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The jumbos is only staying like this for this year, they will be re-theming the ride in the closed season, to fit in with the new area opening next year. The management had 2 options at the beginning of this year, 1 to re-instae the jumbos into the new area unthemed or 2 remove it completely for one year and re-instate next year completely themed. I think they chose the right option.

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The jumbos is only staying like this for this year, they will be re-theming the ride in the closed season, to fit in with the new area opening next year. The management had 2 options at the beginning of this year, 1 to re-instae the jumbos into the new area unthemed or 2 remove it completely for one year and re-instate next year completely themed. I think they chose the right option.

If this is the case, then I would agree. It would surely cost alot more to remove a ride and then reinstall it, as opposed to simply relocating it. Plus, while it may only be Jumbos, it can contribute to eating queues, I say that loosely.

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They still need to remove half the rides in the park and replace them with things with actual through-puts though...

IF the safari thing manages 1000 an hour, that's one thing, but the actual park side of the thing needs to get rid of anything below 500 pph and get things above that figure...

Wonder how people feel when they queue 45 minutes for Truckers...

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Trucks is just insanity isn't it. Just actual insanity. Why do people get in a 45 min wait for it? Just why?

I think the only reason that gets such a queue is because it's so exposed and it's easy for children to see what to expect. You don't see Toadies get that queue, though there's no reason why not, the rides are very similar. I think rebranding Toadies and opening up the front of it to draw attention to it would do wonders. But then perhaps that would have a queue it cannot cope with, too?

Regardless, Trucks needs to go... But instead they take the action to cover it's queue, suggesting it's not going anywhere.

Benin is right, they can't continue with these low capacity rides acting as staples. Chessington is not a premier park on paper, but it's dealing with premier crowds. They don't have a single attraction which can deal appropriately with the numbers they get.

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Maybe the queue cover can work to the advantage when it gets burnt to the ground? More wood to get the fire stoked and ready to melt the bloody thing...

Personally, I would get rid of Trucks, Berries, Toadies, Madhouse, Playhouse and Capers and just fill the resulting space with a few more flats/assorted things that improve the park throughput... And it's likely that only two rides would actually balance it out...

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Less than 200 people an hour...

Soul sucking doesn't even begin to describe the emotions felt operating it alone... And that was BEFORE Fastrack...

Don't forget that 1 car is for exit riders and another is for fastrack, meaning only 3 cars are for the main queue ;) Love trucks

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Celebrating a rare occassion where you get all five trucks with four people on them. The rarity, the glamour, the shock.

A moment that will forever stay with me... The staring people watching me dance in the control box after my first full load on Truckers...


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