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Polishing off Creds - Auschwitz & Krakow (No Creds)

No creds or parks to report on in this blog post, but there'll be a few visitor attraction things. So yeah, still give it a read...   Monday morning came and, for whatever reason, no parks seem to open on Mondays in Poland during off peak (Legendia only opened Friday-Sunday, Energylandia closed on Mondays). So, in an unusual twist for my trips, we planned a full day of non-theme park stuff and culture.   The first stop of the day was Auschwitz, which was just over 30mins away



Polishing off Creds - Legendia

It feels like half of the European coaster community has decided to venture over to Poland this month, following the opening of that small coaster Hyperion, and with rapid expansion taking place at the two major Polish parks - Legendia and Energylandia. But how do they actually fair?   We flew to Katowice on a Saturday evening, arriving at our hotel late, giving us the perfect opportunity to arrive at Legendia Sunday morning. Legendia is based in Silesia, an old mining district of the



Canada's Wonderland

The final park of the trip is a short skip and a jump from Toronto, Canadas Wonderland is a park boasting 16 rollercoasters and masses of flat rides. Whilst only two of the rollercoasters are really noteworthy, the park is well known for hosting the only Huss Jump 2 in the world as well as owning a Mondial Super Nova and top scan.    So.. first the elephant in the room.   The humongous and previously biggest B&M ever is an intimidating beast. Surrounding the park ent



Seeing The Point: Creek goes to the USA- Part 2- All The Mall Things

Welcome Back (if you didn’t get bored last time).    Previously, I left you with a Cliff hanger on whether we managed to get on Top Thrill Dragster. I’m afraid this is going to be a bit of a disappointment, because we didn’t return to the park. On the second day (at least).    Day 2- A Pointless Day Although our hotel package included park tickets, these were only valid for three days, so at least one of our days was to be away from the park.    With adverse weather

Matt 236

Matt 236

Launches, Freefalls and Airtime in Sweden - My Liseberg Review

Liseberg caught my attention in 2014 with the launch of Helix, and has since been very much on my agenda to visit.  With it being my first non-UK park, there were high expectations and I was extremely excited to visit.   Firstly, looking at the park itself, it’s absolutely beautiful.  The location in Gothenburg is amazing and I like the fact that many of the rides are built into the hillside, whilst also entwining between each other; it’s very Blackpool-on-a-hill ish.  Helix has a fant



Cedar Point 2

(As if you havent had enough of Cedar Point already)   Blue Streak So this woody has a problem in that there's a part of the ride that travels past the bins and it absolutely stinks. Other then that this is a surprisingly fast and brutal wooden coaster and it took us a little bit by surprise. It had two trains running and never had a queue. I like.   Corkscrew This was pretty standard actually and apart from doing its thing over the pathway and has sentimental value



Seeing The Point: Creek goes to the USA Part I

America! It’s somewhere I have wanted to go and visit since I can remember.    I had always dreamt of visiting here, since seeing it in films, television and more. The style and the culture.    Recently that dream became a reality, thanks to a great opportunity with some great mates. Bringing not only a chance to visit the states but one of it’s most iconic parks Cedar Point.    Now you’ve probably already read Mark9’s informative trips from here, so a different scope sh

Matt 236

Matt 236

Cedar Point Part 1

I'm going to go via the park layout when talking about the rides here, its easier then trying to remember the order (Millennium Force will be the exception).   Ah Cedar Point. Ever since I first got properly into rides in 2003, seeing the Top Thrill Dragster documentary on Ch4 (I think), I've been endeavouring to get out there but things stopped me. But no more.  The first thing that surprised me really was the park layout. The front of the park is absolutely loaded with attractio



Six Flags Great America

Cedar Point. Magic Mountain. Islands of Adventure. When you think of American theme parks, these three really are the gold standard when it comes to Uk enthusiast interest. And for good reason CP and MM have a tonne of rollercoasters, IOA is a goldmine for theme lovers (if you can ignore the sheds). It sometimes amazes me just how many US parks fall completely under the radar like SF over Georgia, or Carrowinds or the park I'll be reviewing, Six Flags Great America. This is no run of the mill Si



Vialand Theme Park

Vialand is Turkey's best theme park and Located in Istanbul,Turkey.After little refurbish Vialand renamed to "İsfanbul Theme Park". (My personal idea is Vialand should make something new because they have only one coaster and they haven't done anything new since 2012..)     Here is some attractions:   Nefeskesen: 110 km/h in 3 seconds.       Viking: 49 Feet super-soaking splash experience.       Adalet Kule



First visit to Blackpool review

My first experience of Blackpool started off before I had even arrived. Driving into the seaside town, the first thing you're greeted by are miles of banners for Icon. Blackpool is first and foremost a tourism hotspot and the Pleasure Beach is very much at the centre of this town. My first impressions of the promenade are not entirely positive. The street is quite tacky; donut stalls, arcades, casinos and pink horse rides are found along length of the street. The amazing views out to sea and san



