToroMaverickIncredible HulkRock 'n' RollercoasterG ForceShockwaveMegafobiaExpedition G ForceTatsuMillenium forceKrakenDodonpaThunder DolphinVoyageAlpengeistJust to name a few! :D

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  TPDan said:

XceleratorAnd some more etc etc...

OMG XCELERATOR!!!! <3 <3Trust me you will NOT be disappointed by it if you ever ride it! One of the three rides IMO that is better than Rush.... :DThe rides I would most like to go on:Upswingett - Liseberg!Giant Barn Swing - Silver Dollar CitySwing Shot - KennywoodThunder 'n' Lightning - Lake CompounceNOT Skyhawk...... it looks lame.... sure twice the height as Rush but twice as short.... boo!Also....Apollo's Chariot - Busch Gardens Europe: Looks like it's really fun!Maverick - Cedar Point: A mixture of EVERYTHING!Alpengeist - Busch Gardens Europe: A MAHOOSIVE B&M Invert.Hydra - Dorney: May seem tame but it looks a hell of a lot of fun.Megafobia - Oakwood: Supposedly best woodie we've got.Dragon Khan - Port Aventura: 8 inversions of B&My goodness.....Thunder Coaster - Tusenfryd: Looks INSANELY rough and wild......Kanonnen - Liseberg: It's cute.Dodonpa - Fuji-Q: That acceleration..... :DSteel Dragon 2000 - High, fast, airtime-filled wheel-chucking action!! :D
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  • 5 months later...

top thrill dragstar, lap bar, much more comfortable and only slightly smaller than kingda ka, I've heard it's the better ride so many times so I'd anticipate it more so. I also think Shreikra would be cool to experience but then again, the theme looks terrible, jsut a red track and dull grey car parks situated around it, I like a coaster with good scenary and views.

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