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  Lewie900 said:

I Love All kinds of music apart from RNB and Heavy Metal

Yeah I agree. Heavy Metal annoys me. Can't hear the lyrics, no sense of tune and just don't like its particual style, :) . I guess the heaviest stuff I like is stuff like Avenged Sevenfold and don't mind some Trivium etc. Don't mind some RnB. Rhiannas quite good.
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  • 4 weeks later...

YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!Finally some official news! New Kelly Clarkson single added to radio on January 19th. Means we'll hear Life Would Suck Without You within a couple of weeks. Can't wait.Album coming out on March 17th.And I love how strong her accent is on this video from her official website.

But yes I just needed to get that out of my system. Had a bad week and that just made it all better for me.
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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

From the firey pits of camden townTo elephant and castle undergroundThere ain't no teachers in the schoolthey're all out hustlin' playin' poolThe neighbours complain about the noiseThere's girls in labour with tory boysI say my prayers and go to bedand wake up with a horses headBut if we lean on you, we are gonna fallWhen it's all for one, and one for **** allI will save the world, I will get the girlI'll dismantle a ticking time bomb with just one second to spareI will save the world, I will get the girlAnd you will all point up at the sky as I fly right through the airMother earth is begging you to quitSo you reach the moon and stick a flag in itWell I believe in the people of america, but I still can't believe the terminator's the governorAs the soldiers prepare for combat, someone asks do you want freedom fries with that?We put the 'oops' back in troops now it seems to absurdBut going to war, to prevent war, was the most stupid thing I ever heard.I will save the world, I will get the girlI'll dismantle a ticking time bomb with just one second to spareI will save the world, I will get the girlAnd you will all point up at the sky as I fly right through the airI'm a 20 something OAPI'm screaming at my TVPlaying knockdown ginger, kiss me quickKarate chop and kung-fu kickI try to live a life that's fullTo keep my damage minimalBut only the balief visits meAnd he never stays for a cup of teaBut if we lean on you, we are gonna fallWhen it's all for one, and one for **** allI will save the world, I will get the girlI'll dismantle a ticking time bomb with just one second to spareI will save the world, I will get the girlAnd you will all point up at the sky as I fly right through the airAmazing song.

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