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Greying / Blacking Out

Theme Park bloke

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I've just had several great days at Alton Towers.Yet I've been blacking out on Nemesis. I've been on it 5 times.Is it something I should worry about? I've come back from the park a little worried about this and and worried whether this will harm or affect me long-term in my life.The blackouts usually occur as halfway through the helix (or Zero G roll?), after the first corkscrew, and although I "see" white, not black, my vision is usually back as we exit the second corkscrew over the station. This means the ride photo you see of me is during a blackout.The only other ride I get blackouts on is Colossus, it happens as we exit the loop, meaning I miss half the bunnyhop.Is this something I should make a doctors appointment for, or just mention to the doctor next time I am there?Please can anyone help or advise?

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On my first ride on Colossus back in 2007, I'm not sure if I had a black out, but when I came off the ride I couldn't remember anything from the loop to the last inline twist. Like I said, I'm not sure if it was a blackout but it could have been. It hasn't happened to me on any ride since. If it's happening to you often, then yes I would advise to seek medical help.Although if I was to say something, I would think that blackouts are very common and not something to be very worried about. Red-outs are what you need to worry about.

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From the sounds of it, it's pretty normal, On Colossus it's weird at the bottom of the first drop I get a sort of starry white effect in front of my eyes for a few seconds.However I think I'm just weird, I get migraines after any exercise whatsoever, in fact that reminds me I'm going to hospital about that next week :PIt's really not anything serious to worry about, might be worth a mention to your doctor next time but I wouldn't make an appointment specially for it.There was a TV programme a while ago about roller coasters and it mentioned Black-outs and white-outs etc, What you are experiencing is almost definitely NOT a red out ;)

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I used to black out on Nemesis Inferno on the Zero G Roll, but now I don't.Same with SAW: The Ride, The main drop made me black out, but now I don't on that neither.The only ride that makes me black out vertually everytime I ride it is Nemesis at Alton Towers.(But I will still go on it loads of times, as it is my favourite ride at Alton! ;))As people have said, I would not worry if they are only occuring on Rides and Attractions.

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This is a pretty common problem. I've heard many experiences of people having grey- outs on inferno and Nemesis. I've experienced it on Inferno during the vertical loop.It happens because the G- Forces you are experiencing pulls all the blood away from your head, and towards your legs. A grey out can affect you if you are de-hydrated, or tired, as the body isn't functioning as well as it could be.It's nothing to worry about, but if you feel as though you need to, then definately go speak to your doctor.

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  On 9/1/2013 at 6:47 AM, JoshC. said:

I think there's other factors which can affect grey outs. For example, if you're dehydrated, been riding rides for a long period of time, etc., so it could vary from person to person.

I've come close to a grey out on Swarm, but never actually had one. Only Saw and Inferno have given me grey outs - but both times it had happened, I had re-riden them a lot, and it was a hot day.

  On 9/1/2013 at 2:20 AM, pluk said:

Grey out will happen with sustained g's, not necessarily high g's, so I suppose it makes sense as Swarm has some quite drawn out manoeuvres. I don't come close to greying out on it though so am surprised if people really do as it should be quite a consistent thing amongst most people.

If you grey out on The Swarm I would strongly suggest you never ever get on Goliath at 6 flags magic mountain!

  On 9/1/2013 at 12:10 AM, J.S217 said:

Is it strange this is the only ride I have actually fully Greyed out on.

Wiki on greying out

I can't feel other peoples experiences obviously, but when people talk of greying/blacking out on coasters like The Swarm I'm not entirely sure that's what has happened to them.

I think of it as a very specific thing and it has only fully happened to me on Goliath. As the helix continues on and on and the pressure builds up and up the pressure pulls the blood out of your head and as you see it the world around you turns grey as the colour drains out until what you are seeing is in black and white and slowly fading to nothing. If it were continue it would become a white out which would fairly swiftly lead to loss of conciousness.

I don't see that there is any element or combination of elements which could possibly do that on The Swarm, they are just not strong enough or prolonged enough. What I do sometimes get is a light headed feeling on The Swarm (mostly going into the stations flyover), on Colossus (through the rolls) and little spots on plenty of other coasters. I think a lot of people might feel that and think 'whoa, I was starting to grey out there' when really they weren't, they are actually a long long way from it and are just getting a little message from their brain that it can't quite work out what the hell is going on. By its nature a grey out can only be the result of a prolonged application of g's. If people really are getting them on such short forces you've got to wonder if your heart is quite up to the job!

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