Wickerman- A Hot Topic

The Wickerman marks a noticeable and remarkable  change from previous Secret Weapon coasters. Not only does it aim more towards older families (over thrill-seekers) but it doesn’t feature a ground breaking element (if one can excuse their previous claims. It’s made out of wood too by the way. This review contains spoilers.    Now enthusiasts, fans and the like have been wanting   a wooden roller coaster at Towers for years. Previously with little success, until now. Cross Valley

Matt 236

Matt 236

An ICON launches in Blackpool - My Review

A cryptic wheel cover and demolition of a bridge, followed by markings on the ground.  A pIt of concrete footers.  Then a coaster.  Even after watching the project for well over two years, it feels surreal standing next to the twisted metal track of Icon and seeing the trains swish around what was previously a lake.   Visible from many locations within the park, Icon makes its presence known simply by being there.  It may not be tall, but in terms of land covered it’s HUGE.  First impr



Eye Of The Tiger

Chessington. It is arguably one of the most iconic and notable tourist attractions in the United Kingdom and naturally enriched in facts and history.   Opening it’s doors in 1931, Chessington Zoo was born and was once the largest private zoo in England as a result. Years passed by and Pearsons brought up the zoo. When the 1980’s arrived, the zoo was believed to be in decline and Tussauds (part of Pearsons) had the challenge of rejuvenating the attraction to a new generation.  

Matt 236

Matt 236

Why Wicker Man is the best UK coaster since 1996

Wicker Man.  I think it’s fair to say that I had very mixed feelings during the construction and build-up process for this ride.  Whilst I was happy to see a new wooden coaster finally grace the UK line-up, I had reservations about how good it would be; there weren’t any huge drops in the layout, so would it pick up enough speed to be thrilling?   On approaching the ride, the excitement builds from the moment you see the hugely impressive Wicker Man structure and entrance signage come



London Bridge Experience and The Tombs- Review

Okay I know its only April but fu** you I'm writing this review.   So the London Bridge and Tombs is an attraction that has always been on my radar- whether it be the rave reviews from Scaretour or walking past it when the Dungeons was down the road. So after a trek down to London I thought I might as well experience it for myself- does it compare to The Dungeons? (apologies for these straight outta snapchat photos )     **Mild Spoilers**  



The Walking Dead - The Review

So, I figured I may as well give a bit more insight about my views on The Walking Dead - The Ride.   I know plenty of people have pretty much written it off already, and it's almost trendy to hate the idea, but I do think it's worth going into this with an open mind.  The overall experience is good, well themed, and does justice to what the ride and building was designed to achieve.     The entrance portal is nice.  It is standard run down Thorpe style, but it is still good. 



'Wicked' Man.

The Worst GCI in modern history. Wicker Man will be **** we all know it. Doesn't look very interesting, not very fast at all.   Just three ways Wicker Man has been described over the closed season on this forum. There's a wealth of material, of people lining up to give the first modern woodie in the UK in 22 years a good kicking. The point where coaster enthusiasts have already ruled themselves judge, jury and executioner on a ride way before anyone had even had the chance to ride. Her



Wicker Man - The Truth

When it comes to reviewing something, I try to be as honest, straight-talking and truthful as I can to the reader because above anything else, integrity to me is the most appreciated value I admire in someone when I am seeking for advice with their opinions. That way, if I decide to pluck down my own money, time and effort on something, I can be assured there is nothing being kept hidden when trying the product myself and therefore, trust can be built.   I believe this first paragraph



Something Stupid: Thorpe Half Marathon 2018

Something Stupid: Thorpe Half Marathon 2018   How far would you go, as an enthusiast, to build your collection of Theme Park tat?   ...   Take out a Wonga loan to cover the cost? Break up with your long term partner so you can free up some space? How about run a half marathon to earn it...?   Well, last Sunday saw me do Something Stupid as I found myself running the 21 kilometres of the 2018 Thorpe Half Marathon, all in an attempt to nab the jazz



Phantasialand: Ein Deutsches Winterwunderland

Phantasialand is one of my favourite theme parks, it may not be the biggest park out there, but they certainly know how to mix a combination of attractions within remarkable footprints.   Just over a year following my first visit, I decided to make a return visit for Winter to see the park beautifully lit up and decorated for Christmas. Berlin Street, a beautiful park entrance (at least once you get past the street). It borrows some elements from Main Street but also makes i

Matt 236

Matt 236

End of year review 2017

If 2015 and 2016 were anything, empty would be the main word. I'd lost my coaster enthusiasm in a big way with only trips to the Disney parks across Florida, California and Paris being real highlights, their blend of capacity, good hours and efficiency being real draws. Any time I'd visited Merlin parks, I'd been frustrated with just how boring and badly run they had become. If I remember 2017 for anything, it would be the year that I got back into theme parks in a big way. It happened relativel




So I visited Liseberg back in July, and I just wanted to share a few thoughts on the park...  Majority of my photos were like so bad so I'm just stealing photos from the park's website to break things up.   Ultimately, I was left a bit...unfulfilled? by the park.  I don't know how to describe it.  The quality of some of the attractions at the park is really good, but the park itself just do 'it' for me.   Helix Let's get this out the way.  Helix is truly fantastic.  It's



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