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Saw- Construction Thread


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  alexandercameron said:

Yes attention to detail is lovely ! Notice on the side of container (shop) it has writing saying weight etc etc.. At the top it says PR0 DYLAN then underneath 030309mmmm :P

The container has all the stats for the ride on it below the Pro Dylan bit.
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Quote from http://www.annual-pass.com/news_events/SAW_preview.asp


Due to evacuation procedures, guests unable to walk unaided over short distances of 25 metres+, or down steep stairs are not able to use this ride. Guests must also wear footwear on SAW - The Ride for evacuation reasons.

The style they have informed us with sounds like they 'know' it's going to happen :P
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  Cjw said:

Well they have to. Incase it does. :P

Of course. But it sounds like they have it planned :P Speaking of Annual Pass Day, I am waiting for the main opening on Saturday because I have college on Friday. I really couldn't care less about riding if 'first' either, unless I was the actually one the 8 riding the very first train (which isn't going to happen).
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  Paul said:

True. I imagine that the number of people with AP's is also quite high, so the queue on Friday and Saturday probably won't be much different. Also, if it is busy, you can probably buy a fastrack for SAW for cheaper than £5 on the day :P.

Yeah but not many people with Annual Pass's are going to take a day off work / school on a cold March day to pay £5 to ride 5 rides, even though they can get in free the next day and ride everything :P
  tpkabz said:

So has Ride It First been scrapped then. Thats what it seems like.

Ride It First winners will ride it in the morning. Hence the 2pm opening.
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  Mr. Hicks said:

I'm planning to go around April-ish time, because I'm going to wait until the press and hype have died down before I make my long trek up to Thorpe to ride SAW.No spoilers now! :P

I am going to leave it a few weeks before going. Should have died down a bit by then :P.
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  TimR said:

It will still be very busy in April since school holidays it will probally nbe even more busy than March

You might want to re-check your post. And yes, the holidays are the busiest times of the year. However, March is still reasonably busy, especially with a new ride just installed.
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  Mark9 said:


In flourescent skirts and tights!!! :PHmm I can't afford to renew my pass yet...tempted to go as someone's guest...Maaaaarc? :PI know £20 for SAW and a few other rides is a bit much but I don't care.But then again what if I want to go the next day as well? Hmm...
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This picture is on the "blueprint for torture" bit off SAWTHERIDE.com. I wondered whether there'll be bits that aren't really queueline and you'd have to get, say, from the entrance of this room, out the other side maybe trying to avoid a live actor... or two on the way. Or not? Were there ever any plans showing the queueline inside the building?L'image:Posted Image

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For those going keep in mind that Friday is a school day, sencondary schools (which I guess is Saws prime audience) end at around 3:00 - 3:40. With travel included means that most people would either have not enough time or have no parents to give them a lift. I think the real reason Thorpe are opening on Friday is press. I suspect newspapers and news broadcasters will be there. The annual pass aspect was probaly just an afterthought.

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